簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 任蔭延
Yin-Yen Jen
論文名稱: 建廠專案之個案研究
A Case Study of the Plant Construction Project
指導教授: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
口試委員: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 產能專案專案生命週期利害關係人溝通衝突風險
外文關鍵詞: Capacity, Project, Project Life Cycle, Stakeholder, Communication, Conflict, Risk
相關次數: 點閱:548下載:8
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  This case is a description of the process of a plant construction and the situations that a project manager may confront during it.

  Under the affects of various social environment and organization, the members of the Changhua Office have had to worry themselves with the uncertain future of their employment period. Given the more than three years of hard work, the company had come to admire the performance and accomplishments of the Department. Due to the variation of the external environment, the company need to improve the capacity issues for the production, the ideal to build a plant has finally come true.

  It is a very valuable experience for anyone to be a project manager assigned the responsibility for a plant construction. From the perspective of a third party, a project Manager seems to hold a high position, responsible for all resources, and ultimately holding an abundance of power. However, a project manager should consider thoroughly whether he could do well on the project planning, organization, leadership and control during the plant construction after he decide to accept the assignment. The project manager is able to deal with a group of people with different professional skills and live with different life culture and is able to organize them into a whole team to achieve a single goal. To reconcile the conflict between people in team and make them work together as a team through the skill of the constant communication. While the conflicting storm is keeping come in, the project manager should make the proper decision when it’s needed and leads the team come through the clutters and difficulties and conquer the risks ahead. The most important mission and responsibility for a project manager is to ensure the project runs to maximum effect under the limitations of time, budget and resources. However, one can only fully understand this when you actually undertake such a large responsibility.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 1 個案背景與簡介 1 1.1 公司背景 1 1.2 品管的危機 2 1.3 成長的需求 3 2 承包商遴選 5 2.1 品管經理的理想 5 2.2 建築師遴選 7 2.3 電梯承包商遴選 9 2.4 營造承包商遴選 10 2.5 工程實績訪談 12 2.6 工程簽約 14 3 建廠專案的發展 16 3.1 問題的開端 16 3.2 以身作則 18 3.3 「庄腳人」好欺負 21 3.4 誰坐地起價 23 3.5 平行包的衝突 24 4 建廠專案的危機 26 4.1 不協調的協調 26 4.2 生命不可承受之重 27 4.3 做生意的原則 28 4.4 當斷不斷反受其亂 30 4.5 亡羊補牢 32 5 教學手冊 35 5.1 個案總覽 35 5.2 教學目標 35 5.3 作業指派 36 5.4 教學建議 37 5.5 個案分析 38 A. 請分析設個案公司設廠的考量為何?廠址的考量為何? 38 B. 請分析專案經理的角色?必須具備那些能力與特質? 39 C. 請說明專案的定義與專案的生命週期? 43 D. 請分析本個案遴選承包商的考量? 45 E. 請分析應如何經營與承包商的關係?管理承包商之間的衝突? 47 F. 請分析本個案中,危害專案的因素為何? 51 5.6 教學手冊之建議 52 5.7 附錄 53 5.8 後記 57 參考文獻 58

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