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研究生: 陳文雄
Wen-hsiung Chen
論文名稱: 田口法應用在水冷電源供應器之數值分析
Taguchi Method Applied on The Numerical Analysis of Water Cooling for Power Supply
指導教授: 林顯群
Sheam-Chyun Lin
口試委員: 郭鴻森
Hong-Sen Kou
Ji-Jen Lee
Cheng-Fang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 田口法Flotherm水冷散熱器電源供應器
外文關鍵詞: Taguchi Method, Flotherm, Water Block, Power Supply
相關次數: 點閱:547下載:21
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本文主要目的是結合田口法與Flotherm 數值模擬,來做為整體電源供應器水冷散熱器之設計分析,並以低成本穩定之品質為設計目標。文中以流道數目、流道鰭片高度與厚度、散熱器基座及上蓋材質、散熱器入水口分流板等七個可控制因子,採用2水準作參數設計,並使用L827田口直交表配置,來模擬不同條件的溫度差異,經過各因子的訊號噪音比及效應影響分析,得到易加工、低成本且兼具均溫效果的模型;其在環溫50℃、水流量0.2L/Min下,可以有效散掉電源供應器150W之熱量,散熱器基座與立式散熱片之界面,模擬之溫度平均值為76.01℃,且量測點之平均溫度差異維持在 2℃內。選擇此參數條件製作樣品並經實驗驗證,其實驗與模擬結果之溫度誤差皆低於7.2%。研究結果顯示應用田口法可以有效減少模擬次數將原本七因子二水準需做128次簡化成12次,能夠讓設計者快速得到較佳的設計參數,縮短產品開發時間與成本、增加品質穩定性,並藉由水冷散熱系統的應用,達成高散熱能力之訴求。

The main purpose of this investigation is to design and analyze a water-cooling element in PC power supply by using Taguchi method and CFD software (Flotherm). In order to find the optimized design quickly, 7 control factors (number and height of fins, material and so on) with two levels (high and low) are selected in using Taguchi method. By analyzing the signal-noise ratio and effects, the water block with characteristics of easy manufacture, low cost, and uniform temperature distribution can be found successfully. In this work, the numerical models are set and executed under 50oC environmental temperature and 0.2 L/Min volume-flow rate of water. The amount of power consumption used here is 150W. The result indicates that mean temperature and thermal resistance Rja of the best water block is 76.01℃ and 0.1734℃/W, respectively. The mean-temperature deviations of all the cases are within 2 ℃. In addition, the prototype is manufactured by the CNC machine to carry out the experimental verification. It is demonstrated that the error percentage between simulation and experiment is within 7.2%. And the trend of numerical simulation is agree well with the experimental result. Moreover, the required number of simulations can be reduced from 128 to 12 by using Taguchi method. Thus, it can be concluded that Taguchi method can be used to develop the water-cooling element efficiently and shorten the period of product development.

目錄 中文摘要……………………………………………………………… i 英文摘要………………………………………………………………ii 誌謝……………………………………………………………………iii 目錄……………………………………………………………………iv 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………vii 表目錄…………………………………………………………………x 符號索引………………………………………………………………xi 第一章緒論…………………………………………………………1 1.1前言…………………………………………………………………1 1.2文獻回顧……………………………………………………………4 1.3研究動機與目的……………………………………………………9 第二章PC電源供應器架構及熱對策…………………………… 13 2.1 PC電源供應器架構簡介…………………………………………13 2.2 PC電源供應器之主要元件………………………………………22 2.3 PC電源供應器散熱分析…………………………………………25 2.3.1 熱傳導………………………………………………………25 2.3.2 熱對流………………………………………………………26 2.3.3 電源供應器常用散熱片架構介紹…………………………28 2.4 PC電源供應器散熱對策…………………………………………30 第三章 散熱器製作………………………………………………… 38 3.1散熱片製程之介紹……………………………………………… 38 3.2 散熱器製作說明…………………………………………………51 第四章 研究方法…………………………………………………… 54 4.1 Flotherm 數值模擬應用……………………………………… 54 4.1.1 Flotherm數值運算概論……………………………………54 4.1.2 Flotherm模擬說明…………………………………………56 4.2 田口法原理與使用…………………………………………… 61 4.2.1設計參數的種類…………………………………………… 62 4.2.2品質特性…………………………………………………… 65 4.2.3直交表……………………………………………………… 67 4.2.4參數設計的步驟…………………………………………… 67 第五章 實驗程序…………………………………………………… 69 5.1 實驗設備…………………………………………………………69 5.2實驗量測的程序規則…………………………………………… 77 5.2.1實驗程序…………………………………………………… 77 5.2.2 水冷散熱器效能評估………………………………………79 第六章 模擬與實驗結果…………………………………………… 83 6.1參數選擇與設計………………………………………………… 83 6.2田口法參數最佳化……………………………………………… 89 6.2.1 模擬結果與因子效應分析…………………………………91 6.2.2 修正參數因子分析……………………………………….100 6.3實驗結果比較……………………………………………………109 第七章 結論與建議…………………………………………………114 7.1結論………………………………………………………………114 7.2建議………………………………………………………………116 參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 118


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