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研究生: 趙津瑞
Jin-ruei Chao
論文名稱: 快速反應製造系統之供應鏈選址模型
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-jeng Wang
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Wei-lin Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 快速反應製造區位選址隨機規劃基因演算法
外文關鍵詞: stochastic programming, genetic algorithm, location alocation, quick response manufacturing
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:7
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在快速變化的消費性商品市場中,面對高度的市場競爭,產品必須不斷推陳出新,方可搶得市場商機。然而,消費者的喜好與需求變化得相當快,經常造成廠商因為缺貨而錯失商機,或者因為高估了需求量而賣不出去,而導致折價出清。為了因應快速變化的市場,許多公司開始採用了快速反應製造系統(Quick Response Manufacturing, QRM),以縮短總前置時間的方式,來達成快速交貨。在快速反應生產系統中,工廠在接到訂單後,從各地供應商取得零件,並加工成為顧客所需的產品,並運送至各地的市場。為了能夠縮短在整個供應鏈中的前置時間,廠商在決定工廠位置時,除了必須考慮建廠成本與製造成本,也必須同時考慮供應鏈中前置時間以及需求的不確定因素,方可訂定出能快速反應市場需求之最佳設廠與配送策略,以獲取最大利潤。


In the fast-changing consumer's product market, producers must keep launching new products to sustain its market competitiveness. However, the trend and the demand of products changes very fast, which often cause the stock-out or overstock. In order to respond to fast-changing market, many companies start to implement Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) system in order to shorter the time to market. In the QRM system, when the producers received a product order, they start the process of procurement of materials, production and delivery to markets. In order to shorter all the lead time during these processes, when designing a supply chain, it's very important to consider the factors of uncertainty of lead time and demand.
This research proposed a 3-echelon QRM supply chain model, which includes material suppliers, factories and markets. Assume that the time-to-market (TTM) of a product would influence its market value, in the contract that signed by producer and customer, it notifies the varying price related to its delivery date, which includes the concept of early-delivery incentive and late-delivery penalty. This model is to decide the optimal factory allocation and supply chain design considering both the demand and lead time uncertainty. The genetic algorithm is applied to solve this two-stage stochastic programming problem. In the experiment, a model problem is designed and its accumulated profit after some periods is also calculated. The result showed that genetic algorithm is an effective method to solve this problem.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II Contents III List of Figures V List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Research motivation 1 1.3 Research purpose 3 1.4 Research structure 3 Chapter 2 Literature survey 5 2.1 Location allocation 5 2.2 Value of lead time 6 2.3 Quick Response Manufacturing 6 2.4 Solution algorithm 7 Chapter 3 Quick response manufacturing model 9 3.1 Problem Formulation 9 3.1.1 Problem description 9 3.1.2 Assumptions 9 3.1.3 Notations 10 3.1.4 Lead time definition 12 3.1.5 Price function 13 3.1.6 Two-Stage stochastic programming 13 3.2 Solution algorithm 15 3.2.1 Problem Solving Process 15 3.2.2 Procedure of GA 15 Chapter 4 Experiment results 18 4.1 Numerical Example 18 4.1.1 Parameter Settings: 18 4.1.2 Result 19 4.1.3 Payback period analysis 23 Chapter 5 Conclusions 25 5.1 Research Outcomes 25 5.2 Research limitation and future research 25 References 26 Appendix 29

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