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研究生: 李紹琮
論文名稱: 材料微結構對微深引伸成形極限之影響
The influence of material micro structure to limitation of micro deep drawing process
指導教授: 黃佑民
You-Min Huang  
口試委員: 向四海
Su-Hai Hsiang  
tsung-chia chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 尺寸效應微引伸
外文關鍵詞: size effect, micro deep drawing
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:1
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本文採用Prandtl-Reuss 塑流法則和Hill 的降伏條件,結合有限變
形理論及Updated Lagrangian Formulation (ULF)的觀念建立一增量型
素(Degenerated Shell Element)所推導之形狀函數偶合入剛性矩陣中,
組成三維有限元素之分析模式,以及使用廣義min r 法處理板材成形
本研究之研究重點在於討論grain size effect 對於銅箔微深引伸之成
形極限之影響,選取厚度0.1mm、0.075mm、0.05 mm 之銅箔並且利

The metal forming technology, it has many merits, for example the
production efficiency is high, the cost is low and the product may have
the complex geometry contour and so on. However, when finished size
reduction micron rank, like the friction, the material mechanical property
and so on to form the influential factor, under its effect and the great view
has the difference phenomenon to call it the size effect.
A methodology of formulating an elasto-plastic three-dimensional finite
element model, which is based on Prandtl-Reuss flow rule and Hill’s
yield criterion respectively, combined with an updated Lagrangian
formulation, is developed to simulation sheet metal forming processes.
An extended r-min algorithm is proposed to formulate the boundary
conditions, such as the yield of the elements, maximum allowable strain
increment, maximum allowable rotation increment, maximum allowable
equivalent stress increment, and tolerance for nodes getting out of contact
with tool.
The simulation results include relationships between punch load and
punch stroke, distribution of the thickness, distribution of the stress, ,
deformation history.
Research of this research key lies in discusses grain size effect influence
of forming of limit regarding the copper foil micro deep extension,
copper foil of selection thickness 0.1mm, 0.075mm, the 0.05 mm, and
carries on the experiment of grain size using the heat treatment method
change preview interior, obtains the grain size the change to influence of
forming of limit the copper foil micro deep drawing, by will take in the
future in the micro deep drawing test reference

摘要......................................................I ABSTRACT.................................................II 誌謝.....................................................IV 目錄......................................................V 符號索引.................................................IX 圖目錄...................................................XV 表目錄..................................................XXI 第一章 緒論...............................................1 1.1 前言..................................................1 1.2 文獻回顧..............................................2 1.2.1 材料之尺寸效應問題..................................4 1.2.2摩擦之尺寸效應問題...................................9 1.2.3 微引伸成形.........................................11 1.3 研究動機與目的.......................................16 1.4 論文架構.............................................17 第二章 基本理論..........................................18 2.1 前言.................................................18 2.2 基本假設.............................................20 2.3 有限變形之應變與應變率...............................20 2.4 有限變形之應力與應力率...............................21 2.5 有限變形之Updated Lagrangian Formulation.............28 2.6 材料之彈塑性構成關係式...............................29 第三章 金屬板材有限元素分析..............................35 3.1 簡介.................................................35 3.2 虛功原理的離散化.....................................38 3.3 退化殼元素(Degenerated Shell Element)................39 3.4 不同積分法則推導退化殼元素之剛性矩陣.................42 3.5 摩擦處理.............................................44 3.6 廣義rmin法之增量步驟的計算...........................48 3.7 三維曲度修正方程式...................................52 3.8 除荷之設定...........................................53 3.9 數值分析之流程.......................................54 第四章 實驗方法..........................................56 4.1 實驗材料之選取與實驗流程.............................56 4.2 熱處理與金相.........................................57 4.2.1 熱處理.............................................57 4.2.2 熱處理之設備與步驟.................................57 4.2.3 試片之金相實驗與步驟...............................58 4.2.4 平均晶粒大小之計算方法.............................59 4.2.5 熱處理結果.........................................59 4.3 拉伸試驗.............................................61 4.3.1拉伸試驗之硬體設備規格..............................61 4.3.2 拉伸試驗試片之設計與製作...........................63 4.3.3 拉伸試驗之實驗步驟.................................64 4.3.4 拉伸試驗之實驗結果.................................65 4.3 微引伸試驗...........................................71 4.3.1 模具設計與微衝壓設備介紹...........................71 4.3.2 微引伸實驗規劃.....................................74 4.3.3 實驗步驟...........................................76 第五章數值模擬與微引伸實驗結果...........................77 5.1 前言.................................................77 5.2微引伸成形製程之數值分析..............................77 5.2.1 模擬所使用之材料參數...............................79 5.2.2 微引伸成形製程模擬之邊界條件.......................79 5.3 數值分析與實驗結果之比較.............................82 5.3.1 圓杯微深引伸之衝頭負荷之比較.......................82 5.3.4工件應力分佈之比較..................................84 5.3.3 工件之成形履歷.....................................87 5.3.4 圓杯微深引伸成形製程之成形極限分析.................88 5.4 本章之結語..........................................101 第六章 結論.............................................102 6.1結論.................................................102 6.2未來研究之展望.......................................103 參考文獻................................................105 附錄一..................................................109 附錄二..................................................111 附錄三..................................................115 作者簡介................................................117

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