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研究生: 劉振卿
Chen-Ching Liu
論文名稱: 下一代個人通訊服務網路之合作式距離基礎的位置管理機制設計
Design of a Cooperative Distance-Based Location Management Scheme for the Next-Generation PCS Network
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 陳金蓮
Jean-Lien C. Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 位置管理位置更新傳呼個人通訊服務網路下一代行動通訊網路無線隨意網路
外文關鍵詞: Location Managment, Location Update, Paging, Personal Communication Service Network, Next-Generation Mobile Communication Network, Ad Hoc Network
相關次數: 點閱:501下載:0
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在個人通訊服務(Personal Communication Service, PCS)網路中, 如何有效地降低位置管理機制(Location Management)的成本一直都是很重要的研究議題, 然而以個人通訊服務網路為基礎的下一代行動通訊(Next-Generation Mobile Communication)網路將整合現存及新興的各種網路系統, 並且為了讓使用者接受更多元化的服務, 其行動終端(Mobile Terminal)將支援各種網路介面, 其中也包含了無線隨意網路(Ad hoc Network), 所以, 在本論文中, 我們希望在個人通訊服務網路中適時地藉由無線隨意網路之輔助以有效地降低位置管理成本, 因此, 我們提出一個以距離為基礎並結合無線隨意網路(Distance-Based Cooperated with the Ad hoc Network, DBCAN)之位置管理機制, 在此機制下, 使用者之行動終端利用無線隨意網路將其移動資訊遞送給在細胞邊界上已設置好的儲存裝置, 使得系統在傳呼時能有效地降低傳呼所需之細胞總數, 且藉由距離門檻值(Distance Threshold)之位置更新機制對傳呼延遲做適當地限制。此外, 我們也設計一個無線隨意網路使用時機機制, 以達到在各種移動速度下能適當地使用無線隨意網路而不造成其成本過高之問題。最後, 模擬的結果顯示我們所提出的機制與DB (Distance-Based)在各種移動速度之效能比較下, 能適時並有效地搭配無線隨意網路之使用降低個人通訊服務網路之位置管理成本, 並且在無線隨意網路遞送資訊成功率僅有0.5時亦有不錯的成本改善。

In personal communication service (PCS) networks, how to effectively reduce costs of location management is always a fundamental research issue. Since the next-generation mobile communication network based on PCS targets to integrate various kinds of existing network systems and new ones, the mobile terminal will be asked to support various kinds of network interfaces, including, for example the ad hoc network interface, to let users accept more service. Hence, we try to in this thesis effectively reduce related costs by the ad hoc network during suitable time periods in PCS. Therefore, we propose a distance-based (DB) cooperated with the ad hoc network (DBCAN) location management scheme. DBCAN can effectively reduce numbers of paging by letting the mobile terminal to pass the user's mobility information to the storage device at the cell boundary and appropriately limit the paging delay by the DB location update. Additionally, a scheme to determine the usage of the ad hoc network under various kinds of velocity is further proposed to avoid high cost caused by using the ad hoc network. Finally, simulation results compared with the original DB under different velocities show that DBCAN can effectively reduce costs of location management in PCS by appropriately using the ad hoc network and has good performance improvement even when the successful probability of information delivery within the ad hoc network is 0.5.

緒論 ... 01 以距離為基礎並結合無線隨意網路之位置管理機制 ... 05 模擬數值結果與討論 ... 20 總結 ... 38

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