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研究生: 林明志
 Lin-ming Chih
論文名稱: 從資源拼湊觀點探討智慧控制服務商的經營模式策略
Exploring Business Model from Resource Bricolage Perspective –Lessons Learned from an Intelligent Control Service Provider
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-guang Lee
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-chuan Chou
Cheng-kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 企業階段資源基礎科技服務業資源拼湊動態能力商業模式智慧控制服務商
外文關鍵詞: : Resources-Based View
相關次數: 點閱:355下載:16
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新能力的方式進行”商業經營模式”價值重心調整。 II -

Due to the limited resources, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

are facing challenges how to respond to the rapidly changing market and the

competitive situation, and to adapt to the innovation of the application of science

and technology. Furthermore, they have to employ resources on hand to reduce

the impact of rapid changes and competitors. To survive and to grow, it is crucial

for the SMEs to enhance their organization’s abilities to dynamically adjust to the

environment, and to develop the best contemporary innovative commercial model

in each stage.

In the development process of micro and small enterprises, or venture

companies, because of the size of the business and the limited resources, it is more

necessary for the entrepreneurs to renew their cognitive thinking to innovate the use

of resources strategies, to re-examine the internal and external resource items and

meanings, and to fully utilize and integrate the employment of resources at hand to

maximize the synergy of dynamic capabilities (e.g.: in collaboration with worldly

manufacturers in the field, the present supply chain and demand chain, the value

chain networks, the value of the hub, the mastery of the moves of the value fulcrum,

how to transform the company's core competences and core values ​​to reposition to

the commanding heights of the value chain in the lever operation, etc.) The company

must utilize generally overlooked or considered useless resources to constantly

recreate new core values ​​in different periods. In addition, it can develop new learning

abilities, or to exchange resources to actively make up for the lack of resources and

capacities of the company itself.

The case study examines a company from its establishment, exploring the use of

the company's growth strategy in different stages, and illustrates the properties of the

resource base and resource bricolage, including the application of existing resources,

the integration of resources for new purposes, and the resources for acceptance). It

also investigates how SMEs utilize dynamic capabilities (program, location and path)

to pursue survival and success in response to resource constraints and destitution, and

how to apply the dynamic capabilities of the organization to make good use of the

resources at hand in order to innovate and re-adjust the value pivot in the commercial

model, and gradually integrate or form its own business ecosystem.

Through observations, interviews, and data analysis of the intelligent control

services vendor, the researcher found that the case company fully utilizes the

resources on hand and manages to modular dynamic capabilities of new resources

and new capabilities with an emphasis on the multi-win business principle. After

the display and inspection of the core dynamic abilities, the researcher found the

company satisfies the complementary needs in the relationship between itself and the

supply chain and the relationship between itself and the demand chain, building a life

community, a general collaborative mode of operation, and develops new resources

and new capabilities, thus achieving the organization's dynamic adjustment of the

company's business model, which is valuable for other SMEs for further references.

摘 要 ································································I ABSTRACT······························································III 誌 謝 ·······························································IV 目錄 ································································V 圖目錄 ·····························································VIII 表目錄 ································································X 第一章、緒論···························································· 1 1.1 研究背景和動機 ···················································· 1 1.2 研究問題與目的 ···················································· 2 1.3 研究流程 ·························································· 3 1.4 論文架構 ·························································· 3 第二章、文獻探討························································5 2.1 商業生態系統 ······················································5 2.1.1 商業生態系定義與發展階段 ····································5 2.1.2 商業生態系統的角色 ········································· 10 2.1.3 商業生態系統的整體價值 ····································· 11 2.2 資源基礎 ························································· 13 2.2.1 資源基礎理論之定義與內涵 ··································· 13 2.2.2 資源基礎理論與競爭優勢 ····································· 18 2.2.3 資源基礎理論之策略思考 ····································· 20 2.3 資源拼湊(RESOURCE BRICOLAGE) ······································ 23 2.3.1 手邊的資源 ················································· 24 2.3.2 整合資源用於新的目的 ······································· 24 2.3.3 將就 ······················································· 25 2.3.4 全面性拼湊和選擇性拼湊 ····································· 27 2.4 動態能力(DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES) ······································· 27 2.4.1 動態能力的意義 ············································· 27VI - 2.4.2 動態能力的架構 ············································· 29 2.5 商業模式 ························································· 33 2.5.1 Mark Johnson 四方格商業模式架構 ···························· 34 2.5.2 Alexander Osterwalder 九宮格商業模式架構 ··················· 35 第三章、研究架構與方法·················································42 3.1 研究方法 ·························································42 3.2 資料蒐集與分析方法 ···············································43 3.3 研究架構 ·························································45 3.4 研究對象 ·························································47 第四章、個案研究與分析·················································48 4.1 個案產業背景說明 ·················································48 4.1.1 產業類別介紹 ···············································48 4.1.2 智慧控制服務產業產業定義與範疇 ·····························52 4.1.3 全球自動化市場現況 ·········································54 4.1.4 終端需求別分析 ·············································58 4.1.5 智慧自動化服務別分析 ······································· 60 4.1.6 全球自動化服務業標竿廠商分析 ······························· 62 4.1.7 知識型服務業 ··············································· 63 4.2 個案公司簡介 ····················································· 65 4.2.1 目前主要產品 ··············································· 67 4.2.2 產品歷程比較 ···············································75 4.3 個案發展歷程 ·····················································76 4.3.2 第二階段:聯合陣線(2001-2004)區域經銷 ······················78 4.3.3 第三階段:代理階段(2005-2008) ······························81 4.3.4 第四階段:代理綜效(2008-2014) ······························83 4.4 個案分析 ·························································86 4.4.1 各階段資源拼湊分析整理 ·····································86 4.4.2 個案公司之資源拼湊模式 ·····································88 第五章、研究結論與建議································ ································ ··············································· ··············· ···············90VII - 5.1 結論與研究貢獻 ··················································· 90 5.1.1 給我一個支點,我就可以舉起整個地球 ························· 90 5.1.2 有所為有所不為的誠信價值觀,贏得供應商與客戶的信任與尊重 ···· 95 5.1.3 誠實多贏策略,做到客戶的客戶也滿意的責任 ···················· 95 5.2 研究限制與未來研究方向 ··········································· 97 參考文獻································ ································ ··················································· ····························· ····························· ··········98 中文部分····························································· 98 英文部分···························································· 100

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