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研究生: 林承毅
Cheng-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 自然光照明系統集光元件之模擬分析計算及量測驗證
Natural Light Illumination System Light Collection Components of Simulation Analysis Calculate and Measurement
指導教授: 黃忠偉
Jong-Woei Whang
口試委員: 江維華
Wei-Hwa Chiang
Jui-Chu Lin
Han-Jie Jhao
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Jong-Woei Whang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 自然光照明系統光通量量測積分球系統光學模擬
外文關鍵詞: daylight illumination, measure of luminous, spectral lamp measurement system, optical simulation
相關次數: 點閱:456下載:13
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Natural Lighting Illumination System components, Mainly for the sun as an incident light source to the case of design. Therefore, in the optical simulation software, the light source setting at the entrance is defined as parallel light and the solar full spectrum,and simulated light source enters the output of the designed element. In order to verify the actual application can be calculated with the simulation software data have similar results, therefore through the actual measurement to verify. Measurement experiments should use the sun parallel light as the system of the incident side, but the price of the solar simulator is too expensive, Therefore, in this paper proposes to use an alternative light source to carry out the actual measurement of energy and calculate the efficiency. Simulate and analysis the same light source in the optical simulation software to analysis the efficiency of the same component. Using this way to indirectly prove that the parallel light as the incident light source of the correct data.

Natural Lighting Illumination System components can not generate light, the light collection component know the energy of the input and out efficiency, Using a light source to the components,and use the spectral lamp measurement system to measure the output energy. The measurement system have to measure in a dark environment to reduce the interference. Through the side into the optical port to measure the energy of the way to get the measured results and simulation results data distance wuthin 10%. The possibility of data distance and the measurement method proposed in this paper will have a large distance value in some cases by using the results of multiple sets of measurements compared with the test results.

中文摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 目次 iv 圖次 vii 表次 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 論文架構 2 第二章 光學基礎理論 4 2.1 光度學單位簡介 4 2.1.1 光通量 ( Luminous Flux, Φ ) 4 2.1.2 光強度 ( Luminous Intensity, I ) 5 2.1.3 照度 ( Illuminance, E ) 6 2.1.4 均勻度 ( Luminance, L ) 8 2.1.5 輝度 ( Luminance, L ) 9 2.1.6 統一眩光指數 ( Unified Glare Ratio, UGR ) 9 2.2 幾何光學基本理論 10 2.2.1 光的直線傳播 10 2.2.2 折射定律 11 2.2.3 反射定律 12 2.2.4 全反射定律 12 2.2.5 光展量定理 13 2.3 光能量損失 14 第三章 自然光照明系統介紹 15 3.1 常見日照系統 15 3.1.1 動態式日照系統 15 3.1.2 靜態式日照系統 16 3.2 自然光照明系統 16 3.2.1 前集光系統 17 3.2.2 集光子系統 18 3.2.3 傳光子系統 20 3.2.4 放光子系統 22 3.3 自然光照明系統之效率計算 23 第四章 自然光照明系統集光元件之量測方式 25 4.1 常見光源之光通量量測方式 25 4.2 自然光照明系統元件之效率實際量測方式 26 4.3 量測用之標準光源 27 4.4 待測元件入射能量計算 29 4.5 量測使用之固定具 30 4.6 開模集光元件與模擬模型檔之結構比較 33 第五章 自然光照明系統集光元件之模擬分析 35 5.1 開模版方形光磚效率之模擬分析 35 5.1.1 平行光入射方形光磚效率之模擬分析 36 4.2.2 標準光源入射方形光磚效率之模擬分析 46 5.2 開模版圓盤光磚效率之模擬分析 49 5.2.1 平行光入射圓盤光磚效率之模擬分析 50 4.3.2 標準光源入射圓盤光磚效率之模擬分析 55 第六章 自然光照明系統之效率量測及分析 58 6.1 方形光磚效率量測計算 58 6.2 圓盤光磚效率量測計算 61 6.1模擬及量測數據結果比較及分析驗證 63 6.3.1 方形光磚模擬及量測之數據差值光損分析 63 6.3.2 圓盤光磚模擬及量測之數據差值光損分析 65 第六章 結論與未來展望 68 6.1 結論 68 6.2 未來展望 68 參考文獻………………………………………………………………………………. 69

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