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研究生: 鄭惠如
Hui-ju Chen
論文名稱: 熱門影片預測系統-基於使用者興趣關係的社群網路之研究
Hot Video Prediction System Based on User Interesting Social Network
指導教授: 李漢銘
Hahn-Ming Lee
口試委員: 陳振楠
Jenn-Nan Chen
Tsan-sheng Hsu
Chi-Sung Laih
Yuh-Jye Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 線上影片預測使用者興趣社群網路
外文關鍵詞: online video prediction, user interesting, social network
相關次數: 點閱:304下載:5
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隨著網際網路的流行,各種線上資訊服務,例如搜尋引擎、部落格及網路相片及線上影音服務也隨之興起。其中線上影音(Online Video)是在近幾年內才流行的一項新興線上服務。由於攝錄影機的普及,許多人都容易攝錄影片及並製作影片,更是吸引大量的使用者自製影片的上傳。也因此,如何吸引瀏覽影片的人群目光,並且搭配商業廣告的播放,已經是網站經營者關注的議題。然而目前的研究議題大多數著重於如何在適當的影片上播放吸引使用者瀏覽的廣告,而非預測哪些線上影片的內容會受到歡迎,也因此,本論文主要的動機就是預測哪些新的線上影片即將熱門以取得最大的廣告效益。

Content-targeted advertising is a popular advertising strategy. The goal of content-targeted advertising is to associate ads with appropriate web contents that can reach a large number of targeted customers. However, searching hot videos by analyzing video contents will cause higher False Positive Rate, due to the characteristics of videos: massive amounts, fast update, and redundancy. Besides, searching hot videos by analyzing insufficient time-series data causes lower accuracy, due to online video’s fast burst and obsolescence nature. For improving the accuracy of prediction, we utilize user social context to alleviate the variation of video content and to improve the insufficient data problem in early prediction stage. In this paper, the UISN is constructed to represent the hot videos’ tendency by modeling user interest relation. The main idea of the proposed system is to identify cohesive subgroups of users with similar interests, so that it can be utilized to predict possible online videos that most people might feel interested. Finally, the UISN is adapted to new change of user interest over time. By using UISN to enhance insufficient information in early prediction stage, the proposed system can effetely predict hot videos. In addition, UISN can alleviate hot video prediction inaccuracy caused by the characteristics of online videos. Furthermore, by adapting user interest change and filtering noisy users, the FP-rate can be controlled under 2%, in the meanwhile; video prediction accuracy is slightly decrease.

Abstract                      I Contents                      IV List of Figures and Tables              VI Chapter 1 Introduction                  1 1.1 Hot Video Prediction on Online Video Sharing      Community                   1 1.2 The Challenges of Current Research 2 1.3 Motivations 4 1.4 Goals 6 1.5 The Outline of Thesis 6 Chapter 2 Background and Related Work 8 2.1 The Online Video Sharing Community Website 9 2.2 The Related Work of Comment Data 10 2.3 The Related work of Hot Topic Detection 11 2.4 The Social Network Application 12 Chapter 3 Hot Video Prediction System 14 3.1 Concept of User Interesting Social Network (UISN) 15 3.2 The System Architecture of UISN 18 3.3 User Interest Social Network (UISN) Constructor 19 3.4 Hot Video Prediction Stage 21 3.4.1 Spreading activation 23 3.4.2 Cohesive subgroup detection 25 3.5 Adaptive Learning Stage 27 3.5.1 The prediction result checking unit 28 3.5.2 User profile updating unit 29 3.5.3 UISN Pruning unit 31 Chapter 4 Experiments 33 4.1 Description of Data Set 34 4.2 Evaluation Design 36 4.3 UISN Parameter Setting 38 4.3.1 The effect of different user set 39 4.3.2 The effect of different K-core setting 41 4.3.3 The effect of user extension 43 4.3.4 The pruning threshold setting 44 4.3.5 The summarization of experiment results 45 4.4 The Performance of Hot Video Prediction System 46 4.4.1 The overall performance of proposed system 47 4.4.2 The prediction delay evaluation 48 4.4.3 The analysis of false prediction result 51 4.4.4 The summarization of overall prediction performance 53 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Further Work 54 5.1 Conclusion 54 5.2 Further Work 55 References 58 Vita 62

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