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研究生: 呂政哲
論文名稱: 物聯網技術應用於智慧綠建築照明能源設計高效化之研究-以C公司新事業發展為例
Application of IoT Technology for Optimize Lighting Energy Consumption on Intelligent Green Building
指導教授: 林柏廷
Po-Ting Lin
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Hsiu-Yang Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網智慧綠建築照明設計高效化技術發展藍圖
外文關鍵詞: IoT, Intelligent Green Building, Lighting Design, Energy efficient, Technology Roadmap
相關次數: 點閱:231下載:0
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本研究旨在探討物聯網技術應用於建築物照明能源高效化設計,並經由正向實證的過程中開展出個案新事業發展計畫。首先,在設計驗證方面將由模擬軟體DIALux與EnergyPlus建立一個室內數位場域,完成照明與空調重點項目之能耗分析與數據呈現,從而求查各種環控情境之節能效益優化。其次,在新事業藍圖進展上係先利用市場次級資料等數據蒐集來勾勒出發展願景;同時針對外部產業環境之波特五力分析(Porter’s 5 FORCES)與內部基礎條件之道斯矩陣(SWOT)分析法找出公司之核心市場定位;緊接著再透過策略技術藍圖導入法(T-Plan)規劃出個案新事業發展藍圖並實現總體之佈局。


The world is undergoing an energy transformation. According to International Energy Agency , it projects that global electricity demand will grow by nearly 60% by 2040, of which illumination and air conditioning in buildings are responsible for approximately 25% of total energy consumption. Therefore, all countries are actively proposing energy-conservation and carbon-reduction goals of buildings and strengthening new energy design standards. For instance, Taiwan has introduced energy development act which identified green building as one of the top priorities for future social development in 2017. As a result, if the energy consumption of lighting and HVAC in buildings can be reasonably reduced, it will be regarded as play a crucial role and green metrics.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the application of IoT technology for optimize lighting energy consumption of buildings, and then develop a new business plan. First, simulation software such as DIALux and EnergyPlus enables us to construct a digital model which generates an estimation of total energy consumed by lighting and air-conditioning. The data collected from the simulation can then be used for improve energy efficiency of various building sectors and thereby achieve energy optimization.. Secondly, on the progress of new business roadmap is to use market secondary data to outline the development vision. Lastly, we will focus on Porter’s 5 FORCES and use SWOT analysis to find the company's core value, then use T-Plan method to plan a new business development.

In addition, the research proposed a three-year R&D strategic vision of the new business by C company. Except to filling product items that are in short supply in response to the needs of the lighting market for smart green building, and the optimization design of its simulation engineering case that can also be used as a reference for industry norms. Then we look forward to using this step-by-step planning method to meet customers' new market and driven by strong revenue growth for the future. That could be expanded Taiwan's lighting market share effectively and move towards the second wave of growth for case company.

摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 11 1.1 研究背景 11 1.2 研究動機 13 1.3 研究目的 14 1.4 研究流程 15 1.5 研究範圍 17 第二章 照明產業技術結構與發展 18 2.1 照明產業定義與特性 18 2.2 LED照明技術發展趨勢 21 2.3 智慧綠建築與解決方案 23 2.3.1 智慧綠建築意涵 23 2.3.2 物聯網技術 25 2.3.3 智慧化照明系統 27 2.3.4 LED高效率照明設備 30 2.3.5 BEMS 建築能源管理系統 32 2.4 照明節能環境之標準與規範 34 2.5 產業政策與補助計畫 37 第三章 智慧照明能源系統高效化設計 39 3.1 照明系統的環境設計與節能規劃 40 3.1.1 光環境評估要點 40 3.1.2 照明環境的優化設計 43 3.1.3 節能技術的應用規劃 46 3.2 智慧化照明燈控系統應用 54 3.2.1 DALI數位定址照明控制系統 54 3.2.2 ZigBee無線通訊技術 56 3.2.3 DALI結合ZigBee之系統裝置 59 3.3 高效化模擬分析與節能效益探討 63 3.3.1 計畫概要與說明 63 3.3.2 DIALux照明環境模擬與能耗統計分析 65 3.3.3 綠建築照明節能評估 69 3.3.4 EnergyPlus模擬照明熱負荷與空調耗能之表現 72 3.3.5 節能效益結果探討 75 第四章 個案新事業發展之策略與佈局 76 4.1 個案公司概況 77 4.1.1 企業歷史沿革 77 4.1.2 組織發展架構 79 4.1.3 產品結構與營運狀況 80 4.2 照明市場現況與趨勢分析 82 4.2.1 全球照明市場現況 82 4.2.2 照明產業發展動態 83 4.2.3 我國照明產業鏈與市場規模分析 85 4.3 個案公司競爭力分析 88 4.3.1 波特五力分析 88 4.3.2 SWOT分析 91 4.4 部門研發藍圖與規劃 94 4.4.1 智慧財產權檢索與管理 94 4.4.2 產品開發戰略與佈局 100 4.4.3 新事業藍圖進程展示 103 4.5 財務規劃與預期效益 104 第五章 結論與建議 106 5.1 結論 106 5.2 未來發展建議 106 參考文獻 108

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