研究生: |
Jyostnamayee Sahoo Jyostnamayee Sahoo |
論文名稱: |
應用T5大型語言模型及遷移學習於自然災害之自然語言預測SQL指令 T5 Large Language Models with Transfer Learning in Natural Disasters for Natural Language to SQL Prediction |
指導教授: |
Meng-Han Tsai |
口試委員: |
Meng-Han Tsai 詹皓詠 Hao-Yung Chan 梁期鈞 Ci-Jyun Liang 林之謙 Jacob Je-Chian Lin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工程學院 - 營建工程系 Department of Civil and Construction Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 84 |
中文關鍵詞: | NL2SQL 、Transformers 、BiLSTM 、災難管理 、T5 |
外文關鍵詞: | NL2SQL, Transformers, BiLSTM, Disaster management, T5 |
相關次數: | 點閱:229 下載:0 |
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Natural Language to SQL (NL2SQL) 系統讓使用者能夠使用日常語言產生複雜的查詢指令,從而徹底改變了與資料庫互動的方式。本研究提出一個改進的 NL2SQL 框架,彌合了人類語言和結構化 SQL 查詢之間的差距,同時引入資料不可知的功能。此框架允許使用者以自然語言任意發問,提供一種有效的資料庫互動方式,對於人類語言中細緻語意的理解方面表現出色。此框架不需要使用整個資料庫進行訓練與預測,從而提高效率並解決資料隱私與安全問題。本研究以臺灣為案例進行實驗,探討了本研究所提出的 NL2SQL 框架的複雜性,以及其在增強亞太地區災害韌性方面的作用。該系統使非技術人員能夠使用的自然語言查詢資料庫,增強災害韌性。本研究使用 WikiSQL 資料與自訂的自然災害資料 (NDD),比較將本研究所提出的 T5-BiLSTM 模型與其他其他最先進模型的效能表現,結果表明,在 WikiSQL 資料上進行預訓練,並搭配 NDD 資料進行微調時,本研究提出的框架達到了96.21% 的最高測試準確率,優於SQLova, HydraNet, SDSQL, SeaD 和CatSQL 等其他模型。此框架為使用者提供近似聊天機器人和虛擬助理的操作體驗,使他們能夠使用自然語言查詢資料庫內容, 而無需 SQL 專業知識。對此 NL2SQL 框架的綜合評估顯示,使用者能夠透過自然語言更有效地查詢、存取、利用關鍵資訊,具備提高臺灣災害韌性的潛能。
Natural Language to SQL (NL2SQL) systems have revolutionized database interactions by enabling users to formulate complex queries using everyday language. This study presents an improved NL2SQL framework that bridges the gap between human language and structured SQL queries while introducing data-agnostic capabilities. This framework allows users to pose under specified natural language questions, offering an efficient means of database interaction and excelling in nuanced human language understanding. This eliminates the need to transfer the entire database for predictions, enhancing efficiency and addressing privacy concerns. This experimental study explores the intricacies of the proposed NL2SQL framework and its role in enhancing disaster resilience in the Asia-Pacific region, using Taiwan as a case study. The comparison of the proposed T5-BiLSTM model's performance with other state-of-the-art models on the WikiSQL and custom Natural Disaster data (NDD) highlights that when pre-trained on the WikiSQL data and fine-tuned on the NDD dataset, it achieves the highest testing accuracy of 96.21% and outperforms other models such as SQLova, HydraNet, SDSQL, SeaD, and CatSQL. The framework is designed to offer users an experience similar to popular chatbots and virtual assistants, allowing them to query databases using natural language without the need for SQL expertise. The comprehensive evaluation of the proposed NL2SQL framework has exhibited the potential to significantly improve disaster resilience in Taiwan by empowering users to access and utilize critical information more effectively through natural language queries.
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