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研究生: 梅月真
Yuen-chen Mei
論文名稱: 北台灣社區大學英語教師對非傳統年齡學習者教學經驗發展之個案研究
A Longitudinal Case Study of an Instructor’s Experiences Teaching Non-Traditionally Aged EFL Learners at a Community College in Northern Taiwan
指導教授: 周若漢
Robert Johanson
口試委員: 陳聖傑
Jason Chen
Yi-Ping Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 成人英語學習者社區大學社區大學的ESL / EFL非傳統學習者有意願溝通(WTC)
外文關鍵詞: adult EFL learners, community college, community college ESL/EFL, non-traditional learners, willingness to communicate (WTC)
相關次數: 點閱:692下載:1
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由於出生率下降以及整體台灣人口逐漸老化,因此我們將英語作為第二語言(ESL)及外國語言(EFL)教育的焦點從傳統學生(例如:在校求學的青少年)轉換至開始為“非傳統”成人(例如:非典型在校求學的成人)尋找改善ESL/EFL的教育方法已經逐漸變成重要性。近年來,台灣政府已成立許多社區大學針對於非傳統學齡的學生提供ESL / EFL的教學; 然而,很不幸地是與ESL / EFL相關的教育,在進行此獨特學生族群之教師經驗仍缺乏深入之研究。本研究為了解決此差距藉由質性方式來評估一位台灣土生土長之EFL教師,在北台灣一家社區大學教授非傳統學齡之EFL成人學習群的教學經驗。為此,依照成人學習者特別的需求,特將焦點放在查明此教師之學生們如何看待此教師的教學方法,觀點,課程和態度方面的效應。資料收集包括此教師及其學生結構性和半結構性的訪談,此教師之日記,課堂上師生互動之錄音及錄影,教師之課堂筆記,和個人溝通。資料乃依Strass 和Corbin在1990的紮根理論的編碼程序進行質性分析。

Due to falling birth-rates and the overall graying of the population in Taiwan, it is becoming increasingly important that we shift the focus of ESL/EFL education away from “traditional” students (i.e., school-aged youth) and begin finding ways of improving ESL/EFL for their “non-traditional” adults (i.e., not typically school-aged adults) counterparts. Recently, the Taiwanese government has established a number of community college geared towards providing ESL/EFL instruction for “non-traditionally” aged students; unfortunately, however, there remains a lack of in-depth research conducted on the experiences of instructors of this unique student population. The present study addresses this gap by assessing qualitatively a Taiwanese-heritage EFL instructor’s teaching experiences at a community college of non-traditionally aged adult EFL learners in northern Taiwan. In doing so, particular attention was placed on ascertaining how the informant’s students perceived of the effectiveness of the informant’s teaching approaches, perspectives, curricula, and attitudes regarding the special needs of adult learners. Data were gathered from structured and semi-structured interviews with the informant and his students, the informant’s reflective journal, audio-recordings, video-recording of class interactions, the informants’ class notes, and personal communication, and were analyzed qualitatively according to Strass and Corbin’s (1990) grounded theoretical coding procedures. Results suggested that the organizers of government-run EFL programs in Taiwanese community college make few or no attempts to organize adult students according to their linguistic proficiencies and EFL learning motivations. Regarding the teacher-student-related data, we found that adult learners’ previous knowledge, educational and linguistic experiences, as well as overall willingness to communicate (WTC) in the target language and second language anxiety levels created prodigious challenges for the informant in teaching. All in all, the study’s cumulative findings show that teaching non-traditionally aged adult learners is a much more challenging and complex enterprise than was expected by the researchers at the onset of the present study. Hopefully, our findings will not only shed light on the aforementioned difficulties involved in teaching this particular student population but also encourage those who wish to teach non-traditionally aged learners to adjust their teaching schemata to better meet the needs of this emergent student population.

Keywords: adult EFL learners, community college, community college ESL/EFL, non-traditional learners, willingness to communicate (WTC)

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE1 INTRODUCTION1 1.1 Background of the Study1 1.2 Purpose of the Study3 1.3 Research Questions5 1.4 Significance of Study7 1.5 Limitations of Study10 1.6 Definition of Key Terms11 1.7 Structure of Remainder of Paper12 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW14 2.1 Andragogy and Social Gerontology15 2.2 NTALL (Non-Traditionally Aged Language Learners)23 2.3 Teacher Roles in non-ESL Classroom34 2.4 Teacher Roles in ESL Classroom36 2.5 NTALL Teacher Roles39 2.6 NTALL Programs in Taiwan41 2.7 Teachers’ beliefs48 2.8 Teaching strategies49 CHAPTER THREE51 METHODOLOGY51 3.1 Grounded theory52 3.2 Data Collection58 3.2.1 Interviews58 3.2.2 Non-Participant Observations59 3.2.3 Focal Participant’s Reflective Journal65 3.3 Data Analysis71 3.4 Triangulation Methods (peer debriefer)72 3.5 Description of the Research Site (community college)74 3.6 Description of Focal Participant79 3.6.1 Teaching Methods85 3.6.2 Teaching Materials86 3.7 Description of Focal Participant’s students89 3.8 Description of Researcher90 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS92 4.1 Preliminary Finding #192 4. 2 Preliminary Finding #2104 4.3 Preliminary Finding #3114 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION122 5.1 Research Question #1:122 5.2 Research Question #2:124 5.3 Research Question # 3:126 5.4 Suggestions for further research134 5.5 Conclusion135 REFERENCES137 APPENDIX 1142 APPENDIX 2143 APPENDIX 3144 APPENDIX 4145 APPENDIX 5156 APPENDIX 6159 APPENDIX 7160 APPENDIX 8161 APPENDIX 9162 APPENDIX 10163 APPENDIX 11164 APPENDIX 12165 APPENDIX 13166 APPENDIX 14167 APPENDIX 15168 APPENDIX 16169 APPENDIX 17170

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