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研究生: 康良成
Liang-Chen Kang
論文名稱: 搏盟科技金屬加工業轉型-以CNCGO平台為例
The transformation of Brimo company (metal industry) - Use CNCGO platform as a case study
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Yeh, Y. J.
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 共享經濟企業核心競爭力異業學習理性決策理論
外文關鍵詞: sharing economy, core competitiveness of enterprises, learning from different industries, rational decision theory
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:0
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Taiwan’s current metal processing industry is facing the advantages of low manufacturing costs in the mainland, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries, as well as the restrictions on trade reciprocal preferential conditions signed by various countries. When the industry in Taiwan is facing a state of attack How to quickly use network technology and platform technology to find new outlets in order to gain opportunities for technological transformation or business model transformation, and expand business to countries or industries that have not yet been established?

This case study mainly explores the use of business innovation by Brimo to find objects for learning from different industries, and transforms its network operation type into a processing platform operation model to try, step by step introduction of the company’s product changes and transformations through stage goals, and further The transformation of the company's internal process, technology and revenue.

It also leads to common problems in the industry: the quotation and technical standards of the CNC industry are controlled by the "master", which is caused by the master’s experience, cognition, understanding, technical ability, timing, and production capacity, which will affect the quotation and delivery. Is it possible to collect and count the timeliness of goods? Use data analysis methods to achieve standardized or quantitative automatic quotations? And on both sides of the balance in the sharing economy platform, first look for effective customers? Or should we first find cooperative manufacturers who are willing to cooperate with the transformation? It seems that the controversy of the chicken or the egg reappears.

With the cooperation of the right time, the right place, the people and the efforts of our colleagues, after the initial goals of the project are successfully achieved, is the company willing to continue to develop a new generation of platform technology and continue to develop artificial intelligence AI technology investment and resources? Will there be an opportunity in the future to use the standardized method of the database to use aggregated data and statistical data to target the metal processing industry's quotation criteria using artificial intelligence AI? Or sell this platform to other buyer?

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序幕 1 二、 個案所屬產業概況一覽 2 (一)、 金屬加工產業概況 2 (二)、 金屬加工產業的發展與困境 3 三、 個案簡介 4 (一)、 個案公司-Brimo搏盟公司介紹 4 (二)、 Brimo 公司發展大事記 6 (三)、 Brimo 公司近五年財務資料 8 (四)、 現行運營模式 9 (五)、 發展困境 10 (六)、 分析及尋找突破口 12 (七)、 共享經濟模式 14 (八)、 專案啟動並設定導入目標 16 (九)、 分工並進 18 (十)、 成果 21 (十一)、 下階段開發的美麗與哀愁 24 貳、 教學手冊 26 一、 個案總覽 26 (一)、 教學目標與適用對象 27 (二)、 課前討論 28 (三)、 教學建議 28 二、 問題探討與參考資料 30 (一)、 核心競爭力分析 30 (二)、 共享經濟分析 33 三、 板書規劃 43 參考文獻 45

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