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研究生: 卓太田
Tai-tien Cho
論文名稱: 半導體零件通路商經營策略之個案研究
A Case Study of Channel Strategy in a Semiconductor Component Firm
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-yang Liu
口試委員: 黃彥聖
Yen-Sheng Huang
Woan-yuh Jang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 半導體通路個案研究VMI應收帳款承購新產品
外文關鍵詞: semiconductor sales company, case research, VMI, AR factoring, new product
相關次數: 點閱:284下載:0
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1. VMI庫存管理系統之建制:
(1). 此為半導體通路業現今之趨勢,為爭取大型客戶長期合作以及建立競爭優勢所不可或缺之核心能力。
(2). 清楚掌握客戶及市場資訊為規避風險之關鍵所在。
(3). 由於VMI能力之建立,建智之前二十大客戶群如英業達、緯創、華碩、合勤等皆為有知名度之上市公司,可為建智帶來穩定的利潤。
2. 新產品線與新市場之開發:
(1). 由於電子零件產品之生命週期普遍較短,持續進行新產品線與新市場之開發為通路商永續經營與成長之必要能力之一。
(2). 尋找並評估適當代理商可由其研發團隊、技術掌握能力、創投團隊等三方面入手。
(3). 建智近三年主要開發之新產品線為手提電腦視訊鏡頭,其營業額由2005年之2億成長為2007年之30億,佔當年度總營收之15%,為營收成長之主要因素之一。
3. 應收帳款承購額度之風險控管:
(1). 在自有資金比率極低的狀況下,半導體通路商除透過應收帳款承購業務以尋求週轉資金以擴大營業額,亦藉由與銀行建立長期合作關係與下游客戶之商譽取得較優惠之利率,以提高獲利能力。
(2). 中小型客戶有於風險較高,額度取得不易,須與大型客戶以套餐方式與銀行協商。
(3). 建智之扣除已承購AR Factoring平均週轉天數由2006年的41天,降為2007年的28天,2007年前十月之應收帳款總金額約為397億,透過應收帳款承購所得之資金為239億,佔總應收帳款之60%。

This study attempts to discuss that how do the semiconductor sales companies develop or keep their own core confidence and competition to get their further survive. The purpose in this research is on providing a local case about business model of the semiconductor sales companies.
Case study is the study method this research adopts, by way of face-to-face interview several times and information collection between the periods of research.
Base on above, this research identify the conclusion about key business skills of Sertek company is shown as below,
Business strategies:
1. Establishments of Vendor Management Inventory system:
VMI system is the core ability of semiconductor sales companies and current trend in semiconductor channel industry. To get a grip of customer and market information is necessary for avoiding risk. Sertek get valued clients by a excellent VMI system.
2. Developments of new production lines and new markets:
The life cycle of semiconductor component is generally short, it cause sales companies need to develop new production lines and markets continuously. R&D team, technical skills and VC resource are the main points for evaluating agencies. Sertek develop the new product “NB camera” make the advantage of revenue. The revenue are added from 200 million, 2005 to 3000 million, 2007, it is 15% of total revenue in 2007.
3. Risk management of Account receivable factoring:
Under the extremely small amount of the capital, the semiconductor distributor is not only expanding the turnover by seeking circulating fund but also through the account receivable. Also by establishing the long-term cooperation with customers, the distributor will make more favorable interest rate with bank. That will also increase the profit. The risk is relatively high for small and medium-sized enterprises to receive credit line from bank. They will have to cooperate with large scale enterprise in order to negotiate with bank. Sertek’s deduction has purchased the AR Factoring. The average turnover days are reduced from 41 days, 2006 to 28 days, 2007. The total amount receivable from January to October of 2007 is about 39,700 million. The income through the account receivable is 23,900 million, it is 60% of the total account receivable.

摘要 IV 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究背景與動機 1 第二節、 研究目的 2 第三節、 研究流程 2 第四節、 研究限制 4 第二章、 文獻探討 5 第一節、 VMI機制的探討 5 第二節、 應收帳款承購探討 12 第三章、 研究設計 16 第一節、 研究方法 16 第二節、 研究架構 17 第四章、 產業介紹與個案公司描述 18 第一節、 半導體零件通路業產業介紹 18 第二節、 半導體通路業競爭者分析 25 第三節、 個案公司簡介 27 第五章、 個案研究分析 37 第一節、 關鍵管理決策 37 第二節、 關鍵策略執行方式 37 第三節、 執行過程中的困難與解決方式 43 第四節、 策略實施後的成果與效益 46 第五節、 未來規劃 51 第六章、 結論與建議 53 第一節、 結論 53 第二節、 建議 54 參考文獻 55 中文部分 55 英文部分 58

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