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研究生: 游鳳昌
Ricky - Nathaniel Joevan
論文名稱: Developing an Online Library for Faster Retrieval of Mold Base and Standard Parts
Developing an Online Library for Faster Retrieval of Mold Base and Standard Parts
指導教授: 林清安
Alan C. Lin
口試委員: 詹朝基
Chao-Chi Chan
Yih-Lin Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: CADInjection moldingMold baseData retrieval
外文關鍵詞: CAD, Injection molding, Mold base, Data retrieval
相關次數: 點閱:345下載:0
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In today's marketplace, plastic parts have large market share, and thus the speedy manufacture of plastic parts becomes vital in industry. These days, mold designers are collaborating all over the world. By using CAD software, designing an injection mold has become easier and faster. However, file transfer become the biggest obstacle in mold design. The absence of a system that can helps the user to check the file version makes the designing stage become slower. This research focuses on developing a system to transfer mold base plates and standard parts faster during the stage of injection mold design. This system not only provides a way to compare the file version, but also it utilizes Siemens NX 10 to isolate the updated information into a single executable file (.dll), and then, the file can be transferred without the need of transferring the whole file. By this way, the system can help the user to download only necessary mold base plates and standard parts, and those parts downloaded are only the updated portions.

In today's marketplace, plastic parts have large market share, and thus the speedy manufacture of plastic parts becomes vital in industry. These days, mold designers are collaborating all over the world. By using CAD software, designing an injection mold has become easier and faster. However, file transfer become the biggest obstacle in mold design. The absence of a system that can helps the user to check the file version makes the designing stage become slower. This research focuses on developing a system to transfer mold base plates and standard parts faster during the stage of injection mold design. This system not only provides a way to compare the file version, but also it utilizes Siemens NX 10 to isolate the updated information into a single executable file (.dll), and then, the file can be transferred without the need of transferring the whole file. By this way, the system can help the user to download only necessary mold base plates and standard parts, and those parts downloaded are only the updated portions.

Abstract I Acknowledgements II Table of Contents IV Table of Figures VI List of Table IX Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Objective 7 1.3 Literature Review 8 1.4 Chapter Overview 9 Chapter 2. Introduction to System Development Tools 10 2.1 Introduction to ASP.NET 10 2.2 Introduction to IIS 11 2.3 Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 11 2.4 Introduction to Windows Forms Application 12 2.5 Introduction to NX 10 13 Chapter 3. Online Library for Faster Data Retrieval 15 3.1 Automatic File Retriever 17 3.2 Mold Base and Standard Parts Online Library 20 3.3 Data Compression Method using NX10 44 Chapter 4. Implementation 49 4.1 Automatic File Retriever Implementation 49 4.2 Online Library Implementation 53 4.3 Implementation of Data Compression Method using NX 10 55 4.4 Implementation of the Overall System 57 Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Works 63 5.1 Conclusion 63 5.2 Future Works 64 References 65

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