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研究生: 湯佾澐
Yi-Yun Tang
論文名稱: 基於氣體絕緣開關與電纜直線接頭局部放電圖譜之混合與辨識
Hybridization and Recognition of Partial Discharge Patterns based on Gas-Insulated Switchgear and Cable Joints
指導教授: 張建國
Chien-Kuo Chang
口試委員: 吳瑞南
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 局部放電氣體絕緣開關電纜直線接頭混合圖像瑕疵辨識深度學習模型特徵提取
外文關鍵詞: Partial discharge, gas-insulated switchgear, cable joints, mixed image defect recognition, deep model feature extraction
相關次數: 點閱:95下載:0
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疵1000 筆資料數中隨機挑選混合生成待測圖譜進行餘弦相似度分析比較,最
緣開關整體模型效果有不錯的成效,MobileNet 模型及 Inception V3 模型辨識

In high-voltage power systems, it is challenging to avoid the occurrence of partial discharge phenomena in electrical equipment. Although partial discharges do not typically lead to immediate system collapse, prolonged partial discharge can damage the insulation of electrical equipment, potentially causing severe accidents. Historical image recognition has often encountered difficulties due to partial discharges occurring in various types of equipment, which may contain more than two types of discharge patterns. Previous studies have found that recognition results frequently fail, making
more precise analysis methods and technologies crucial for improving the accuracy and reliability of recognition. By enhancing recognition technology, partial discharge phenomena can be monitored and predicted more effectively, thereby reducing the risk of equipment failure and ensuring the stable operation of power systems.
This thesis focuses on two types of electrical equipment: cable straight joints and gas-insulated switches, each with three defect test samples, resulting in a total of six defect cases. Partial discharge data is processed and simplified, and the final results are presented using phase analysis maps in color, grayscale, and red-blue spectrum formats. Subsequently, pixel stacking methods and Hash similarity analysis are used to identify representative patterns of various defects. These representative patterns are then decomposed into ranges from 0% to 100%, and a database is established using exhaustive methods. The database undergoes feature extraction using five different deep learning models. For each type of defect, 1,000 data samples are randomly selected and mixed to generate test maps, which are then compared using cosine similarity analysis. The results are observed using a confusion matrix, and three customized strategies are employed to reasonably interpret the overall performance of the models. Ultimately, the overall model performance for the gas-insulated switch shows promising results, with both the MobileNet and Inception V3 models achieving accuracy rates above 70%. However, the effectiveness is lower for the cable straight joint test samples due to the significant similarity among the three defect patterns.

摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與方法 1 1.3 文獻探討 2 1.4 研究貢獻 4 1.5 章節概述 4 第二章、局部放電試驗設置 7 2.1 局部放電試驗環境設置架構與試驗設備介紹 7 2.2 氣體絕緣開關與自製瑕疵種類介紹 12 2.3 配電級地下電纜直線接頭與自製瑕疵種類介紹 16 2.4 局部放電介紹 18 2.4.1 局部放電種類介紹 18 2.4.2 局部放電量測與檢測 23 2.4.3 局部放電資料處理與化簡 26 2.4.4 相位分析圖譜 28 第三章、深度學習、相似度分析及資料搜索介紹 31 3.1 深度學習特徵提取架構 31 3.1.1 卷積神經網路VGG16和VGG19 36 3.1.2 殘差網路 37 3.1.3 移動端網路 39 3.1.4 Inception V3 網路 40 3.1.5 特徵向量化 42 3.2 相似度分析 43 3.2.1 Hash相似度分析 44 3.2.2 餘弦相似度分析(Cosine Similarity Analysis) 45 3.3 資料庫相似度搜索 45 3.4 特徵提取模模型與目標圖譜評估指標 46 第四章、局部放電圖譜混合程序 47 4.1 研究架構 47 4.2 各式瑕疵資料處理及轉換成PRPD圖譜 48 4.3 代表性圖譜及資料庫建立 49 4.3.1 像素點圖譜 49 4.3.2 Hash相似度代表性圖譜 56 4.3.3 資料庫建立 62 第五章、混合圖譜辨識之結果與分析 71 5.1 深度學習及資料搜索試驗設備 71 5.2 餘弦相似度分析結果(原始策略) 71 5.3 餘弦相似度分析結果(自訂策略1) 73 5.4 餘弦相似度分析結果(自訂策略2) 79 第六章、結論與未來展望 93 6.1 結論 93 6.2 未來展望 93 參考文獻 95 附錄A、混合圖譜辨識之結果(原始策略) 100 附錄B、混合圖譜辨識之結果(自訂策略1) 106 附錄C、混合圖譜辨識之結果(自訂策略2) 112

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