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研究生: 江昱成
Yu-Cheng Chiang
論文名稱: BGA構裝中SAC與SACNG無鉛銲料與Au/Ni/Cu多層結構之界面反應與銲點破壞性質
Study of interfacial reactions and mechanism properties between SAC and SACNG lead free solders with Au/Ni/Cu in BGA package
指導教授: 顏怡文
Yee-wen Yen
Chia-Pyng Lee
口試委員: 戴 龑
Yian Tai
Albert T. Wu
C.M. Chen
Yu-Lin Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 124
中文關鍵詞: 無鉛銲料界面反應BGA構裝
外文關鍵詞: lead-free solders, interfacial reaction, BGA package
相關次數: 點閱:652下載:15
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  • 摘 要

    電子構裝業中常使用到的基材材料為銅、鎳、銀為主。在銲接製程中,因銲點中因組成(化學勢)的差異引起銲料與基材原子的相互擴散,加上區域平衡(local equilibrium)的存在,於是乎於界面生成脆性之介金屬化合物,此一脆性之介金屬化合物雖然提供異質材料間的接合,但此介金屬化合物厚度大小卻也提供可靠度之不確定性。除此之外,銲料中微量添加物對銲料性質、界面反應等也是相當重要的因子。因此,本研究主要針對Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305)、Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC405)以及Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu-0.05Ni-0.01Ge (SACNG)三種無鉛銲料與球閘式陣列構裝中之Au/Ni/Cu凸塊下金屬層(UBM)多層結構之界面反應以及其界面之剪力強度。
    在界面反應部份,結果顯示三種銲料所生成之介金屬相為(Cu,Ni,Au)6Sn5、(Ni,Cu,Au)3Sn4和AuSn4生成相;經長時間固態熱處理後,界面生成相仍為(Cu,Ni,Au)6Sn5和(Ni,Cu,Au)3Sn4生成相為主,但AuSn4生成相卻隨著反應時間增加而漸漸減少;另外Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu-0.05Ni-0.01Ge (SACNG)銲料在所有的反應過程中皆沒有發現以Ge為主的介金屬相生成,Ge的添加並不改變反應生成相之種類。在剪力強度部份,剪切強度隨著時效熱處理時間增加而下降。此外比較銲料間剪切強度之差異,SACNG銲料在長時間時效熱處理過後降幅強度要比SAC305、SAC405銲料要來的小;SAC305、SAC405銲料銲料在熱處理期間,斷裂面從銲料-介金屬化合物處轉變成只有單介金屬化合物,而在SACNG中卻沒有如此轉變。另外,比較觀察其銲料斷裂面之介金屬化合物皆為(Cu,Ni,Au)6Sn5相,並無明顯之差異。


    Element of Cu、Ni and Ag as substrate have been widely used for electronic packaging industry. In bonding process, the element diffusion between solders and substrate will grows brittle intermetallic compound (IMCs) at the interface. Because it has different compositions and local equilibrium inside. The IMCs provides heterogenous connection; however, the reliability is affected by the thickness of IMCs .An addition of little element in solders is important factor for solder properties and interfacial reaction. Therefore, this study investigate interfacial reaction and reliability between Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305)、Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC405) 、Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu-0.05Ni-0.01Ge (SACNG) and Au/Ni/Cu substrate .
    In the interfacial reaction, (Cu,Ni,Au)6Sn5 and (Ni,Cu,Au)3Sn4 phases were formed at the interface, while the AuSn4 phase was observed within the solders in all couples. After heating treatment, (Cu,Ni,Au)6Sn5 and(Ni,Cu,Au)3Sn4 phases were observed to at the interface, but the AuSn4 phases vanished gradually with increasing reaction time. In all reaction process no Ge element IMCs were formed at the interface and within solders in Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu-0.05Ni-0.01Ge (SACNG). With respect to reliability, the strength decreased as the time of heating treatment increased. After heating treatment, the strength of SACNG solder was higher that those of SAC305 and SAC405. Furthermore, The fracture morphologies of SAC305 and SAC405 were transformed form solder-IMCs to IMCs only, nevertheless in SACNG, no such transformed was observed. The IMCs of fracture were(Cu, Ni)6Sn5 phase in all solders.

    目 錄 摘 要 I Abstract III 致 謝 V 目 錄 VII 圖 索 引 IX 表 索 引 XIII 第ㄧ章、前言 1 第二章、文獻回顧 5 2-1 電子構裝技術簡介 5 2-2 無鉛銲料之發展 11 2-2.1 無鉛銲料之規範 11 2-2.2 常見無鉛銲料 12 2-2.3 無鉛銲料之性質 16 2-3 球閘式陣列構裝 21 2-4 銲接 24 2-4.1 銲錫潤濕行為 24 2-4.2 助銲劑 26 2-4.3 常見銲接方式 26 2-4.4 銲點機械強度 29 2-5 擴散理論機制 30 2-6 界面反應相關文獻 31 2-6.1 錫-鉛與BGA金屬墊層之界面反應 31 2-6.2 錫-銅與BGA金屬墊層之界面反應 32 2-6.3 錫-銀與BGA金屬墊層之界面反應 33 2-6.4 錫-銀-銅與BGA金屬墊層之界面反應 33 第三章、研究方法 36 3-1 無鉛銲料與金屬墊層間反應 36 3-1.1 銲錫球與印刷電路板之基材製作 36 3-1.2 基材之製備與反應 37 3-1.3 金相分析 38 3-2 基本性質量測 41 3-2.1 DSC熔點測試 41 3-2.3 潤濕行為 42 3-2.4 銲點剪切強度探討 42 3-3 分析儀器 46 第四章、結果與討論 48 4-1 基本性質之量測 48 4-1.1 DSC熔點測試 48 4-1.2潤濕行為 50 4-2 界面反應 51 4-2.1 SAC305/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之界面反應 51 4-2.1.1 迴銲後之界面金相形態 51 4-2.1.2 固態熱處理後之界面金相形態 58 4-2.1.3反應偶之介金屬層厚度與蝕刻形態 62 4-2.2 SAC405/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之界面反應 65 4-2.2.1 迴銲之後之界面金相形態 65 4-2.2.2 固態熱處理後之界面金相形態 70 4-2.2.3反應偶之介金屬層厚度與蝕刻形態 74 4-2.3 SACNG/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之界面反應 78 4-2.3.1 迴銲之後之界面金相形態 78 4-2.3.2 固態熱處理後之界面金相形態 85 4-2.3.3反應偶之介金屬層厚度與蝕刻形態 90 4-3 銲點剪切強度探討 94 4-3.1 SAC305/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之銲點強度探討 94 4-3.2 SAC405/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之銲點強度探討 98 4-3.3 SACNG/Au/Ni/Cu反應偶之銲點強度探討 102 第五章、結論 116 第六章、參考文獻 119 作者簡介 124


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