簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭家宏
Chia-Hong Kuo
論文名稱: 軟性隱形眼鏡的銷售策略-以晶碩光學為例
Soft contact lense sales strategy - A case study from Taiwanese company Pegavision
指導教授: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
口試委員: 張光第
Guangdi Chang
Fav-Tsoin Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 隱形眼鏡零售通路品牌經營行銷策略
外文關鍵詞: Soft contact lense, Retail, Sales channel, Branding, Sales strategy
相關次數: 點閱:538下載:99
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In the past decades, soft contact lens industry was monopolied by four major corporations. They were Johnson&Johnson, Alcon, Bausch&Lomb, and Cooper Vision (the Big Four). The Big Four created entering barrier by the patents, and kept the new entrants out of the gate. However, many key patents expired after year of 2000. Thus, many Taiwanese companies started to invest subsidiary business and involve with soft contact lens manufacture. The Big Four cultivates the market for a long time. They have built a mature and completed industrial chain. Consumers are familiar with their brands, and also with high loyalty. New entrants need an effective strategy in order to penetrate the market.
By research of this case, we will analyze Pegavision’s sales strategy. Pegavision created the very first contact lens exlusive store to sell their own brand in Taiwan. Within 5 years, they became number two soft contact lense brand in Taiwanese market. In China, Pegavision sells their soft contact lense through internet. Moreover, through the permits acquisition by R&D’s planning, it becomes Pegavision’s bargain chip in ODM/OEM business. In the future, Pegavision can adjust the capacity and ODM/OEM price by using their own brand consumption. Also, by using Pegavision’s exclusive store, they can provide ODM/OEM customers an one stop solution, from manufacture, inventory, logistic, to retail sales channel. This competitive strategy can penetrate current industrial chain effectively, and provide a good study case for the industry.

摘要 1 Abstract 2 誌謝 4 目錄 5 表目錄 7 圖目錄 8 一、 緒論 9 1.1研究背景 9 1.2研究動機 10 1.3研究目的 11 1.4研究貢獻 11 1.5研究流程 12 二、 隱形眼鏡的產業概況 13 2.1隱形眼鏡的發展史 13 2.2 隱形眼鏡的種類 15 2.2.1依使用週期來分類 15 2.2.2 依功能分類 16 2.3 隱形眼鏡的製造方式 17 2.4 隱形眼鏡的市場分析 18 2.4.1 隱形眼鏡製造產業之現況 18 2.4.2 市場集中度 19 2.4.3 隱形眼鏡的產業成長率 20 2.5 隱形眼鏡的市佔率 20 2.5.1 個別廠商之市佔率 20 2.5.2 不同功能的隱形眼鏡之使用率 21 2.6 隱形眼鏡的行銷模式與策略 22 三、 文獻探討 24 3.1 波特五力分析 24 3.2 SWOT分析 29 3.3 價值連分析 (Value Chain Analysis) 與垂直整合 (Vertical Intergration) 30 四、 晶碩光學之行銷競爭策略分析 32 4.1 個案公司晶碩光學 32 4.2 市場上隱形眼鏡的行銷策略與問題 33 4.3 晶碩光學所採取的行銷策略 37 4.3.1台灣零售通路的行銷策略 37 4.3.2 中國零售通路的行銷策略 38 4.3.3 ODM/OEM 的行銷策略 39 4.4 晶碩光學未來的競爭策略建議 40 4.4.1波特的五力分析 40 4.4.2 SWOT分析 43 4.5晶碩光學未來的策略與建議 45 五、 結論 49 參考文獻 50

1. 王京剛,圖解大師麥可波特競爭策略。台北市,達觀出版事業。
2. 許長田,策略管理。台北縣,新文京開發出版。
3. Porter, M.E.(1980), Competitive Strategy, Free Express, New York.
1. 晶碩光學 2015 年公司年報
2. 精華光學 2015 年公司年報
3. 中商情報網,中國隱形眼鏡行業運行與投資分析報告2012-2016年。
1. ActiveWallSt, Post Earnings Coverage as Cooper Cos Earnings Grows 97%
2. 新竹科學工業園區,台灣潛力品項-隱形眼鏡市場發展分析。
- http://www3.hbmsp.sipa.gov.tw/itri/tw/images/NewsList1030605_02.htm