Author: |
郭玉芬 Yuh-Fen Guo |
Thesis Title: |
走在組織變革的路上–以土地銀行民營化對分行員工工作的威脅評估為例 Walking on the Road of Organizational Change-Privatization of a Land Bank Branch Employee Threat Appraisal Case |
Advisor: |
Jen-Wei Cheng |
Committee: |
Yi-Kuei Lin 陳俊男 Chun-Nan Chen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 66 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 民營化 、商業經營模式 、組織變革 、員工抗拒 、變革準備度 、威脅評估 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Privatization, Business Model, Organizational Change, Employees Resist, Change Readiness, Treat Appraisal |
Reference times: | Clicks: 638 Downloads: 8 |
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但政府自1989 年正式揭櫫公營事業民營化政策,營運至目前階段,土地銀行若要再度擴展向前跨出一步,自應配合金融監督管理委員會對提高本國銀行之自有資本及加強流動性管理之監督、管理,以提升自身風險管理能力。土地銀行面臨著經營困境之時,背負著公營沉重的包袱,要如何向前跨出變革的第一步,站在抉擇的分叉路口,公司未來發展的方向,而員工對此組織即將發生的變革存在什麼樣的態度?支持抑或是反對?冷漠或是熱烈參與?
In the process of economic development, the structure of the financial services industry in Taiwan’s economic development, has always been the foundation of a meaningful indicator of industrial, financial services and more play an important role to support the development of other sectors。Of the present case - the Land Bank, the Department of the genus financial services, under the existing government policy umbrella, after nearly seven years of efforts, now have a place, and since the financial market liberalization competing to compete, the service has grown to the size of Taiwan, in recent years, is also actively cross the island of Taiwan, the tentacles of international development,
But the government formally enshrined in the policy of privatization of public enterprises since 1989, to the current stage of the operation, the Land Bank to extend once again step forward should be fit from the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) to raise their own capital Bank and strengthen supervision and management of liquidity management to enhance their risk management capabilities. Land Bank when faced with financial difficulties, burdened with the heavy burden of the public, how to change forward in the first step, fork in the road stood choices, the company's future development direction, and the staff of this organization is about to happen What kind of attitude change exist? support or are against? indifferent or enthusiastic participation?
This paper contains case content and teacher's manual in two parts, to explore through the case, open to enable readers to understand the public shares in the bank in the course of business, the survival of industry and under the structure of the market sharply changing environment, in addition to senior managers must respond to its external environment changes and whether the competition sometimes understand the grassroots needs of employees, elimination of resistance to change in order to make the company the organism, cross a steady pace continues forward.
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