Author: |
陳雅惠 Ya-Hui Chen |
Thesis Title: |
稽核員人格特質和懷疑態度對稽核品質有效性影響之實證研究 The impact of auditors’ personality traits and skeptical attitude on the effectiveness of audit quality - An empirical investigation |
Advisor: |
Kung-Jeng Wang |
Committee: |
Kung-Jeng Wang 林希偉 Shi-Woei Lin 曹譽鐘 Yu-Chung Tsao 蔣明晃 Ming-Huang Chiang 張家生 Chia-Sheng Chang |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 66 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 稽核作業品質 、人格特質 、適合稽核人才 、五大人格特質模型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | audit quality, personality traits, suitable auditor, Big five model |
Reference times: | Clicks: 966 Downloads: 11 |
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This study explores whether the personality traits of internal auditors, who serve as the critical last line of defense in corporate governance, affect the effectiveness and suitability of company operations and anti-fraud mechanisms. By examining various issues related to the selection of audit personnel in the literature and further researching the differences in personality traits among those who work as auditors, we have developed a model for the personality traits of audit personnel based on the Big Five personality trait model. Under the assumption of an ideal job concept, we investigate how these traits impact audit quality through statistical analysis, examining whether personality traits influence audit quality and to what extent. We collected 254 questionnaire samples and employed multiple linear regression analysis to test our hypotheses. The results found that there is no direct significant relationship between ideal auditor personality traits and audit quality. However, there is an indirect relationship, where the "openness" personality trait enhances audit quality through the moderating effect of a professional skeptical. These findings have implications for human resource managers, suggesting they consider individuals' traits when selecting audit personnel. This study provides empirical evidence on suitable personality traits for auditors, aiding human resources in recruiting the right talent to enhance internal audit quality, improve company performance, and reduce operational risks effectively.
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