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研究生: 陳文池
Wen-Chi Chen
論文名稱: 循環應用回收水及粒料對於預拌混凝土工程性質及效益之影響
Effects of Circulating Application of Recycled Water and Aggregates on Engineering Properties and Benefits of Ready-mixed Concrete
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
Chun-Tao Chen
口試委員: 楊仲家
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 循環經濟混凝土預拌廠回收水回收粒料混凝土新拌性質硬固性質耐久性資源再利用
外文關鍵詞: circular economy, ready mix concrete plant, recycled water, recycled aggregate, properties of fresh concrete, hardened properties, durability, resource recycling
相關次數: 點閱:248下載:2
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最後,再以回收水25%、50%及回收粗細粒料10%、20%、30%同時替換拌和時,結果顯示當二者同時替換時,以回收水替換比例25%及回收粗細粒料10-20%可達最小坍損及最高強度。在此情況下,相較於無替換者,成本可降低1%,更可有效減少碳足跡量。推估每年可減少約147.53 公噸的碳排放量,相當於每年284棵胸徑 55 公分,樹高 11.01 公尺台灣肖楠碳之吸收量,故可說明混凝土預拌廠將回收水及粒料導入循環應用之可行性。

This study focuses on the recycling of water and aggregates generated during the production process of ready mix concrete plants. By replacing the mixing water and coarse and fine aggregates with different volumetric proportions of recycled water and aggregates under a fixed water-cement ratio, the feasibility and optimal replacement ratio for incorporating recycled water and aggregates into the production of sustainable concrete are explored. The aim is to achieve environmentally friendly and sustainable development.
Initially, Portland cement mortars were prepared by mixing different replacement ratios of recycled water, ranging from 0% to 100%, and regular fine aggregate to investigate the influence of using recycled water on the properties of cement. Subsequently, the recycled water and coarse and fine aggregates were individually replaced in concrete mixes, with replacement ratios of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% for recycled water, and 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% for recycled coarse and fine aggregates. The effects of recycled water and aggregates on the fresh properties (slump, slump loss at 60 minutes, and setting time), hardened properties (average compressive strength at ages of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 91 days), and durability (water absorption, four-point surface resistivity test, and rapid chloride ion penetration test) of concrete were studied.
The results showed that due to the high alkalinity of recycled water (average pH value of 11-12), the hydration reaction was accelerated, resulting in early strength development, increased slump loss, and shortened setting time. As the replacement ratio increased, the slump loss became greater, and the setting time became shorter. The solid particles in the recycled water acted as fillers, leading to an increase in compressive strength of the concrete. However, when the replacement ratio exceeded 50%, the excessive amount of solid particles negatively affected the bonding, resulting in lower strength compared to those with lower replacement ratios. By considering the blended coarse and fine aggregates to have the proper grading of aggregates, the results of using the replacement ratios of 10%, 20%, and 30% of coarse and fine aggregates, respectively, showed similarities to the effects of using recycled water on slump loss, setting time, and early strength of concrete, as the aggregates were cleaned using recycled water, which had high alkalinity. However, due to the higher fineness modulus of the recycled fine aggregates, the resulting fineness modulus of blended fine aggregates increased with an increasing replacement ratio, resulting in relatively lower compactness during stacking and slightly lower strength. Based on the results of fresh and hardened properties tests, a replacement ratio of 10-20% for recycled aggregates was found to be appropriate, as it minimized slump loss while maximizing strength.
Finally, when both recycled water and aggregates were simultaneously replaced at ratios of 25% and 10-20% respectively, the results showed that the minimum slump loss and highest strength were achieved. Compared to non-replacement scenarios, this approach led to a 1% reduction in costs and a significant reduction in carbon footprint. It was estimated that approximately 147.53 tons of carbon emissions could be reduced annually, which is equivalent to the carbon absorption of 284 Taiwan Nanmu trees with a diameter at breast height of 55 cm and a height of 11.01 m. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating recycled water and aggregates into the production of precast concrete and their potential for sustainable applications.

摘 要 i 誌 謝 v 目錄 vii 表目錄 xi 圖目錄 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與流程 2 1.3.1 研究範圍 2 1.3.2 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 7 2.1 混凝土產業的循環經濟 7 2.1.1 「循環經濟」的發展 7 2.1.2 國內「循環經濟」推動軌跡 8 2.1.3 混凝土產業的循環經濟 9 2.2 混凝土性能要求 9 2.2.1 強度 9 2.2.2 工作度 10 2.2.3 耐久性 12 2.2.4 體積穩定性 13 2.2.5 經濟性 14 2.3 混凝土預拌廠再利用資源 15 2.3.1 回收資源來源 15 2.3.2 回收資源使用現況 16 2.3.3 回收資源之性質 17 2.4 廠(場)內資源再利用相關規定 19 第三章 試驗計畫 33 3.1 試驗內容及流程 33 3.2 試驗材料 34 3.2.1 卜特蘭水泥 34 3.2.2 水淬高爐石粉 34 3.2.3 飛灰 34 3.2.4 粒料 35 3.2.5 化學摻料 35 3.2.6 拌和水 36 3.2.7 級配標準砂 36 3.3 試驗變數與代碼 36 3.3.1 試驗變數 36 3.3.2 試驗代碼說明 37 3.4 試驗儀器與方法 38 3.4.1 試驗儀器 38 3.4.2 試驗項目與方法 42 第四章 試驗結果與分析 79 4.1 水泥砂漿之基本性質 79 4.1.1 水泥砂漿流動性 79 4.1.2 水泥砂漿凝結時間 79 4.1.3 水泥砂漿抗壓強度 80 4.2 使用回收水對混凝土之影響 80 4.2.1 新拌性質 80 4.2.2 硬固性質 81 4.2.3 耐久性 81 4.3 使用回收粒料對混凝土之影響 82 4.3.1 新拌性質 82 4.3.2 硬固性質 83 4.3.3 耐久性 84 4.4 同時使用回收水及回收粒料對混凝土之影響 84 4.4.1 新拌性質 84 4.4.2 硬固性質 85 4.4.3 耐久性 86 4.5 效益評估 86 4.5.1 碳足跡減量 87 4.5.2 降低生產成本 89 第五章 結論與建議 111 5.1 結論 111 5.2 建議 113 參考文獻 115

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