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研究生: 司馬伊凡
M.M. Irfan - Subakti
論文名稱: 以變數為中心的智慧型規則系統
A Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System
指導教授: 何正信
Cheng-Seen Ho
Hahn-Ming Lee
口試委員: 曾憲雄
Zeng Xian Xong
Yen-Tseng Hsu
Ye Ming Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 智慧型規則系統變數
外文關鍵詞: knowledge building, Ripple Down Rules, Rule-based Systems, knowledge refining, knowledge inferencing
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:3
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A Rule-based System (RBS) is a good system to get the answer of What, How, and Why questions from the rule base during inferencing. Answers and explanations are properly provided. The problem with RBS is that it can’t easily perform the knowledge acquisition process and it can’t update the rules automatically. Only the expert can update them, manually, by the support of a knowledge engineer. Moreover most researches in RBS concern more about the optimization of the existing rules than about generating new rules from them. Rule optimization, however, can not change the result of the inferencing, significantly, in term of knowledge coverage.
Ripple Down Rules (RDR) came up to overcome the major problem of expert systems: experts no longer always communicate knowledge in a specific context. RDR allows for extremely rapid and simple knowledge acquisition without the help of a knowledge engineer. The user does not ever need to examine the rule base in order to define new rules: the user only needs to be able to define a new rule that correctly classifies a given example, and the system can determine where the rule should be placed in the hierarchy. The limitation of RDR is the lack of powerful inference. Unlike RBS which is equipped with inference through forward and backward chaining, RDR seems to use Depth First Search (DFS) which lacks the flexibility of question answering and explanation accrued from powerful inference.
A Variable-Centered Intelligent Rule System (VCIRS) is proposed in this thesis. It hybridizes RBS and RDR. The system architecture is adapted from RBS and obtains advantages from RDR. This system organizes the rule base in a special structure so that easy knowledge building, powerful knowledge inferencing and evolutional improvement of system performance can be obtained at the same time. The term “Intelligent” in VCIRS stresses that it can “learn” to improve the system performance from the user during knowledge building (via value analysis) and refining (by rule generation).

ABSTRACTiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTv TABLE OF CONTENTSvi LIST OF TABLESviii LIST OF FIGURESix Chapter 1 Introduction1 1.1 Background1 1.2 Motivation2 1.3 Problem Specification3 1.4 Proposed Solution3 1.5 Related Literature4 1.6 Organization of the Thesis6 Chapter 2 Background7 2.1 Rule-based Systems7 2.1.1 Definition7 2.1.2 Structure7 2.2 Ripple Down Rules10 2.2.1 Single Classification Ripple Down Rules10 2.2.2 Multiple Classification Ripple Down Rules12 2.2.3 Important Properties of RDR Systems13 Chapter 3 System Description18 3.1 Term Definition19 3.2 System Architecture22 3.3 Variable-Centered Rule Structure24 3.3.1 Node Structure24 3.3.2 Rule Structure26 3.4 Knowledge Refinement27 3.4.1 Variable Analysis27 3.4.2 Value Analysis27 3.4.3 Rule Generation30 3.5 Knowledge Building36 3.6 Knowledge Inferencing40 3.6.1 RDR Inferencing Mechanism41 3.6.2 RBS Inferencing Mechanism43 3.6.3 Confidence Factor44 3.7 Knowledge Base Transformation45 Chapter 4 System Demonstraction and Evalution48 4.1 Knowledge Building48 4.2 Variable Analysis53 4.3 Value Analysis54 4.4 Rule Generation57 4.5 Knowledge Inferencing62 4.5.1 RDR Inferencing62 4.5.2 Knowledge Base Transformation65 4.5.3 RBS Inferencing67 Forward Chaining69 Backward Chaining74 4.6 System Evaluation80 Chapter 5 Conclusions84 5.1 Summary84 5.2 Future Research85 References87 Appendix A Knowledge Building Details91 Appendix B Computing Relative Node Order115 Appendix C Computing Relative Variable Order118 Appendix D Confirmation of Generated Node125 Appendix E Implementation Details128 E.1 System Specifications128 E.2 Database Structure128 E.2.1 Relationships Diagram129 E.2.2 Node Structure129 E.2.3 Rule Structure130 E.2.4 Rule130 E.2.5 Node131 E.2.6 Variable131 E.2.7 Conclusion131 E.3 Program Modules131 E.3.1 Knowledge Building132 E.3.2 Knowledge Inferencing135 E.3.2.1 RDR Inferencing135 E.3.2.2 RBS Inferencing137 E.3.3 Knowledge Refinement140 E.3.3.1 Variable Analysis141 E.3.3.2 Value Analysis141 E.3.3.3 Rule Generation142

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