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研究生: 吳宗穆
Tsung-mu Wu
論文名稱: 軟體流程改善量化績效指標制訂之研究
The Study of Establishing Quantitative Performance Indicator for Software Process Improvement
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-jen Huang
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-peng Lu
Houn-gee Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 能力成熟度整合模式軟體流程改善量化績效指標
外文關鍵詞: Capability Maturity Model Integration, Software Process Improvement, Quantitative Performance Indicator
相關次數: 點閱:595下載:10
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  • 軟體能力成熟度整合模式(CMMI)已成為全球普及的流程改善模式,僅管SEI網站所揭露的組織CMMI導入績效結果,顯示出導入CMMI軟體流程改善模式為企業所帶來的效益是正面的,但在公佈的導入效益資料並未說明這些效益指標是如何計算的,而是由CMMI導入廠商自行定義績效指標的計算方式,因此無法做為基準比較(benchmarking)的基礎。目前國內廠商亦正在積極導入CMMI,但尚未制定量化績效指標與其計算公式,以做為導入組織間之基準比較依據。因此,為了提供國內軟體產業有效且客觀量化CMMI導入效益資訊,制定出一套標準的多構面國內流程改善量化績效指標是當務之急。
    本研究制定CMMI流程改善量化績效指標集,並採用目標導向軟體度量方法,依循SEI公布的績效構面,制定出成本、時程、品質、顧客滿意度、投資報酬率與生產力六個構面下共29個量化績效指標與其詳細的操作型定義。本研究亦利用問卷調查,先收集國內CMMI學者專家對量化績效指標架構可用性與適用性的意見,並透過專家會議的舉辦,雙向驗證量化績效指標集的完整性與實務之可用性,最後考慮度量指標計算公式內之基本度量值的可取得性(Availability)與易用性(Ease of Use),依組織的成熟度等級將度量指標做必要(Required)、期望(Expected)與有助益(Informative)的分級,以有效提升選用量化績效指標之實質效益。

    Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) has become a widely-adopted model for improving software development or maintenance processes all over the world. Although the performance results of CMMI-based software process improvement (SPI) revealed by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) website are positively significant, SEI does not provide any performance indicator in its CMMI website and thus organizations that reported their performance results defined their own performance indicators and the associated calculation equations. Therefore, these revealed performance results cannot be used for the benchmark comparisons. Nowadays, many domestic organizations are adopting CMMI for their process improvement, but there are still no quantitative performance indicators for domestic organizations to compare their SPI performances with other organizations. In order to provide consistent and objective performance indicators for assessing the benefits of CMMI-based process improvement, it is urgently important to establish the standard quantitative performance indicators and the associated metrics sets for the domestic CMMI-adopted community.
    This thesis has established the Quantitative Performance Indicators (QPI) for the CMMI-based process improvement. By referencing goal-driven software measurement (GDSM) methodology and six performance categories in CMMI website, the proposed QPI includes 29 software metrics which are grouped by cost, schedule, quality, customer satisfaction, return of invest, and productivity. The detailed operation definition including 30 data items for each of QPI is also provided in this thesis. This study has also performed questionnaire investigation from domestic scholars and experts and further held a group meeting to verify the completeness, feasibility and applicability of the proposed OPI. Finally, these 29 QPI are classified into three levels, namely required, expected and informative, in each of maturity levels (ML 2 to ML5) by taking account of the availability of base measures required in a performance indicator and the degree of its ease of use. This helps the use of the QPI for evaluating the benefits of the CMMI adoption more effectively.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 目 錄 V 表 目 錄 VII 圖 目 錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 3 1.4研究範圍與前提 3 1.5本文架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 流程改善量化效益相關文獻研究 5 2.1.1 流程改善效益評估 5 2.1.2 軟體流程改善績效評估指標 7 2.2 SEI目標導向式軟體度量 10 2.3 ISO/IEC 9126軟體產品品質 13 第三章 研究流程 15 3.1研究流程 15 3.2量化績效指標集之建立 16 3.3 驗證量化績效指標集 116 3.4量化績效指標分級 120 第四章 結果分析 123 4.1量化績效構面適用性與完整性分析 123 4.2各績效構面量化績效指標適用性與易用性分析 124 4.3專家會議討論結果 130 4.4量化績效指標分級 132 第五章 結論與建議 145 5.1 研究發現 145 5.1.1研究發現 145 5.1.2研究建議 147 5.2研究貢獻 148 5.3研究限制 149 5.4後續研究建議 150 參考文獻 151 附錄A 彙整SEI網站績效資訊 160 附錄B 量化績效指標問卷 165 作者簡介 177

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