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研究生: 何書因
Shu-yin Ho
論文名稱: 使用人工傳輸線之頻率掃描陣列天線與微型化手持裝置天線
Frequency Scanning Array Antenna based on Artificial Transmission Line and Miniaturized Antennas for Handheld Devices
指導教授: 廖文照
Wen-jiao Liao
口試委員: 楊成發
Chang-fa Yang
Chao-hsiung Tseng
Nan-wei Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 無線區域網路微型化天線人工傳輸線合成共平面波導延遲線頻率掃描陣列天線
外文關鍵詞: Wireless LAN, Miniaturized antenna, Artificial transmission line, Synthesized CPW, Delay line, Frequency scanning array.
相關次數: 點閱:535下載:4
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本論文係以應用在無線區域網路2.4 GHz頻段之裝置為研究標的;為因應行動裝置元件設計需趨於輕薄短小,吾人利用多種天線微型化技巧,提出一款適用於無線區域網路之微型化PIFA架構天線,該設計有別於傳統印刷式微帶天線,使用壓克力做為介電基材,配合銅片雕刻製作出立體化、微型化之行動裝置天線,其長度僅為操作波長的8%,且具有免淨空區之特性。該天線可提供符合802.11b規範之阻抗頻寬,天線增益與輻射效率也符合商業利用之要求。

The first part of this thesis focuses on handheld device antennas applicable to 2.4 GHz wireless local area network. The primary objective is to devise a miniaturized antenna without too much compromise on performance. The proposed antenna is based on planar inverted-F structure. The antenna radiator is made with a folded cooper metal sheet. Instead of using printed circuit board, an acrylic block is used to serve as dielectric loading and antenna support. The overall antenna size is less than 8% of a wavelength. According to measurement results, the bandwidth, gain, and radiation efficiency characteristics meet specification needs.
Point-to-point communications requires antennas with high gain and high directivity. In the second part, we developed a frequency scanning array based on artificial transmission line. Key components are two dipole elements on a large ground plan, a unequal Wilkinson power divider, and a delay line made of synthesized coplanar waveguide cells. The prototype delay line, which comprises 15 cascaded synthetic coplanar waveguide cells, was fabricated with a low cost FR4 substrates. The delay line is helpful in reducing the beam steering bandwidth needed for frequency scanning array antennas. The proposed array antenna accomplishes a broad beam scanning coverage with a reduced frequency sweeping band.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 章節概述 1 第二章 微型化無線區域網路天線 3 2.1 前言 3 2.2 平面式倒F型天線之演進與模態分析 4 2.3 倒F型微型化天線設計 9 2.3.1 天線架構及其設計原理 9 2.3.2 天線設計參數分析 14 2.4 微型化倒F型天線性能驗證 19 2.5 小結 24 第三章 人工合成傳輸線設計 25 3.1 簡介 25 3.2 合成傳輸線原理 26 3.3 人工合成傳輸線單元設計 29 3.4 延遲線之設計與效能量測 34 3.5 小結 39 第四章 使用合成共平面波導延遲線之頻率掃描陣列天線系統 40 4.1 頻率掃描天線簡介 40 4.2 線性陣列天線原理 42 4.3 偶極天線原理與單元天線設計 45 4.4 威爾京生不等分功率分配器原理與設計 50 4.5 功率分配器與相位延遲線組成與性能驗證 55 4.6 陣列天線波束頻率掃描效能驗證 57 4.7 小結 68 第五章 結論 69 參考文獻 70

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