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研究生: 陳宇昇
論文名稱: 木屋樑柱之特徵辨識及特徵加工路徑的產生
Feature Recognition and Tool Path Generation of Wooden House Beams
指導教授: 林清安
Ching-An Lin
口試委員: 李維楨
Wei-chen Lee
Yih-Lin Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 木屋樑柱加工特徵辨識加工刀具路徑電腦輔助製造
外文關鍵詞: Wooden house beams, Feature recognition, Cutting tool path, Computer aided manufacturing
相關次數: 點閱:396下載:0
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  • 為了減低使用電腦輔助製造軟體所需之能力與時間,特徵辨識是一項重要且關鍵之技術,一般而言,特徵在不同加工領域有不同的加工方式,因此難有一套標準的規則來定義特徵,但木屋樑柱的特徵明確且易於辨識,因此本論文針對木屋樑柱加工提出特徵辨識的方法,並針對每個特徵自動化產生加工刀具路徑。本論文之運作流程是先輸入木屋樑柱之3D幾何模型,判斷該模型之凹凸邊,並搜尋特徵所屬的平面或圓弧面,將特徵初步分類為凸特徵與凹特徵;接著產生特徵編碼,與預先建立的標準型特徵庫比較,若編碼符合,則該特徵為標準型特徵,若編碼不符合,則由凹邊存在的狀態與面與面的方向性辨識各種特徵,最後系統共分類出凸塊型、口袋型、孔型、槽型與階梯型五大類特徵;最後確立各類特徵之加工法(例如圓孔使用鑽孔加工、深槽使用鋸片加工等)、切削區域和刀軸方向。

    Feature recognition is an important and crucial technology to reduce the operation time and human resources required by a computer aided manufacturing software. Generally speaking, geometric features have different material processing methods in different manufacturing fields. As a result, it is difficult to have a set of standard rules to define features for subsequent material processing procedures. Nonetheless, the feature types of a wooden house beams are distinct and easy to identify. Therefore, this thesis proposes the methodology of recognizing geometric features for wooden house beams, as well as generating tool paths to machine each individual feature. The first step is to classify the topological information by examining the concave and convex edges of the beam’s 3D geometric model, along with the search of planar and cylindrical surfaces belonging to features. Feature codes are then generated and compared with the previously established feature library. If the feature codes match any item in the feature library, the feature can be classified as a standard feature. On the contrary, the feature is classified as non-standard and will be identified by the aspect of the convex edges and the surface normal directions. Non-standard features have five different categories, including boss, pocket, hole, slot and step. In addition, the material processing conditions, the cutting region and the cutting tool path can be established by the geometric data from the identified standard and non-standard features.
    Aside from elaborating on the methodology of identifying protrusion and cavity features, classifying machining features by pre-defined codes, and establishing the material processing conditions, this thesis also develops a computer system based on the proposed methodology and uses three case examples to verify the practicability of the system.

    摘要 1 Abstract 2 致謝 3 目錄 4 圖目錄 7 表目錄 12 第一章 緒論 13 1.1 研究動機與目的 13 1.2 研究方法 14 1.3 文獻探討 15 1.4 論文架構 28 第二章 拓樸與幾何資訊分類 30 2.1 邊的分類 30 2.1.1 相鄰面相切的判斷 30 2.1.2 凹凸邊判斷 31 2.2 迴圈的分類 35 2.3 面的分類 35 2.3.1 凹特徵分類 35 2.3.2 凸特徵分類 37 第三章 加工特徵分類 40 3.1 特徵編碼 40 3.2 標準型特徵 43 3.3 非標準型特徵 45 3.3.1 凸塊型非標準特徵 46 3.3.2 口袋型非標準特徵 46 3.3.3 孔型非標準特徵 47 3.3.4 槽型非標準特徵 48 3.3.5 階梯型非標準特徵 49 3.4 相交特徵之處理方式 51 3.5 研究方法之限制條件 54 第四章 產生加工刀具路徑 56 4.1 型腔銑加工 56 4.1.1 凸塊型特徵 57 4.1.2 口袋型特徵 58 4.1.3 孔型特徵 58 4.1.4 槽型特徵 59 4.1.5 階梯型特徵 61 4.2 鑽孔加工 61 4.3 深槽加工 62 第五章 系統開發 63 5.1 系統流程 63 5.2 系統開發環境 66 5.3 實例驗證 66 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 84 6.1 結論 84 6.2 未來研究方向 85 參考文獻 86

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