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Author: 蘇威豪
Wei-hao Su
Thesis Title: 以社交關係為基礎的隨意網路之效能研究
A Network Performance Study for Social Relationship-oriented MANET
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-wei Lo
Committee: 左瑞麟
Ray-lin Tso
Yung-ho Leu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Graduation Academic Year: 100
Language: 英文
Pages: 28
Keywords (in Chinese): 友誼機制隨意網路社交關係自私節點社交關係導向之分級機制封包傳遞率
Keywords (in other languages): Social relationship-oriented grading mechanism
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  • 在隨意網路中,節點間交換訊息通常是透過路由協定如AODV、DSR來為節點建立連線,以往路由協定大多是假設節點間訊息的交換是沒有自私行為的。在真實的社會網路中,節點在安全性、電源與網路頻寬等限制下,使得節點必然會有自私行為。

    In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes establish routing paths and usually exchange messages with each other through routing protocols, such as AODV and DSR.
    Most MANET routing protocols assume that every node is unselfish. In the real world, people exists selfish behavior because of limited network bandwidth and because battery energy is constrained. This study proposes a social relationship-oriented grading mechanism to grade points of nodes according to previous node behavior in MANET. The mechanism also classifies node levels and shares friend-lists for other neighboring nodes.
    This study simulates network performances, such as network throughput, end-to-end delay, and average delivery ratio, to display the effects of friendship on a selfish MANET.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Related Work 2 2.1 Selfish Behavior 2 2.1.1 Not relaying RREQ messages 2 2.1.2 Not sending Hello messages 2 2.1.3 Intentionally delaying the relay of RREQ messages 2 2.1.4 Relays routing messages but not data messages 3 2.2 MANET Routing Protocols 4 2.2.1 Proactive routing or table-driven routing 4 2.2.2 Reactive routing or on-demand routing 4 2.3 DSR Protocol 5 2.3.1 Route Discovery 5 2.3.2 Route Maintenance 6 2.4 Trust Evaluation 7 Chapter 3 The Friendship Strategy 8 3.1 New Friendships 8 3.2 Friend-list Update 9 3.2.1 Static friend relationship 9 3.2.2 Dynamic friendships 10 Chapter 4 Simulation Analysis 12 Simulation 1: The DSRGF protocol affects network throughput for different friend delivery rates 14 Simulation 2: Comparing network throughput for DSRGF stranger delivery rates of 0% 17 Simulation 3: Comparing network throughput for stranger delivery rates of 50% and 0% when the DSRGF friend delivery rate is 95% 20 Simulation 4: DSRGF protocol, when used with different friend/stranger delivery rates, affects end-to-end delay 22 Simulation 5: DSRGF protocol, when used with different friend/stranger delivery rates, affects the packet delivery ratio 24 Simulation 6: The relative packet delivery ratio among various selfish environments and an ideal (unselfish) environment when using a DSR protocol 25 Chapter 5 Conclusion 26 References 27

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