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研究生: 楊雅文
Ya-Wen Yang
論文名稱: 具電流模式控制升壓穩壓器之四通道調光高匹配電流LED驅動電路
A Current Mode Boost Converter with Four-Channels Highly Precise Current Matching LED Driver for Dimming
指導教授: 陳伯奇
Poki Chen
Pang-Jung Liu
口試委員: 姚嘉瑜
Chia-Yu Yao
Ke-Horng Chen
Kuo-Hsing Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 升壓轉換器斜率補償電流模式LED驅動電路數位脈衝寬度調變技術電流平衡高精度佈局
外文關鍵詞: Boost Converter, Slope Compensation, Current-Mode, LED Driver, Digital Pulse Width Modulator (DPWM), Current Balance, Highly Matched Layout
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:0
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  本論文是具電流模式控制升壓穩壓器之四通道調光高匹配電流LED驅動電路,其輸入電壓為12V,而輸出電壓為35V。為了可以達到所要求的輸出電壓,其回授控制電路以脈波寬度調變之方式來實現,並擁有根據發光二極體順向電壓改變的迴授機制,使此電路能夠提供更高的可靠度,來提供發光二極體所需的電壓及電流使用。另外考量到各通道發光二極體所需的電流匹配度,藉由本篇論文提出的高精度晶片佈局技術幫助下,各通道間的LED電流可達到極為精確的匹配,對製程、溫度、電壓(PVT)變異擁有高容忍度。本論文採用數位脈衝寬度調變(Digital Pulse Width Modulation,DPWM)方式,利用人眼視覺暫留的現象以完成定電流LED亮度調整,避免色彩偏移(Color Shift)問題,且具有線性調光功能。

  In recent years, the commercial possibilities of the LED are increasing gradually since the applications of light-emitting diode are more and more prevalent in large scanning boards, vehicle-used light-emitting systems and backlight-used display systems.In the applications of the LCD panel, the backlight source usually needs large amount of light-emitting diode to provide enough brightness.Therefore, if the driver circuit has high efficiency and good driving capability, the cost of the LED system can be reduced. It is possible to design a high energy density, good conversion efficiency, light weight and small size of the boost DC-DC power converters, can be the issue of discussion, but also a light-emitting diode reliability in continuous operation, the luminous efficiency and the key to using good enough.
  This thesis proposes a Current Mode Boost Converter with Four-Channels Highly Precise Current Matching LED Driver for Dimming . The input voltage is 12V and the output voltage is 35V. In order to achieve a desired output voltage, the boost voltage regulator used a pulse width modulation (PWM) and a reference tracking circuit according to the variation of forward voltage of LEDs. The advantage of the proposed method is to offer high reliability to the LED voltage and current use.Moreover considering the accurately matched LED currents for multi-channel Through the help of highly matched layout scheme, the accurately matched LED currents for multi-channel are achieved with high tolerance to process, temperature and voltage (PVT) variations. The color shift problem of LED brightness can be avoided by using digital pulse width modulation (DPWM) control, and the DPWM technique has capability of linear dimming.

第1章 緒論 1 1-1 研究動機 1 1-2 系統介紹 2 1-3 論文架構 3 第2 章 LED特性與驅動電路架構介紹 4 2-1 LED歷史發展 4 2-2 LED特性介紹 5 2-3 LED驅動方式 7 2-3-1 定電壓驅動 7 2-3-2 定電流驅動 10 2-4 LED 調光方式 13 2-4-1 類比式調光 13 2-4-2 PWM調光 13 2-5 脈衝寬度調變技術介紹 14 2-5-1 類比脈衝寬度調變電路 15 2-5-2 計數器型數位脈衝寬度調變電路 17 2-5-3 延遲線型數位脈衝寬度調變電路 19 2-5-4 混合型數位脈衝寬度調變電路 20 第3章 直流轉直流穩壓器概論 23 3-1 穩壓器種類 23 3-1-1 線性穩壓器(Linear Regulator) 24 3-1-2 切換式電容穩壓器(SwitchedCapacitorRegulator) 25 3-1-3 切換式穩壓器(Switching Regulator) 26 3-2 切換式穩壓器分類 27 3-2-1 降壓式穩壓器(Buck Converter) 28 3-2-2 升壓式穩壓器(Boost Converter) 33 3-3 升壓穩壓器控制電路操作介紹 38 3-3-1 電壓模式控制 38 3-3-2 電流模式控制 39 第4章 具電流模式控制升壓穩壓器之四通道調光高匹配電流LED驅動電路 44 4-1 升壓型穩壓電路設計與規格 44 4-1-1 電路規格 44 4-1-2 計算電感值 44 4-1-3 計算電容值 45 4-2 電流模式控制升壓型穩壓電路架構設計 47 4-3 LED驅動電路架構介紹 49 4-4 帶差參考電路(Bandgap) 51 4-5 偏壓電流生成電路 54 4-6 兩級式運算放大器 55 4-7 過溫保護電路(OTP) 56 4-8 電壓過低鎖定電路(UVLO) 57 4-9 時脈及斜坡產生電路(Clock & Ramp Generator) 58 4-10 電壓轉電流轉換電路(Voltage to Current Converter) 59 4-11 高階同重心佈局介紹 61 4-12 四相位八位元數位脈衝寬度調變 63 第5章 電路設計與模擬結果 66 5-1 類比電路設計與模擬 66 5-1-1 帶差參考電路之模擬 66 5-1-2 運算放大器之模擬 68 5-1-3 過溫保護電路之模擬 69 5-1-4 電壓過低鎖定電路之模擬 69 5-1-5 時脈及斜坡產生電路(Clock & Ramp Generator) 70 5-1-6 數位脈衝寬度調變之模擬 71 5-2 整體電路設計與模擬 75 第6章 結論與未來展望 77 6-1 結論 77 6-2 未來展望 77 參考文獻 78

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