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Author: 蔡宗侑
Tsung-You Tsai
Thesis Title: 新組織發展的難題~以國營事業民營化為例
The development barrier of new organizations - A case study of the privatization of state-owned enterprises
Advisor: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Committee: 陳俊男
Chun-nan Chen
Shih-Hao Lu
Jen-Wei Cheng
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Pages: 28
Keywords (in Chinese): 藍海策略團隊建立衝突管理技術商品化生產導向行銷導向
Keywords (in other languages): Blue ocean strategy, Team building, conflict management, Technology commercialization, Production orientation, Marketing orientation
Reference times: Clicks: 591Downloads: 0
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  • 個案公司中華電信是台灣國營企業中,民營化最成功的案例之一。然而,個案公司歷經電信總局、公司化到民營化,轉型過程一路走來跌跌撞撞,歷經低潮,還曾一度行動市占率輸給競業,電信龍頭寶座岌岌可危,隔年發生員工走上街頭包圍行政院事件。後經上下一心尋求突圍,終於逆轉勝,再度成為電信業標竿。

    The case company Chunghwa Telecom is one of the most successful cases of privatization among Taiwan's state-owned enterprises. However, the case company went through the General Administration of Telecommunications, corporatization to privatization, and the transformation process has been staggered. After a low ebb, the 3G market share once lost to Taiwan's Big Brother, and employees took to the streets to surround the Executive Yuan. Later, the whole team sought to break through, and finally reversed the victory and once again became the benchmark of the telecommunications industry.
    From 2003 to the present, there have been six official chairmanships in 18 years, and they have matched each other with the general manager of the technical position, forming a dual-head system. The official chairman brings new thinking, and the general manager of Neisheng implements the strategy, integrates internal resources, and strives to complete the task and objectives.
    In the process of privatization, the company in the case faced a lack of growth momentum and declining revenue. Colleagues were uneasy about corporatization and the liberalization of telecommunications. The general manager of the corporate customer branch, Wang, was very worried about the growth of corporate customer revenue from 40 billion to 50 billion, which would be 10 billion a year, as entrusted by the chairman. After seeking foreign management consulting companies and visiting major customers, Mr. Wang had a firm idea and took active improvement measures: increase customers, increase products, and increase business capabilities.
    In terms of increasing business capabilities, it adopts the strategy of "introducing blood, mixing blood, and changing blood", and actively introduces experienced business fighters, which will bring new demonstration effects, break the mentality of public servants, and create a new business atmosphere. In turn, it drives the logistics system. However, the dream that Mr. Wang expects, everything is so beautiful, but the reality is that there are constant internal conflicts in the organization, one person has one account, unable to meet customer needs, ... and other dilemmas.
    This thesis is written based on a Harvard case. The content includes two parts: a case essay and a teaching guide manual. Through the guidance of the teacher, according to the actual development of the case, students are led to explore: from the perspective of the operator, look for the blue ocean strategy, and establish through methods such as blood introduction and hybridization. The new team faces the cultural conflict between old and new branches, and how to change from production-oriented to marketing-oriented, commercialize the technology at hand, and find a new blue ocean market.

    摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 開場白 1 二、 產業背景 1 三、 個案公司及概況 4 四、 個案公司面臨之挑戰 4 (一).讓大象跳舞 6 (二)引血:八國聯軍行不行 8 (三)混血:老幹新枝 新舊磨合 10 (四) 技術產品化:由技術導向轉化成行銷導向 10 貳、 教學指引 12 一、 個案總覽 12 二、 教學目標與適用課程 12 三、 學員課前準備 13 四、 學員問題討論 13 五、 個案分析 13 六、 管理議題與參考答案 14 七、 板書規劃 23 參考文獻 28

    1. 金偉燦,莫伯尼,藍海策略,黃秀媛譯,一版,台北,天下遠見出版股份有限公司,2005年。
    2. 國家通訊傳播委員會
    3. 中華電信官網
    4. 天下雜誌558期
    5. 博客此海不同彼海?分析藍海策略例子創造無限市場商機
    6. 領導者必學 團隊發展四階段理論
    7. 貝爾賓團隊角色理論
    8. 團隊發展模式(Team Development Model)-John Adair
    9. 衝突管理理論(Conflict Management Theory)
    10. 害怕衝突?不如積極「管理衝突」陸洛 Lou Lu
    11. 「湯瑪斯——基爾曼衝突解決模型」(Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument,TKI)
    12. 營銷導向(Marketing Orientation)

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