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研究生: 劉佳宜
論文名稱: 法院對攝影著作原創性判斷因素之實證研究
An Empirical Study on the Judging Factors of the Originality of Photographic works by the Court
指導教授: 陳曉慧
Hsiao-Hui Chen
口試委員: 王怡蘋
John S. Liu
Mei H.C. Ho
Hsiao-Hui Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 攝影著作原創性著作權著作權侵權判決
外文關鍵詞: photographic works, originality, copyright, copyright infringement, judgment
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:6
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  • 具有原創性為著作受到著作權保護之要件。但法院究竟如何判斷攝影著作之原創性,尚欠缺實證研究。本研究透過我國司法院法學資料檢索系統,以「攝影著作&原創性」為關鍵字,檢索各級法院之刑事、民事裁判書,而後進行逐筆閱讀篩選,將未討論攝影著作原創性之判決剔除,並運用IBM® SPSS Statistics® 套裝軟體,以敘述性統計、邏輯斯迴歸分析方法進行量化分析,驗證本研究之假設。研究結果顯示:





    Originality is the requirement for the copyright protection of the work. However, there is still no empirical research on how the court judges the originality of photographic works. This study uses the legal data retrieval system of Taiwan’s courts to search for criminal and civil judgments of courts at all levels with the theme of "photographic work and originality", and then to read and screen one by one, and will eliminate which is not discuss the originality of photography. And use the IBM® SPSS Statistics® software to quantify the narrative statistics and logistic regression analysis to validate the hypothesis of this study. The study found that:

    First, the impact of various factors on the originality identification: If there is a reference to the identity of the photographer in the referee, or the target is other non-commodity objects, people, goods, or mention the focal length, shutter speed and composition, etc. Choices, adjustments, or litigation in the High Court have a significant impact on the creation of originality. However, the normalization coefficient of the shutter speed is a negative value, indicating that it is not easy to establish originality when referring to the shutter speed, but since the odds ratio is less than one, there is a mention that the shutter speed is compared with the case where the shutter speed is not mentioned, but originality is established The probability of establishment is not much different, and according to the results of the cross-analysis, although the ratio of the original speed is not mentioned as high as 80.5%, but the ratio of the case where the shutter speed is not mentioned in the referee is much higher than the ratio of the case where the shutter speed is mentioned, it is impossible to prove that the shutter speed is not easily established in the referee. In addition, the standardization coefficient of the High Court is also negative, indicating that it is less likely to establish originality in the High Court litigation, but it is found from the cross-analysis that the litigation court is a very low ratio of the Supreme Court and the High Court, possibly due to appeal. There are fewer case in the Supreme Court or the High Court, and most of them are in the local courts or intellectual property courts. Therefore, although the ratio of originality in the case of high court litigation is relatively high, it cannot be considered that it is not easy to establish originality in the litigation of the High Court. In addition, it is not easy to establish originality without mentioning more photography techniques.

    Second, the impact of various factors on the identification of infringement: In addition, if the referee has mentioned the equipment in the professional factor, or the target is the person, or mention the shutter speed, composition in photography skills, or use on the sale of the original goods also has a significant impact on the infringement, indicating that it is easier to establish infringement when referring to equipment, composition, or photographing. Among them, the standardization coefficient of the shutter speed is negative, which means that it is not easy to establish the infringement in the referee book, but the ratio of the odds ratio is less than one, and the ratio of the shutter speed is not mentioned. The ratio of speed cases, so it cannot be considered that it is not easy to establish infringement when it comes to the speed of the shutter. The standardization coefficient used for the original commodity is also negative, indicating that the defendant will use the disputed work for the sale of the original commodity, it will be relatively easy to establish infringement; although the sale of the original commodity is not higher than the establishment of the infringement case ,the ratio of cases, rather than the proportion of cases in which the disputed works are used to sell the original goods and the establishment of infringements is higher than the proportion of cases in which the infringements are not established, but they are not much different from the overall average ratio, so it is not easy to determine that the original goods are used. Infringement was established.

    Third, there is no necessary relationship between the infringement which is not established and the establishment of originality. Although the case of originality is not established when the infringement is not established, the ratio of cases in which the originality is not established is higher than the ratio of the original establishment case. However, the ratio of cases in which the infringement is not established is lower than the ratio of the case in which the infringement is established. Therefore, it cannot be determined that the originality is not easy to establish when there is no infringement. It may be that the copyrighted work is original, but the use of the defendant is fair use, so the infringement is not established.

    Fourth, research restrictions that have not produced significant influencing factors:litigation type, retouch, location, professional services, and a large number of creative, light, angle of shot, depth of field and object distance have not had a significant impact on the originality and infringement. The purpose of the defendant in the behavioral factors and the fair use also have no significant influence on the determination of the infringement. There are three factors that cause statistically no significant impact: (1) Most decisions have mentioned factors, such as light, which may be the reason for making it non-significant. (2) Factors not mentioned in most judgments, such as retouch and professional services, even if a few referees have mentioned that retouch or professional services cannot affect the overall outcome. (3) There are references to the number of cases in which a factor is not mentioned, and the variation of the dichotomy cannot fully explain the actual situation, such as equipment, which becomes irrelevant. Therefore, it cannot be said that it is never significant. Therefore, it is not possible to identify the originality from the point of non-significance, and there is no need to focus on the choice of factors such as light, retouch, professional services, equipment, etc., and it must be explained by reading the court’s judgment.

    壹、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究問題與方法 5 1.3 論文研究架構 5 貳、文獻探討 6 2.1 從攝影學看攝影之創作 6 2.2 法律上攝影原創性之判斷 10 2.3 小結 16 參、研究方法 17 3.1 分析架構 17 3.2 資料來源與蒐集 18 3.3 敘述性統計方法 20 3.3.1 交叉表分析 20 3.3.2 相關分析 21 3.4 邏輯斯迴歸分析 22 3.5 變數定義與模型假設 24 3.5.1 變數定義 24 3.5.2 模型假設 59 肆、研究發現 63 4.1 敘述性統計 63 4.1.1 交叉表分析結果 63 4.1.2 相關分析 68 4.2 迴歸分析結果 72 4.2.1 影響原創性成立因素 72 4.2.2 影響侵權成立因素 80 4.3 小結 87 伍、結論與建議 92 5.1 研究結論 92 5.2 研究限制 94 5.3 未來建議 95 參考文獻 96

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