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研究生: 楊鈞佑
Chun-Yu Yang
論文名稱: 應用深度學習及紅外線熱影像於設備溫度預測系統之研製
Development of Equipment Temperature Prediction System Using Deep Learning and Infrared Thermal Imaging
指導教授: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
Hung-Cheng Chen
Chien-Kuo Chang
Cheng-Chien Kuo
Nien-Che Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 紅外線熱影像深度學習溫度監控溫度預測
外文關鍵詞: Temperature monitoring, Deep learning, Temperature monitoring, Temperature prediction
相關次數: 點閱:582下載:2
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With the development of society, users' requirements for power supply reliability continue to increase. Long-term heavy load or overload operation of electrical equipment and instantaneous changes in high voltage of the load will cause overheating and abnormal failures in the contact parts of high-voltage equipment components. For the failure of electrical equipment, a handheld thermal imager is usually used for regular inspection, or a set thermal imager is installed for full-time monitoring. According to the temperature obtained by the thermal image, the electrical equipment is judged to be abnormally overheated or faulty. At the moment of analysis, it is often impossible to find that the early abnormality or failure has already caused more serious. it is too late to make a countermeasure, so an unexpected failure event occurs.
To this end, this paper will research the thermal image and other related data collected on the scene propose a set of temperature prediction models. Use historical data for model training, bring the completed model into real-time data, and output the future period time through the model calculation Temperature. To achieve the prediction effect, combined with equipment temperature abnormal detection and judgment. To achieve the role of pre-diagnosis, and integrate the research results, develop an equipment temperature prediction system, through the web page to show data information and the operation interface. it provides on-site monitoring and maintenance personnel with early indicator information to determine whether the equipment is abnormal or faulty, strives for longer maintenance time, and improves the reliability of the electrical system.

中文摘要 IV Abstract V 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究方法 4 1.4 章節概要 5 第二章 神經網路模型相關內容介紹 6 2.1 基本神經網路介紹 6 2.1.1 神經元 6 2.1.2 激勵函數 7 2.1.3 輸出層 8 2.1.4 損失函數 8 2.1.5 神經網路訓練過程 9 2.2 遞歸神經網路介紹 10 2.2.1 遞歸神經網路(Recurrent Neural Networks, RNN) 10 2.2.2 LSTM 長短期記憶模型 11 2.2.3 門控循環神經網路(Gate Recurrent Unit, GRU) 12 第三章 案例模型訓練與預測結果 14 3.1 案例介紹 14 3.1.1 繞線電阻器 14 3.1.2 移相變壓器 15 3.2 模型內容與架構 17 3.2.1 輸出入資料與正規化 18 3.2.2 模型細節與參數 19 3.3 模型預測結果與分析 21 3.3.1 繞線電阻器 21 3.3.2 移相變壓器 25 第四章 預測與異常檢測 29 4.1 定溫檢測法 29 4.1.1 繞線電阻器 30 4.1.2 移相變壓器 32 4.2 溫升檢測法 34 4.2.1 繞線電阻器 35 4.2.2 移相變壓器 37 4.3 預測誤差檢測法 39 4.3.1 繞線電阻器 40 4.3.2 移相變壓器 41 4.4 溫度預測的檢測效益 42 第五章 監控系統介紹 45 5.1 系統功能架構 45 5.2 系統介面 47 5.2.1 即時告警與監控頁面 47 5.2.2 歷史數據搜尋頁面 47 5.2.3 告警搜尋介面 49 第六章 結論與未來展望 51 6.1 結論 51 6.2 未來展望 52 參考文獻 53

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