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研究生: 林佳莉
Chia-Li Lin
論文名稱: 建築排水立管終極流速之實證研究
Empirical study on terminal water velocity of building drainage stack
指導教授: 鄭政利
Cheng-Li Cheng
口試委員: 黃瑞隆
Ruey-Lung Hwang
Meng-Chieh Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 終極流速流體現象空氣壓力排水系統
外文關鍵詞: terminal velocity, the fluid phenomena of the water, air-pressure, drainage stack
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:25
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排水通氣系統為建築物之重要設備,其中更包含了固、液、氣等三種狀態之流體現象,早期美國國家給排水配管規範之發展,是以排水流量來決定系統之管路設計,並影響了日本於1967年制定之給排水衛生設備規準•同解說(HASS 206)之相關內容,而早期定流量之實驗方法則是應用於法令規範內以及性能技術評估中。根據規範內容顯示,排水流量為影響管內流體現象之重要因子,而終極流速即是流體現象最為重要之狀態。彙整既有文獻與相關研究成果中有關終極流速之理論基礎,同時探討終極流速之實驗方法後,可知最早為美國Wyly-Eaton以及Dawson-Kalinske學者嘗試以流體力學之基本概念,推導出終極流速之理論,之後於1995年由鄭學者以空氣壓力分布之理論,推估終極流速之理論公式,而在當時受限於儀器設備之不足,無法進行實驗之驗證,故本研究則藉此終極流速之理論進行排水實驗之驗證,首先將相關實驗結果作為參考數據,並以理論公式做為基礎,計算管內終極流速之推算值,其後採用台灣科技大學可模擬中高層住宅規模之排水實驗塔進行實驗,配合數位式高速攝影機作進行畫面拍攝,觀測排水量分別為1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0 (l/s)時立管內之排水現象,並建立排水實驗之操作方法與過程,作為日後相關實驗操作之參考依據。其後引用統計學之概念,進行母體取樣與樣本平均值之計算,並藉由電腦之高速運算能力,進行實驗影片之取樣分析,除取得管內之平均流速外,亦將實驗結果與推算值進行驗證,藉以確認理論公式之合理性,最後將相關研究成果與實驗值進行分析探討,求得建築物排水立管終極流速之影響因子。

An actual discharge of vertical drainage stack has a complex phenomenon and may consist of triple phase flow feature with incorporated solid, liquid and air. The guideline of National Plumbing Code (NPC) of US was used to set the permit flow rate as the regulation of building drainage system. Following initial work of the HASS 203 of Japan in 1970s, the method of steady flow condition was applied to the provision reference and evaluation technique. According to the importance of permit flow rate regulation, the terminal velocity in drainage stack was also seen as one of the crucial issues in building drainage studies. The theory of the annulated flowing in drainage stack was first issued by Wyly-Eaton and Dawson-Kalinske , which through the basic concept of hydromechanics. In 1985, scholar. Cheng also figured out the terminal of flowing water in stack by air-pressure distribution. However, the results were not be verified in that period due to insufficient equipment. Therefore, in this research, we will try to verify the velocity of flowing water by the experimental method and theory. First, the existed experimental results may be treated as an important parameter. In addition, use the theoretical formula to calculate the terminal velocity of drainage stack. Then, the experiment was performed at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) with the water flow rate of 1.0(l/s), 2.0(l/s), 3.0(l/s), 4.0(l/s). Moreover, use the digital High-speed camera to validate the prediction model for the terminal velocity in drainage stack. Set the experimental operation processes and method as the reference in the future study. Finally, we try to quote the concept of statistics and software to analysis the experimental dates. As a result, we will compare the theoretical and experimental values of the terminal velocity to confirm the theoretical formula rationality during this research, and to find out the influencing factor of the terminal velocity in drainage stack.

中文摘要…………………………………………………………………...……….…Ι 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………….…….….Π 致謝…………………………………………………………………………...………V 目錄……………………………………………………………………….….…...…VΠ 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………..…ΙΧ 第一章 緒論 1-1研究背景與動機………………………………………………………..1 1-2 研究目的與範圍……………………………………………………….4 1-2-1 研究目的……………………………………………………….4 1-2-2 研究範圍……………………………………………………….4 1-3 研究方法與流程……………………………………………………….5 第二章 文獻回顧與相關理論 2-1排水系統演進與規範發展……………………………………………..8 2-1-1 排水系統發展……………………………………………….....8 2-1-2 排水系統規範發展…………………………………................11 2-2 排水系統相關理論與研究…………………………………...............15 2-2-1排水系統之流體現象……………………………..…………...15 2-2-2相關理論發展……………………………………………….....20 2-2-3相關理論研究……………………………………………….....20 2-3 終極流速之相關研究彙整…………………………………...............24 2-3-1終極流速之相關研究………………………………………….26 2-4 實驗與取樣方法檢討………………………………………………...33 第三章 實驗裝置與方法 3-1 排水實驗裝置……………………………………………………...36 3-1-1實驗塔與設施概要………..………………………………...36 3-1-2實驗設備簡介…………………………………………….....40 3-2 實驗方法與流程…………………………………………………...44 3-2-1 實驗測定條件…………………………………..………….44 3-2-2 實驗操作流程…………………………………..………….45 3-3 軟體之操作流程…………………………………..……………….50 3-3-1 實驗軟體操作流程………………………………………...50 3-3-2 軟體解析流程……………………………………...............60 3-3-4 實驗解析流程……………………………………...............67 3-4 小結…………………………………………………………...........70 第四章 終極流速理論驗證 4-1 終極流速之理論…………………………………………………......72 4-2 終極流速推算值與觀測值驗證……………………………………...84 4-2-1終極流速之推算…………………………………………….....84 4-2-2終極流速實驗觀測分析………………………..……….........100 4-2-3終極流速推算值與實驗觀測分析…………………………...112 4-2-4探討與修正終極流速之實驗結果…………………………...114 4-3 終極流速既有研究成果分析……………………………………….119 4-4小結…………………………………………………………………..124 第五章 結論與建議 5-1結論…………………………………………………………………..125 5-2 建議…………………………………………………………...……..127 參考文獻…………………………………………………………...…………...…..129 附錄 附錄一 曼寧係數N值表…………………………………...…………...………..133 附錄二 管內排水三種狀態之平均流速對照表……………………...………….134

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