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研究生: 亞伯肯尼
Albert Shoulette
論文名稱: 再論維持聖盧西亞傳統住宅特性的建築皮層抗颶設計
Rethinking traditional St. Lucian housing envelope design to withstand hurricane winds while maintaining architectural integrity
指導教授: 蔡欣君
Shin-Jyun Tsaih
口試委員: 陳嘉萍
Julie C. Chen
Yeng-Horng Perng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
外文關鍵詞: Traditional, Hurricane winds, Koudemen
相關次數: 點閱:220下載:7
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Individual countries implement measures to deal with particular effects of climate change in their individual countries. In Saint Lucia and other Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) deal with the effects of climate change on several fronts. Floods, coastal erosion, freak storms, droughts and hurricanes all affect life on Saint Lucia. Most of the housing structures on the island are built to a particular Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) standard to withstand the lowest levels of storms and hurricanes as they affect the islands during the hurricane season from May to November each year. As the ferocity of these storms increase, questions are now being asked of these standards of design and construction as many houses and their roofs are the first components of the structure to get damaged. While several factors such as construction quality, rain runoff, materials, and design play a role in this. It is the intention in this study to use simulations through Building Information Modelling (BIM) to closely examine, wind loading and adaptation, thermal comfort and building form to develop a proposed prototype for houses in Saint Lucia to withstand hurricanes of a certain category.
The basis of this study will be to examine the performance and details of the current building forms on the island and compare the results with a proposed design, form and construction system to help homes withstand hurricane force winds and continue to provide an acceptable thermal comfort level and livability.

Keyword: Traditional St. Lucian Housing, Building Envelope, Hurricane winds, Koudemen.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 LIST OF TABLES 10 LIST OF FIGURES 11 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 15 ABSTRACT 16 INTRODUCTION 18 1.1 Context and Background 18 1.2 Saint Lucia 19 1.3 Saint Lucia Severe Weather History 22 1.4 Scope 23 1.5 Research Objectives 24 LITERATURE REVIEW 26 2.1 Building Guideline for Traditional Housing Style in St. Lucia 26 2.1.1 Saint Lucia Architectural Timeline 26 Amerindians 1500’s 27 Colonization Period 1600-1875 28 Post Colonization Period 1875-1975 28 1975 to Present 29 2.1.2 Building in a Local Context: Koudemen or Community Help 31 Common Roof Types in Saint Lucia 32 Common Roof Types in Saint Lucia 33 Effects of Koudemen Activities on Roof Build Quality 34 Roof Type Construction Standard in the Caribbean Region 35 2.2 OECS Building Code 36 2.2.1 Caribbean Uniform Building Code 36 2.3 Wind Direction Effects on Roof Slopes 38 2.3.1 Results and Discussion 38 RESEARCH METHOD 39 3.1 Method 39 3.2 Saint Lucia Housing Agencies and Approval Process 41 3.2.1 Existing Development Context 42 3.3 Typical Site Development for Monolithic Concrete Structure 45 3.3.1 Proposed Design Criteria for Monolithic Concrete Structure 45 3.4 Testing Site and Orientation 46 3.4.1 Site Factors 48 3.4.2 Site Location 48 3.4.3 Solar Heat Gain and Radiation 48 3.4.4 Winds Affecting the Site 49 3.4.5 Lawson Wind Comfort Criteria 49 3.5 Monolithic Concrete Structure Design 51 3.5.1 Building & Roof Form 52 3.5.2 Proposed Form Section 58 3.6 Climate Consultant 58 3.7 Monolithic Concrete Structure Wind Performance 59 3.7.1 Proposed Monolithic Concrete Form CFD Simulation 61 DATA ANALYSIS 62 4.1 Experiment 1: Climate Consultant 62 4.2 Human Comfort Model 62 4.2.1 Sun Shading 63 4.3 Temperature Range 65 4.4 Solar Radiation 66 4.5 Wind Speed and Direction Analysis 67 4.6 Psychrometric Chart Recommendation 69 4.7 Climate Consultant Design Thermal Design Guidelines 72 4.8 Experiment 2 Monolithic Concrete Structure Energy Model Analysis 73 4.9 Experiment 3 Monolithic Concrete Structure CFD Wind Tunnel Analysis 74 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE STUDY 76 5.1 Conclusion 76 5.2 Future Study 77 APPENDIX A: Saint Lucia Climate Data 78 A Climate Consultant 78 A.1 Weather Data Summary 78 A.2 Human Comfort Model 79 A.3 Criteria 80 A.4 Temperature Range 81 A.5 Monthly Diurnal Averages 82 A.6 Radiation Range 83 A.7 Illumination Range 84 A.8 Sky Cover Range 85 A.9 Wind Velocity Range 86 A.10 Ground Temperature 87 A.11 Dry Bulb X Relative Humidity 88 A.12 Dry Bulb X Dew Point 89 A.13 Sun Shading Chart 90 A.14 Sun Chart 93 A.15 Time table Plot-Wind Speed 94 A.16 Time table Plot- Direct Normal Radiation 95 A.17 Wind Wheel 96 APPENDIX B 97 Autodesk Computational Fluid Dynamics CDF Simulation 97 B.1 Existing Hip Roof Simulation 97 B.2 Existing Gable Roof Simulation 98 APPENDIX C: Autodesk Insight Architecture 2030 Analysis 99 Energy Model Setting 99 C.1 Revit Energy Setting 99 C.2 Building Cooling Load Summary 102 C.3 Optimization Object Target 105 C.4 Scenario Comparison 106 C.5 Optimization Opportunity: Window glass & Infiltration 107 C.6 Optimization Opportunity: Window wall ratio 108 C.7 Optimization Opportunity: Solar PV 109 C.8 Optimization Opportunity: Window Shades 110 C.9 Optimization Opportunity: HVAC 111 LIST OF REFERENCES 112 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 114

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