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研究生: 黃新雅
Hsin-Ya Huang
論文名稱: 緊急救災飄浮基地台之設計創作
The Innovation Design of Emergency Float Base Station
指導教授: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 飄浮基地台災區通訊網路OpenBTS系統運用
外文關鍵詞: Float base station, emergency communication recovery, OpenBTS system
相關次數: 點閱:234下載:20
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而初期本設計創作所設計出來之緊急救災飄浮基地台,為災區提供短期的緊急通訊,在2012年獲得德國紅點概念獎全場最大獎2012 Red Dot LuminaryAward。在深感榮幸之餘, 也知道此次得獎之產品只停留於概念階段,離實際執行還有一段距離。故從2013年起, 本設計創作藉由跨領域整合,聯合國立台灣科技大學設計、電子、資工之專業領域人才, 一同將緊急救災飄浮基地台概念進一步落實。
透過參考現有救災技術、分析空飄通訊案例、探討現今可運用之技術並訪談第一線救災人員,本設計創作團隊修正初期設計概念,聚焦於災民求救與救難人員搜救。發展出完整的基地台軟硬體系統,並於最後執行了兩次基地台連線前測,以及一次完整功能原型測試。此次透過跨領域合作,將概念設計向前推進,成為可以實際運作之功能原型,雖然尚未盡善盡美,但希望可以在緊急救災通訊產品之設計上, 更往前推進一步。

In the near decades, there are more and more natural disasters happened. And it cost more and more damage to people and society. This project focus on solving the problem of communication breakdown in disaster area.
Based on the research, we developed the first concept of "Float Base Station" in 2012. The concept was about using mobile base station to provide emergency communication in disaster area. And with that concept we won the Red Dot Luminary Award. However, we knew that our concept was still far away from reality. Only by taking the project onto the next level that we can provide actual improvement to the real situation.
Therefore, this thesis unites three different expertise in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology including Electronic Department, Computer Science Department and Product Design Department.Through literature review on emergency communication recovery, modern communication technology and floating base station technology, we cross-analysis all related knowledge to explore further development of the concept. And by interviewing an experienced rescue worker we shaped the concept to become more practical.
We applying design methods, several experimental trials and prototyping in the design process. And we create a functional muck up of "Float Base Station". It includes a duo interface rescue software system that can be use by victims and rescuer teams. The system provides victims in the disaster area to call for help through their GSM phone. And their GPS information alone with their mayday information will be send through OpenBTS base station to the interface of rescue team..These approaches may help to accelerate the rescue process and make the process more efficient.

論文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 圖表索引 VIII 緒論 1 研究背景 1 研究動機 4 設計創作目的 4 設計創作方法與流程 4 研究架構 5 文獻探討 7 大型天然災害對於災區的影響 7 救災時緊急通訊是關鍵 8 現有救災通訊技術探討 8 防救災專用微波通訊系統 / 防救災專用衛星通訊系統 9 救災指揮通信平台車 9 直昇機傳輸影像系統 11 攜帶式衛星/微波通訊系統 13 現有救災通訊技術之比較 14 現有新興微型基地台與網路技術之探討 14 開放式基地台技術(Open Base Transceiver Station,OpenBTS) 14 蜂巢式通訊技術(Fundamentals of Cellular Communications) 17 適用於高空飄浮之技術介紹 19 氣球航空器 19 氦氣 21 氦氣球浮力 22 案例分析與研究 25 瑞士聯邦理工大學SMAVENT(Swarming Micro Air Vehicle Network Project) 25 Google Project Loon 28 日本Soft Bank開發之氣球中繼站 32 美國軍方JALN TCS project 35 空飄通訊案例比較 37 小節 41 概念原型發展與實驗 43 初步概念架構 43 國際設計競賽得獎 48 第一線救難人員訪談 50 跨領域之重要性與所創造的價值 52 修改後之原型產品整合設計 53 基地台硬體設計 60 基地台所使用之電子硬體供電來源設計 64 原型模型製作 66 所需技術規格 74 手持裝置APP規劃與設計 77 原型測試 85 緊急救災飄浮基地台整體運作前測 86 最終原型測試 93 小結 99 結論與建議 101 結論 101 後續發展與建議 102 參考文獻 105

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