簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王世琦
Shih-Chi Wang
論文名稱: 網路取代馬路的市占率成長行銷方程式以Concord期貨公司為例
Market share rising formula by Internet instead of traditional style.
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Pin Luarn
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 期貨投機避險價格發現網路行銷部落格社群網站市占率
外文關鍵詞: Futures, Speculation, Hedge, Price discovery, Internet Marketing, Blog, Social network, Market share
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:12
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  • 本個案為行銷策略的實際案例,案例為論述Concord期貨公司總經理Paul,在2006年春天受邀接任Concord期貨公司總經理之初,面對著市場市況低迷、公司內部人事及營運上的混亂及低落,如何運用其在市場中二十餘年的工作經驗,帶領公司走出新局。




    This case is an example of marketing strategy describing the general manager Paul of the Concord Future, at the beginning of his career as the head of the company in the spring of 2006, was able to lead Concord out of difficulties and deal with the financial downturns, the confusion and depression by making use of his 20-years experiences in the market.
    At the end of 2006, the new addition to the crew, Tom, launched a new idea that no company had ever had. It is not only offer Paul a different thought but also a new marketing strategy. Internet marketing is the brand new idea of marketing in the futures industry, futures companies are selling virtual products, and how to make the clients understand and accept virtual products is an unprecedented experience.
    After some research, Paul discovered that the involvement of those ‘’internet activists’’, which is the new generation of the 70’s and after, will totally change the traditional way in the futures market. On the other side, he also discovered that to those who follow the traditional rules in the futures industry, online marketing is easily to be rejected due to lack of understanding. In the end, Paul gave Tom a chance to try and it ended up that it achieved successfully. However, facing all the objections from the current crew in the company, specially the chief executive officers, how can Paul do to gain their trust?
    This case study includes two parts: case study and teacher manual. By this case study the readers can easily understand the characters and functions of futures industry. By increasing online market, the traditional futures industry can develop a different way of marketing, receiving positive results that they had never had. This case also talks about the relationship between market share and profit rate, the method of work of online marketing etc, in order to help the readers develop different approach in all kinds of industries and fields.

    摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------II Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------III 致謝--------------------------------------------------------------------------IV 目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------V 圖目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------VI 表目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------VII 網路取代馬路的市占率成長行銷方程式---------------------------------------------------1 壹、 情境背景----------------------------------------------------------------1 貳、 期貨業的傳統業務行銷模式---------------------------------------------------3 參、 網路行銷模式-------------------------------------------------------------4 肆、 期貨行業發展時間序列------------------------------------------------------7 伍、 期貨市場介紹-------------------------------------------------------------8 陸、 市場占有率--------------------------------------------------------------9 柒、 期貨市場架構------------------------------------------------------------10 捌、 公司簡介---------------------------------------------------------------12 玖、 決定------------------------------------------------------------------14 壹拾、 討論問題---------------------------------------------------------------14 教師手冊-----------------------------------------------------------------------17 壹、 個案總覽---------------------------------------------------------------17 一、 教學目標---------------------------------------------------------------17 二、 課前準備---------------------------------------------------------------18 三、 適用課程與對象----------------------------------------------------------18 四、 教學總覽---------------------------------------------------------------18 貳、 問題與參考答案----------------------------------------------------------19 教學建議-----------------------------------------------------------------------36 參考文獻-----------------------------------------------------------------------37 附錄--------------------------------------------------------------------------39

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