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研究生: 王兆雄
Chao-hsiung Wang
論文名稱: 中小企業國際化策略之個案研究
A case study on the internationalization strategy of Small-Medium Enterprise
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-yang Liu
口試委員: 曾盛恕
Seng-su Tsang
Yung-an Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 國際化策略中小企業顯示卡產業
外文關鍵詞: Internationalization Strategy, Small-Medium Enterprise, Graphics Card Industry
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:4
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  • 二十一世紀的當今是個企業追求國際化的年代,自七十年代以來,國際化一直是個重要的議題,其不僅是學者們紛紛投入研究的領域,更是許多企業面臨的重大課題。台灣是個海島型國家,在先天條件上有所不足,國家內需市場狹小且資源有限,因應全球經濟環境快速變遷,國際化是必然過程。在台灣的企業生態中,主要以中小型企業居多;早期,國內中小企業憑藉著低廉的工資、充沛的勞動力,從事勞力密集的加工出口業務,為台灣創造了經濟奇蹟。然而,隨著時代變遷,中小企業無法再固守舊有的貿易出口,其國際化的腳步逐漸邁向較複雜的對外投資;在逐漸深入的國際化過程中,中小企業扮演著國際化先鋒的角色。
    (一) 分析顯示卡產業市場概況及五力競爭、產品應用和未來發展。
    (二) 探討個案公司SWOT分析模型,以了解在顯示卡產業環境所具優劣勢,並做為規劃與策略之基礎。
    (三) 以國際化策略(Internationalization Strategy)之行動架構,並參考近年國內外顯示卡產業之發展經驗,探討該公司之發展策略與執行成效,並提供適當建議供參考。

    The twenty-first century, today is a corporate pursuit of international years, since the 1970s, internationalization has been an important issue, it is not only scholars have invested in the areas of research, many enterprises are facing a major issue. Taiwan is an island country, congenital conditions, some of the national domestic market is small and limited resources, in response to the rapidly changing global economic environment, internationalization is an inevitable process. Taiwan enterprise environment, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises; early domestic small and medium enterprises by virtue of low wages and abundant labor, engaged in labor-intensive processing and export business, an economic miracle for Taiwan. However, with changing times, SMEs can no longer cling to the old exports, the pace of its international first step toward more complex foreign investment; gradually in-depth process of internationalization, SMEs play a vanguard role of international .
    Internationalization of SMEs, is certainly not a growth opportunity; However, under international strategies, are facing competition from a more diverse and complicated, so regardless of their size is bound to be involved in the wave of internationalization. Past academic study of internationalization and international marketing strategy a lot, but most of the Department of large or enterprise group with a particular industry. Through the case study how the domestic SME development problems facing the internationalization of its course of development and the strategies adopted by international development and in response to the road, the manufacturer of the graphics card industry; the one hand, analysis shows that the card industry, on the other hand for the success of the case company in the past international strategy development experience to discuss, the results can provide the information industry as a reference for future international distribution. In this study, the international strategy theory through literature, from the inductive method and conclusions, combined with the depth of the case company's development strategy of international research will include:
    (A) analysis of the graphics card industry market overview and five forces of competition, product applications and future development.
    (B) of the case company SWOT analysis model to understand the industrial environment of the display card with the advantages and disadvantages, and as the basis for planning and strategy.
    (C) international strategy (Internationalization group Strategy) framework for action with reference to the graphics card at home and abroad in recent years industry experience, to explore the development of the company's strategy and execution effectiveness, and provide appropriate recommendations for reference.

    摘要..................................I 目錄.................................II 表目錄..............................III 圖目錄...............................IV 第壹章緒論.............................1 第一節研究動機與問題.....................1 第二節研究目的..........................2 第三節研究內容及流程.....................3 第四節研究限制..........................4 第貳章文獻探討..........................6 第一節國際化策略探討.....................6 第二節國際化策略相關文獻.................20 第參章研究方法.........................22 第一節研究設計.........................22 第二節個案訪談.........................23 第肆章產業結構分析與個案公司介紹..........25 第一節顯示卡產業概況....................25 第二節顯示卡產業五力分析.................32 第三節個案公司介紹......................34 第伍章個案分析.........................45 第一節個案公司發展國際化策略之背景.........45 第二節個案公司國際化策略分析..............46 第三節個案執行效益......................59 第四節未來規劃.........................63 第陸章結論與建議.......................65 第一節研究結論.........................65 第二節研究建議.........................69 參考文獻..............................73

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    三、 網站資料
    1. 個案公司網站http://sparkletw.com/tw/
    2. 經濟部中小企業處http://www.moeasmea.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1

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