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研究生: 潘冠妤
Kuan-Yu Pan
論文名稱: 顱骨矯形器之電腦輔助設計與高速三維列印
Computer-Aided Design and High-Speed 3D Printing of Cranioplasty Orthosis
指導教授: 林上智
Shang-Chih Lin
口試委員: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
Che-Wei Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 顱骨矯形器三維掃描電腦輔助設計高速三維列印
外文關鍵詞: Cranioplasty Orthosis, Three-dimensional scanning, Computer Aided Design, High-speed three-dimensional Printing
相關次數: 點閱:364下載:4
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新生兒頭形對稱的問題於近幾年備受家長的重視,雖然不會有立即的功能性危害,但隨著年紀的增長,家長仍會擔心嬰兒成長過程中是否愈長愈歪,甚至導致生長發育。多數的嬰兒仍存在著輕微頭部不對稱的情形,像是扁頭或是顱骨畸形,顱骨不對稱分為先天性與後天由於嬰兒長期處於同一姿勢所造成的,由睡姿所導致的斜頭畸形在醫學上稱為扁頭綜合症頭症(Flat Head Syndrome)。姿勢性斜頭症所導致的顱骨變形包含斜頭畸形、短頭畸形與舟狀頭畸形。治療方式可採取保守治療,如姿勢的變換,若效果不彰,則可選擇穿戴顱骨矯形器來將頭顱重新塑形,較嚴重必須採取手術治療的方式。
目前許多顱骨矯形器仍採取傳統的製程,從量測取模、修模、設計與製造都相當地耗時,不僅在修模時可能造成誤差,且較為厚重悶熱,又不能拆解清洗,於配戴時可能引發汗疹或是細菌感染等的問題,故本研究欲透過電腦輔助設計(Computer-Aided Design, CAD)結合高速三維列印的技術(High-Speed 3D Printing)來改善傳統顱骨矯形器所造成的悶熱感與清洗不便處,使修模時的誤差降低,制定一套數位化的顱骨矯形器製作程序,並與傳統製程的差異進行討論。

In recent years, the symmetry of the head shape of newborns has attracted much attention from parents. Although there will be no immediate functional harm, with increasing age ,parents still worry about whether the baby grows longer and more crooked, or even lead to growth and development. Most infants still have slight head asymmetry, such as flat head or cranial deformity, cranial asymmetry is divided into congenital and acquired due to the infant being in the same position for a long time, the plagiocephaly caused by the sleeping position in medical term called Flat Head Syndrome. Cranial deformities which caused by postural plagiocephaly include plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, and scaphocephaly. Treatment may take a conservative treatment, such as posture transformation, if ineffective, you can choose to wear cranioplasty orthosis to re-shaping the head, for more severe cases, surgical treatment must be taken.
At present, many cranioplasty orthoses still adopt the traditional manufacturing process, it is time-consuming to take model from measurement, repairing model, design and manufacture. Besides causing errors while repairing the model, the traditional one also heavy, muggy, and it cannot be disassembled and cleaned. The issue such as heat rash or bacterial infection may while wearing. Therefore, this research aims to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) combined with High-speed three-dimensional Printing to improve the muggy, inconvenient cleaning and decreasing the error while repairing the model which were caused by traditional cranioplasty orthosis. Develop a digitized cranioplasty orthosis production process, and discussed with traditional manufacturing process differences.
The results of the study show that the lattice design of the cranioplasty orthosis in this study is indeed effective in reducing the weight compared to the original one. However, the dust cannot be completely cleaned up due to post-processing, and also its permeability is unexpectedly good. Because the lattice is not easy in the design, manufacture and post-processing. Based on the principle of heat conduction, the ultimate design is a lighter and thinner cranioplasty orthosis with holes design, and finally, three-dimensional color print out the finished product.
Regarding the correction effect of the cranioplasty orthosis, we hope that the effect of the orthosis can be verified on the subjects in the future. I also hope that this production program can provide a reference for designers who use Computer-Aided Design for cranioplasty orthotics. In the future, we will also try more post-processing methods for three-dimensional printing, and strive to create a cranioplasty orthosis with correction, comfort and beauty to help more infants suffering from cranial asymmetry.

第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2小兒扁頭綜合症介紹 1.2.1畸形緣由 1.2.2頭型種類 1.2.3畸形診斷評估 1.2.4併發後遺症 1.2.5治療方式 1.3小兒扁頭顱骨矯形器 1.3.1量測方法 1.3.2修模原理與理念 1.3.3設計方式 1.3.4製造程序 1.4研究目的 1.5論文架構 第二章 研究材料與方法 2.1小兒扁頭量測方式 2.1.1 3D掃描裝置 2.1.2量測流程 2.1.3量測結果驗證 2.2逆向頭型修模策略 2.2.1模型完整度確認 2.2.2破面與平滑化處理 2.2.3畸形頭顱數位修模 2.3矯型頭盔設計 2.3.1網孔規劃策略 2.3.2頭盔開口及鬆緊調整機制 2.4矯型頭盔3D列印製程 2.4.1 3D列印機台與材料選用 2.4.2 3D列印成品後處理方式 2.4.3頭盔效果評估 第三章 結果 3.1小兒扁頭量測方式 3.1.1實務操作示範 3.1.2 量測結果驗證 3.2逆向頭型修模策略 3.2.1模型完整度結果 3.2.2 破面與平滑化誤差結果 3.2.3顱骨矯形器修模結果 3.3矯型頭盔設計 3.3.1網孔設計理念 3.3.2 頭盔開口及鬆緊調整機制 3.4矯型頭盔3D列印製程 3.4.1 矯型頭盔後處理成品 3.4.2 矯型頭盔效果評估 第四章 討論 4.1小兒扁平頭型量測方式 4.2矯型頭盔設計與製造 4.2.1透氣 4.2.2 重量 4.3矯型頭盔列印成品 4.3.1設計 4.3.2製程 4.3.3後處理 第五章 結論與未來展望 5.1結論 5.2未來展望 第六章 參考文獻

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