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研究生: 謝承村
Seng-Choon Sia
論文名稱: 雙層堆垛機基於自動存取系統中的雙深儲貨配置之效率表現
The efficiency performance of the Automated Storage and Retrieval System with Double-Deep Configuration Utilizing a Double Stacker Crane
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Po-Hsun Kuo
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Po-Hsun Kuo
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 自動化倉儲系統堆垛機雙堆垛機雙深儲位配置
外文關鍵詞: ASRS, stacker crane, double stacker crane, double deep storage
相關次數: 點閱:216下載:7
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  • 自動存儲和檢索系統(ASRS)在現代倉儲運營中發揮著重要作用。 隨著電子商務和供應鏈管理的快速發展,倉儲作業的效率和準確性對於企業的競爭力至關重要。 其中,堆垛機作為自動化倉儲系統的核心設備,在貨物的存儲和檢索中發揮著關鍵作用。然而,最大限度地提高堆垛機的效率和存儲空間利用率仍然是一個具有挑戰性的問題。 雙堆垛機是一種更先進的設備,可以最大限度地提高存儲空間利用率,同時面臨更大的挑戰。本文將利用Flexsim對雙堆垛機在不同場景下的實際性能進行模擬和實驗,比較項目包括單雙堆垛機、訂單導入速度、貨物存儲方式分為隨機和存儲等。 ABC分析,單輸出和雙輸出,總共16種場景。實驗結果表明,無論在什麼情況下雙堆垛機都表現更好。 但在速度較慢的訂單中,對比不太明顯,我們主要觀察整體工作效率和吞吐量的提升。 在慢序測試中,雙堆垛機的這兩項指標比單堆垛機平均僅提高20-40%,但在快序下,可提高約58-78%,並且性能最好的是採用快序ABC分析存儲方式實現的雙輸出,性能提升高達78%。最終結論驗證雙堆垛機適合現代快速移動的物流時代,不需要覆蓋新功能來增加容量和吞吐量,同時也更加靈活,能夠執行更多訂單。

    Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) play an important role in modern warehousing operations. With the rapid development of e-commerce and supply chain management, the efficiency and accuracy of warehousing operations are crucial to the competitiveness of enterprises. Among them, stacker cranes, as the core equipment of automated storage systems, play a key role in storing and retrieving goods.
    However, maximizing the efficiency and storage space utilization of stacker cranes remains a challenging issue. Double stacker cranes are a more advanced device to maximize storage space utilization while facing greater challenges.
    In this paper, flexsim will be utilized to simulate and experiment with the actual performance of double stacker cranes under different scenarios, the items for comparison include single and double stacker cranes, the speed of order import, the way of storing goods divided into random and ABC Analysis, single output and double output, there are 16 scenarios in total.
    The experimental results show that no matter what scenario the double stacker cranes are performing better. But in slower orders, the contrast is less obvious, and we mainly observe the overall work efficiency and throughput improvement. In the slow order test, these two indexes of the double stacker cranes are only improved by 20-40% on average compared with the single stacker cranes, but in the fast order, it can be improved by about 58-78%, and the best performance is the double output realized by using the ABC Analysis storage method in the fast order, with the performance improved by as much as 78%.
    The final conclusion verifies that the double stacker cranes are suitable for the modern era of fast-moving logistics and do not need to cover new features to increase capacity and throughput, while also being more flexible and able to execute more orders.

    Abstract 1 Acknowledgement 3 Table of content 4 List of figures 6 List of tables 7 1. Chapter 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Background and Motivation 8 1.2 Objective 10 1.3 Limitation 11 1.4 Organization of the thesis 12 2. Chapter 2 Literature Review 13 2.1 Application of double stacker handling device 13 2.2 Multi-shuttle process improvement 15 2.3 Advancements in Travel Time Modeling for Double-Deep AS/RS 18 2.4 Travel Time Models for Multi-Deep with Different Storage Strategies 19 3. Chapter 3 Research Method 22 3.1 Setting scenarios 22 3.2 Process Flow Chart 30 3.3 Model Setting 32 3.4 Indicator Analysis 38 3.5 Mathematical formulas 39 4. Chapter 4 Result And Discussion 41 4.1 ASRS Idle time 41 4.2 ASRS Average Travel Time 42 4.3 ASRS Average Travel Distance 43 4.4 Throughput 44 4.5 Efficiency 45 5. Chapter 5 Conclusion 47 References 49

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