簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 楊仕全
論文名稱: 撼訊科技-中美貿易戰火下乘機而起
The Case of TUL: Pitfalls and Opportunities for Taiwan from the U.S.-China Trade War
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Shih-Chen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 組織敏捷性資源基礎理論跨界管理實踐歷程現金轉換週期
外文關鍵詞: Organizational Agility, Resource-based theory, Boundaryspanning management, Enactment, Cash Conversion Cycle
相關次數: 點閱:562下載:20
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In April 2018, Bitcoin and other virtual currencies collapsed and the mining trend Subsided. The same year in March, in accordance to Section 301, U.S. has announced to apply tariffs of Chinese manufacturing goods on the grounds of “China has stolen the intellectual property and trade secrets of U.S.”, which results in the U.S.-China trade war. This trade war not only damaged the relationship between these two countries, but also affects the global supply chain design. Therefore, Taiwanese enterprises must find a new turning point at this time of crisis.
Without knowing the exact ending time of the U.S.-China trade war, facing the request from customer, RBT Corporation, to set up production lines in Taiwan (R.O.C.) in order to avoid U.S. tariffs imposed on Chinese manufacturing, TUL Corporation uses organizational agility to quickly adjust their operation of production, reorganizes the supply chain through the company's existing resource-based, integrates the EMS system of subcontracting factory to develop an intelligent test station, as well as uses the board of Kanban management to keep abreast of the capacity. In addition, uses six major flows that generate by daily operations, including people flows, goods flows, process flows, information flows, money flows, and technology flows, to build active, timely and foreseeable operation information shared system as the foundation in order to have boundary-spanning management. Under the unpredictable changes in external environment and hidden pitfalls, learning from previous practices to make changes to modify existing knowledge, changing directions, maintaining the dynamic competitiveness of the company, and leading the company towards their next goal.
This research is a case study of Harvard. This case may be used to discuss in regard to the organizational agility, resource-based theory, boundary-spanning management, and enactment. This case also helps understanding how could the enterprise in response to the rapidly changing needs from customers through organizational agility; how could the enterprise cultivates and accumulates its own resource-based and capacity to reach a long-term sustainable competitive advantage; and how could the enterprise uses system integration between companies to achieve collaborative innovation in boundary-spanning management of supply chain. Finally, by understanding how the enterprise uses the awareness from external environment to revise and make changes of its internal cognition, and further adjust its implementation policies to formulate its future actions.

摘要................................................................................ I Abstract .......................................................................... II 謝誌................................................................................IV 目錄.................................................................................V 表目錄.............................................................................VII 圖目錄............................................................................VIII 1. 個案本文......................................................................... 1 一、 序場........................................................................... 1 二、 個案公司與產業概況描述......................................................... 2 三、 礦潮高峰一去不復返............................................................. 6 四、 中美貿易戰:現在開始,是台灣最好的時代......................................... 7 五、 延續光環,再創新局............................................................ 14 六、 大海嘯的毀滅與重生............................................................ 15 七、 積極對應,創新未來............................................................ 23 八、 撼訊科技的下一步.............................................................. 25 九、 附錄.......................................................................... 26 2. 個案討論........................................................................ 29 一、 個案總覽...................................................................... 29 二、 教學目標與適用課程............................................................ 29 三、 學生課前討論問題.............................................................. 32 四、 個案人物背景.................................................................. 33 五、 個案分析...................................................................... 34 課程目標一:組織敏捷性的探討 ....................................................... 35 課程目標二:資源基礎理論之討論 ..................................................... 37 課程目標三:跨界管理之討論 ......................................................... 39 課程目標四:實踐歷程之討論 ......................................................... 41 六、 教學建議...................................................................... 45 七、 板書規劃...................................................................... 49 參考文獻........................................................................... 52

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