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研究生: 邱薇拉
Wei-la Chiu
論文名稱: 印象管理戰術對工作結果變項之影響
Effects of Impression Management Tactics on Work Outcomes
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-wei Cheng
口試委員: 廖文志
Wen-chih Liao
Gwo-hshiung Tzeng
Jia-chi Huang
Nien-chi Liu
Kung-don Ye
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 主管部屬關係優勢為主約略集合方法生涯結果主管評比部屬績效任務績效印象管理戰術流量網路圖形決策法則
外文關鍵詞: flow network graphs, Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA), supervisor-subordinate guanxi (S-S guanxi), career outcomes, supervisor-rated employee performance, impression management tactics, task performance, "If-then" decision rules
相關次數: 點閱:619下載:12
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整體而言, 本論文深入解析印象管理戰術的運作機制,補足印象管理文獻脈絡知識,本研究結果可提供學術與實務管理意涵,並提供未來的研究方向。

This dissertation consists of two studies to investigate the effects of impression management tactics on work outcomes in Chinese contexts. According to the socioanalytic perspective, Study One examines how task performance moderates the relationship between impression management tactics and career outcomes. Study Two compares the relative role of impression management tactics and the other form of supervisor-subordinate guanxi (S-S guanxi) in predicting supervisor-rated subordinate performance based on social influence theory. In brief, this dissertation clarifies the role of impression management tactics will help us to understand how employees develop the centre-piece of successful social skills in pursuit of their desired goals.
Empirical data of Study One were collected from 195 employee-supervisor dyads from various industries in Taiwan. A hierarchical regression analysis reveals that ingratiation × task performance and exemplification × task performance interaction are positively related to salary progression. The results also show that the interaction between self-promotion and task performance is positively related to career satisfaction. Empirical data of Study Two were collected from 175 employees-supervisor dyads working full-time in Taiwanese organizations. Study Two uses the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) and flow network graphs to analyze employee decision rules. The results of Study Two indicate that the personal-life inclusion of supervisor-subordinate guanxi matters more than various impression management tactics in achieving high performance ratings.
To sum up, the dissertation deeply understands the mechanism which impression management behaviors work to fill the gaps of impression management research. We conclude by offering practical and research implications for the findings, as well as a suggested direction for future research.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 IV Lists of Tables VIII List of Figure IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivations 1 1.2 Research Questions 5 1.3 Organization of This Dissertation 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 2.1 Impression Management Tactics 8 2.2 Career Outcomes 10 2.3 Task Performance 11 2.4 Interactive Effects of Task Performance and Impression Management 12 2.5 Supervisor-subordinate Guanxi 15 2.6 Impression Management Tactics, S-S guanxi and Job Performance 16 2.7 Summary 17 Chapter 3 Research Design 19 3.1 Study One 19 3.1.1 Sample and Procedure 19 3.1.2 Measures 21 3.2 Study Two 23 3.2.1 An Empirical Case 23 3.2.2 Existing Approaches 28 3.2.3 The Basic Concepts of DRSA 29 3.2.4 Decision Rules Based on Flow Network Graphs 34 Chapter 4 Results 37 4.1 Results of Study One 37 4.2 Results of Study Two 42 Chapter 5 Discussion 50 5.1 Theoretical Implications 50 5.2 Practical Implications 55 5.3 Methodological Implications 57 5.4 Limitations and Future Research 58 References 62 Appendix (A) Subordinate-rated Questionnaire of Study One 70 Appendix (B) Supervisor-rated Questionnaire of Study One 72 Appendix (C) Subordinate-rated Questionnaire of Study Two 74 Appendix (D) Supervisor-rated Questionnaire of Study Two 76 作者簡介 78

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