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研究生: 李霽恒
Ji-heng Lee
論文名稱: 四渦流排油煙機的流場與洩漏特性
Flow and Leakage characteristics of Inclined Quad-Vortex Range Hood
指導教授: 黃榮芳
Rong-fung Huang
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-kong Chao
Yi-jiun Lin
Jia-kun Chen
Ching-min Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 257
中文關鍵詞: 排油煙機局部通風
外文關鍵詞: range hood, local ventilation
相關次數: 點閱:251下載:7
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本研究以流體力學的觀點,針對四渦流排油煙機的流場與性能作實驗分析。四渦流排油煙機的設計係使用靠近後牆的狹縫式吸氣槽,配合裝置兩片有半圓柱的側板,另外在上板靠近左側板和右側板處,各裝置一道下吹氣流,以防止超大油煙在受到擾動時從側板與上板交界處的三維紊流區域飄散出來。為了瞭解四渦流排油煙機在運作時,內部的流場型態,使用雷射煙霧流場可視化法觀察參數變化對流場狀態的影響,進行流場診測研究,分析流場型態,推測造成油煙洩漏的原因,並尋求可能的理想操作條件。使用追蹤氣體(SF6)測試法以量測量化的洩漏程度。結果顯示,四渦流排油煙機因使用靠近後牆的狹縫式吸氣槽,配合裝置兩片有半圓柱的側板,當氣流被導引至排油煙機內部時,可形成四個穩定往後傾斜的渦旋結構,因此能夠將油煙控制在其中;且因吸氣槽設置在較靠近後牆的位置,所以能將油煙導引至貼近後牆處,如此可提高四渦流排油煙機的強健度,使不易受到人員操作和外部氣流干擾而導致油煙飄散出來。靜態測試時,吸氣速度Vs > 8 m/s,油煙即可完全被穩定後傾的四渦流帶往吸氣口而排出,沒有洩漏的跡象;動態測試時,Vs �d 9 m/s即沒有洩漏的跡象。追蹤氣體濃度測試的結果顯示,靜態無或有假人時,若Vs = 10 m/s,洩漏濃度幾乎為零(< 0.001 ppm)。有假人時的動態強健度測試結果,若Vs = 10 m/s,洩漏濃度亦幾乎為零(< 0.001 ppm);無假人時,若 Vs = 10 m/s (7.2 CMM),洩漏濃度0.499 ppm,若Vs = 12 m/s (8.6 CMM),洩漏濃度0.320 ppm。綜合靜態與動態的流場可視化和追蹤氣體濃度量測結果,建議操作於櫃高60 cm,吸氣速度Vs �d 10 m/s (7.2 CMM),吹氣速度1.3~1.9 m/s,在此條件不僅方便人員操作,並且在靜態和有干擾氣流的環境下,均能穩定的控制油煙且排出。當吸氣速度Vs = 12 m/s (8.6 CMM)時,壓損為309 Pa,所需的流功為44.5 Watt。傳統排油煙機約使用15 CMM 的抽氣量(壓損為334.5 Pa),所需的流功約為83.6 Watt。所以,四渦流排油煙機所消耗的流功比傳統排油煙機低約46.8%,且能夠穩定的控制油煙並有效率的排出,達到幾乎沒有洩漏的效果。

An experimental study on a range hood which operates based on the aerodynamic principle of inclined quad-vortex flow was performed. The quad-vortex range hood had a suction slot on the rear portion of the hood ceiling. Two specially designed plates were installed as side walls. The inlet edges of the side plates and cabinet ceiling were streamlined. Two cross-flow fans were installed on the front part of the cabinet ceiling to form shot-circuit air curtains and therefore eliminate the three-dimensional effect induced near the junction of the ceiling and the side plates. Laser-light sheet assisted flow visualization technique was used to diagnose the qualitative flow features. The tracer-gas concentration detection method was employed to measure the quantitative leakage levels. The results of flow visualization showed that by combining the suction slot, the specially designed side plates, and the streamlined inlet edges, the in-cabinet flow presented stable, backward-inclined quad vortices. The contaminants generated under the range hood were stably carried by the backward-inclined vortical flow towards the suction slot and expelled outdoors. The tracer-gas concentration detection results showed that operating the quad-vortex range hood operated at a suction velocity at 10 m/s (7.2 CMM) induced almost null leakage (< 0.001 ppm) for manned and unmanned static tests and small leakage levels for walk-by tests. At 12 m/s (8.6 CMM), the leakage levels reduced to negligibly small value. The pressure drop and the flow work corresponding to such a suction flow rate were 306 pa and 44.5 W, respectively. The conventional range hood required about 15 CMM of flow rate at the expense of 334.5 Pa pressure lose. Under this suction flow rate, the leakage of contaminants was still significant. The corresponding flow work was 83.6 W. The inclined quad-vortex range hood apparently consumed much less flow work than the conventional one did.

摘要 i Abstract iii 致謝 v 目錄 vi 符號索引 viii 表圖索引 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 第二章 實驗設備、儀器與方法 5 2.1 實驗設備 5 2.1.1 四渦流排油煙機的設備架構 5 2.1.2 抽氣機 6 2.1.3 煙霧微粒產生系統與微粒特性 6 2.1.4 雷射光頁產生器 8 2.1.5 數位相機 8 2.1.6 數位攝影機 9 2.1.7 往復式調速平板移動機構 9 2.1.8 六氟化硫釋放器(SF6 ejector) 9 2.1.9 局部靜態濃度取樣探頭 9 2.2 量測儀器 10 2.2.1 文氏管流量計 10 2.2.2 壓力轉換器 10 2.2.3 風速轉換器(velocity transducer)… 10 2.2.4 浮子式流量計 11 2.2.5 MIRAN濃度測量儀 11 2.3 實驗方法 12 第三章 氣流流動型態 14 3.1 靜態流場特性 14 3.1.1 無下吹氣流之流場特性 14 3.1.2 有下吹氣流之流場特性 17 3.1.3 檯面前方放置假人(Mannequin)之流場特性 20 3.2 動態流場特性 22 3.2.1 真人實際操作之流場特性 22 3.2.2 動態強健度測試之流場特性 28 第四章 追蹤氣體洩漏濃度-靜態35 4.1 靜態局部測試 35 4.1.1 工作檯面前方無假人之靜態局部測試 36 4.1.2 工作檯面前方有假人之靜態局部測試 40 4.2 靜態假人鼻部測試 43 4.2.1 假人腹部緊貼桌緣D = 0 cm之靜態鼻部測試44 4.2.2 假人腹部距桌緣D = 15 cm之靜態鼻部測試 45 第五章 追蹤氣體洩漏濃度-動態 47 5.1 動態局部測試 47 5.1.1 工作檯面前方無假人之動態強健度局部測試 48 5.1.2 工作檯面前方有假人之動態強健度局部測試 50 5.2 動態假人鼻部測試 51 5.2.1 假人鼻部動態強健度測試 52 第六章 討論 54 6.1 流動型態與洩漏濃度的相關性 54 6.1.1 靜態流場之流動型態 54 6.1.2 動態流場之流動型態 55 6.2 能量消耗 55 第七章 結論 57 7.1 結論 57 7.2 建議 58 參考文獻 59

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