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研究生: 李安
An Li
論文名稱: 可攜式非接觸式表面粗糙度與輪廓量測系統之改良研究
Research on the Improvement of a Portable Non-contact Measuring System for Surface Roughness and Surface Profile
指導教授: 修芳仲
Fang-Jung Shiou
口試委員: 郭重顯
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Geo-Ry Tang
Liang-kuang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 可攜式光學量測系統九個點遮罩表面粗糙度量測光能量統計法輪廓量測
外文關鍵詞: Portable optical measurement system, Reflected light intensity distribution method, Nine-point mask, Surface roughness measurement, Surface profile measurement
相關次數: 點閱:366下載:2
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本研究對前代系統之光源部分進行改善更換擴束裝置,選用Edmund Optics所生產的59-133擴束鏡,再於擴束鏡前端搭配光圈遮蔽雷射光束外圍較弱的光源,並設計新的遮罩與夾具與擴束裝置做搭配,測試九個點之亮度,九個點之亮度寬度,變異係數僅3.39%。

This study aims to improve the prototype of a portable non-contact surface roughness and surface profile measurement system. The beam expansion device of the previous system was composed of two plano-convex lenses, which caused the light at the edge to be distorted, bringing about the error generated during the surface profile measurement. Moreover, it degraded the expanded light uniformity of illuminance and influenced the degree of precision of the surface measurement.
In this study, the 59-133 beam expander produced by Edmund Optics has been used to replace the two previously plano-convex lenses, combined the iris diaphragm at the front of the beam expander to hide the weaker laser beam of the edge. A nine-point new mask has been designed to match the laser expander, and the coefficient of variation of the brightness width of the nine points was only 3.39%.
The function of the measurement system was divided into two parts: the surface roughness measurement and surface profile measurement. Regarding the surface roughness measurement, a nine-point mask has been designed to get nine light spots, and the reflected light intensity distribution method has been used to analyze the relationship between the surface roughness value and the reflected light intensity. According to the experimental results, when the threshold value of the measurement system was set as 40, the regression equation had a reliability of 0.99455. The test piece with the surface roughness of 0.05μm-0.17μm can be measured.
Regarding the surface profile measurement, in the relation equation of the original profile prediction, some errors in the distance between the laser light point of incidence and the screen have been modified. The profile of a cylinder, standard steel ball and the saddle surface workpiece have been measured, based on the modified equation. The experiment results showed that a good consistency was obtained between the improved measurement system and the coordinate measuring machine. The maximum error was about 0.043mm, which can be proved that the developed system has been significantly improved compared with the previous system.

目錄 摘要 ㄈI Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3論文架構 6 第二章 量測系統相關原理 8 2.1 表面特徵 8 2.2反射光能量法[4] 11 2.3 鏡面反射原理 15 2.4 三角量測校驗法 16 2.5 開普勒擴束定律 19 2.6 數位影像處理 20 2.6.1 影像平滑濾波 20 2.6.2 自動二值化 22 2.6.3 影像形態學 25 第三章 量測系統架構 27 3.1 光路設計 27 3.2 系統架構 28 3.3 光學元件 29 3.3.1 雷射光源 29 3.3.2 反射鏡 30 3.3.3 擴束鏡 31 3.3.4 光圈 31 3.3.5 遮罩 32 3.4 取像系統 33 3.4.1 CMOS工業相機 33 3.4.2 鏡頭 34 3.5 軟體控制模組 35 3.6 雷射光源亮度調整系統 36 3.7 量測比對設備 38 第四章 量測演算法 40 4.1 粗糙度量測 40 4.1.1 數位影像處理 41 4.1.2 光能量統計法 42 4.1.3 粗糙度預估 44 4.1.4 門檻值決定 47 4.2 輪廓量測 49 4.2.1 屏幕距離誤差 52 4.2.2 反射光點校驗 53 第五章 實驗結果與數據分析 65 5.1 光源均勻度 65 5.2 粗糙度量測 67 5.3 表面輪廓量測 68 5.3.1 輪廓量測結果 70 第六章 結論與未來展望 74 6.1 結論 74 6.2 未來展望 75 參考文獻 77 附件一 82 附件二 83 附件三 85 附件四 86 附件五 88 附件六 89 附件七 94 附件八 99

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