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研究生: 喻文質
Wen-Chih Yu
論文名稱: 國家實驗動物中心建築規劃之研究
Architectural planning of the National Laboratory Animal Center
指導教授: 阮怡凱
Yi-Kai Juan
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Shen-Guan Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 國家實驗動物中心SPF級國際品質
外文關鍵詞: National Laboratory Animal Center, SPF international quality
相關次數: 點閱:229下載:5
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  • 行政院為推動六大新興產業發展、加速推動我國生技產業,於98年10月7日核定「台灣生技起飛鑽石行動方案」行動計畫,核心概念在於「強化價值鏈(value chain)第二棒的產業化研發」,為配合行政院推動此方案,中央研究院積極推動南港地區「國家生技研究園區」開發案。

    To promote the development of six emerging industries and to accelerate domestic biotech industry, on Oct. 7th, 1999, Executive Yuan approved "Taiwan Biotech Takeoff Diamond Action Plan", of which the core concept was to "strengthen the industrialized R&D--the second link on the value chain". In order to cooperate with Executive Yuan on the promotion, the Academia Sinica has actively promoted the "National Biotechnology Research Park" development project in Nankang area.
    Academia Sinica combined biotechnology research institutions related to the abovementioned action plan, including: Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health, National Laboratory Animal Center, Development Center for Biotechnology and Taiwan Supra Integration and Incubation Center, to create the first domestic cross-department biotech drug development environment.
    This study mainly focuses on the "National Laboratory Animal Center"; because there are only six laboratory animal centers in Taiwan that has obtained AAALAC international certificate and there are not enough relevant design guidelines; partial schools have set laboratory animal centers without supporting measures, thus the research results cannot be recognized. As the North "National Laboratory Animal Center" is relocated due to the abovementioned plan, the study intends to deeply involve in its production process and precautions, and build a set of design guidelines.
    This study covers only the planning and design, analyzes the related issues of "National Laboratory Animal Center" in details. The major analysis contents include circulation design, settings of spatial scales and locations of each functional space. After constant discussion with experts and the use of questionnaires, the study has set out planning guidelines for the practical planning project for "National Laboratory Animal Center". The five basic researches of the planning design are: secure partitions, people circulation, (clean and contaminated) equipment circulation, organism (in production area, test area and experiment area) circulation, and waste disposal circulation.
    "Medical Biotechnology Industry" is the spindle of Taiwan's biotechnology industry, thus the development counts on the laboratory animals. This study expects to extend the existing institutions in the most complete and rapid way, so that they can meet the demand of the developing biotech industry and also transform from animal providers to international certified vendors of rodent production, technology platforms and R&D centers.

    第一章 緒論 1-1 研究動機 1-2 研究目的 1-3 研究範圍 1-4 研究方法 1-5 研究流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2-1 實驗動物 2-1-1 SPF 2-2 國家實驗動物中心 2-2-1 AAALAC 2-2-2 AAALAC認證 2-2-3 IACUC 2-3 生物安全動物實驗室分級 2-3-1 生物安全動物實驗室環境設施 2-3-2 生物安全動物實驗室特殊設備-生物安全操作櫃 2-3-3 生物安全動物實驗室特殊設備-消毒、滅菌設備 2-3-4 生物安全動物實驗室特殊設備-籠具IVC 2-4 無塵室 2-4-1 無塵室分類 2-4-2 無塵室特殊要求及特性 2-5 生物安全等級實驗室 第三章 建築需求、專家訪談及使用者問卷調查 3-1 建築基本資料 3-1-1 實驗動物中心建築基本資料 3-1-2 實驗動物中心-空間需求表 3-2 專家訪談與使用者問卷調查 3-2-1 專家訪談目的 3-2-2 專家訪談對象 3-2-3 專家訪談資料彙整 3-2-3-1 「實驗動物中心」空間組織規劃 3-2-3-2 無特定病源屏障系統 3-2-3-3 一般品系繁殖區 3-2-3-4 清洗及滅菌準備區 3-2-3-5 檢疫及對外服務區設計 3-2-4 問卷資料分析 3-2-4-1 品管實驗室 3-2-4-2 診斷實驗室 3-2-4-3 研發實驗室 3-2-4-4 遺傳及基因調控實驗室 第四章 實證推演—案例研究 4-1 實證推演─評分表 4-2 實證推演─案例一 4-2-1 案例一─機電設計原則 4-2-2 案例一─圖說位置標示 4-3 實證推演─案例二 4-3-1 案例二─機電設計原則 4-3-2 案例二─圖說位置標示 4-4 實證推演─案例三 4-4-1 案例三─機電設計原則 4-4-2 案例三─圖說位置標示 4-5 案例評分受訪者對象 4-6 案例驗證 第五章 結論及建議 5-1 結論 5-2 建議事項

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