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研究生: 廖韋凱
Wei-Kai Liao
論文名稱: 鍛造螺旋傘齒輪齒面誤差修正研究
指導教授: 石伊蓓
Yi-pei Shih
口試委員: 尤春風
Chun-fong You
Kao-yueh Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 鍛造螺旋傘齒輪齒面相對修形齒面接觸分析齒面誤差分析齒面拓樸誤差修正
外文關鍵詞: Forging, spiral bevel gears, ease-off, tooth contact analysis (TCA), tooth surface deviation analysis, flank correction method
相關次數: 點閱:663下載:22
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本論文提出鍛造螺旋傘齒輪齒面誤差修正方法。首先根據美國格里森公司提出的SGDH切製法(Generated Spiral Bevel Gears, Duplex–Helical Method)來建立螺旋傘齒輪的齒面數學模式,並進行齒面相對修形與齒面接觸分析來評估齒輪對的接觸性能。接著調用SolidWorks API(Application Programming Interface)函式自動產生齒輪對3D模具零件,並於DEFORM-3D軟體上進行螺旋傘齒輪溫鍛與冷鍛模擬分析。將模擬結果輸出STL(STereolithography)檔案與理論齒輪的齒面進行誤差分析比較,並根據齒面誤差結果來修正齒形模具。第一次的齒面分析結果最大誤差為10條,經由來回補償兩次齒面模具後進行齒面分析的結果最大誤差為2條,將齒輪精度提升至DIN8級,驗證本研究提出的齒面修正方法的正確性。

Die forging is the most efficient method in the manufacture of parts. Due to its advantages of high strength and high productivity, forging process is frequently applied in manufacturing bevel gears. However, the forged bevel gears has lower accuracy compared to the machined one. The main reason is that it is difficult to control the deformation of blank and molds during forging process. In addition, uneven tooth thickness of bevel gear leads to irregular deformation on gear surface. Therefore, the precision of forged bevel gear cannot be effectively improved.
In this study, a flank correction method of forged spiral bevel gear is proposed. First, tooth surface of spiral bevel gears are constructed by Gleason SGDH Method(Generated Spiral Bevel Gears, Duplex-Helical Method). The contact performance of gear pair is evaluated using ease-off and tooth contact analysis. A developed program based on SolidWorks API (Application Programming Interface) is then used to automatically create 3D gear parts for design of molds. The deformation of forged gear under warm forging and cold forging is analyzed using DEFORM-3D software, and the simulated part can be exported to a STL(STereoLithography) file for further investigating on tooth flank from deviations compared with the theoretical tooth surface. The tooth surfaces of mold are appropriately amended based on the tooth surface deviations. According to the experiment results, the flank topographic analysis shows that the maximum deviation of tooth surface of molded gear is about 0.1mm before correction. However, after two corrections, the maximum deviation can be reduced to 0.02mm. It proves that the proposed flank correction method can effectively improve the geometric accuracy of tooth surface of molded gear.

指導教授推薦書 I 學位考試委員會審定書 II 中文摘要 III Abstract IV 誌 謝 V 目 錄 VI 符號索引 VIII 圖索引 XI 表索引 XIII 第 1 章 序論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 文獻回顧 2 1.4 論文架構 3 第 2 章 面銑式螺旋傘齒輪數學模式 4 2.1 前言 4 2.2 螺旋傘齒輪數學模式 4 2.3 齒面相對修形(Ease-off)與接觸分析(Tooth contact analysis) 10 2.4 小結 11 第 3 章 鍛造齒輪3D模型建構 12 3.1 前言 12 3.2 SolidWorks API應用於齒輪建模 12 3.3 溫鍛冷鍛齒形模具建模 14 3.4 數值範例 16 3.5 小結 20 第 4 章 螺旋傘齒輪鍛造變形分析 21 4.1 前言 21 4.2 DEFORM-3D介紹 21 4.3 溫鍛冷鍛變形模擬分析 23 4.4 溫鍛冷鍛變形分析結果 29 4.5 小結 31 第 5 章 鍛造螺旋傘齒輪齒面誤差分析及補償 32 5.1 前言 32 5.2 STL齒面誤差分析法 32 5.3 齒面誤差補償機制 33 5.4 溫鍛螺旋傘齒輪補償 35 5.5 冷鍛螺旋傘齒輪補償 38 5.6 齒形模具量測結果 41 5.7 鍛造齒輪P40量測結果 44 5.8 小結 47 第 6 章 鍛造螺旋傘齒輪齒面誤差分析軟體 48 6.1 前言 48 6.2 齒胚設計和機械參數設定 49 6.3 螺旋傘齒輪強度計算 52 6.4 齒形模具設計 56 6.5 鍛造齒輪齒面誤差分析 57 6.6 小結 59 第 7 章 結論與建議 60 7.1 結果與討論 60 7.2 建議與未來展望 61 參考文獻 62 附錄A 螺旋傘齒輪小齒輪凸面拓樸點位置與單位法向量 64 附錄B 螺旋傘齒輪小齒輪凹面拓樸點位置與單位法向量 65 附錄C螺旋傘齒輪大齒輪凸面拓樸點位置與單位法向量 67 附錄D 螺旋傘齒輪大齒輪凹面拓樸點位置與單位法向量 68 附錄E SolidWork API 小齒輪資料檔格式 70 附錄F SolidWork API 大齒輪資料檔格式 82 附錄G Klingelnberg P40 MESINFO.CDS(齒輪量測基本資料) 93 附錄H Klingelnberg P40 SOLL1.CDS(小齒輪量測點資料) 94 附錄IKlingelnberg P40 SOLL2.CDS(大齒輪量測點資料) 96 附錄J 冷鍛模具齒面點與法向量資料檔 98 附錄K Klingelnberg P40鍛造齒輪量測資料檔 104

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