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研究生: 謝璧蓮
Bih-Lian Shieh
論文名稱: 大中華經濟圈對越南直接投資進入模式之研究
Entry strategies of Greater Chinese Economic Area’s Foreign Direct Investments in Vietnam
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-chen Wu
口試委員: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-huei Yeh
Cheng-kang Chen
Yen-sheng Huang
Hsien-tang Tsai
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 越南國外直接投資進入模式多國籍企業大中華經濟圈
外文關鍵詞: Vietnam, FDI, Entry mode, MNC, GCEA
相關次數: 點閱:317下載:4
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  • 越南於2007年元月正式加入WTO成為第150個會員國,由於越南正位於亞洲的中心位置並擁有豐富的經濟資源,因此在吸引國外的直接投資上提供了絕對顯著的優勢.本研究主要探討大中華經濟圈的多國籍企業,對越南直接投資之進入模式的選擇.根據929個大中華經濟圈之多國籍企業於1992至2009年在越南正式設立登記直接投資的公司進行研究,檢定大中華經濟圈之多國籍企業如何進入越南及影響進入模式的決定性因素,據此更進一步了解進入模式及其決定性因素對經營績效之關聯性.統計結果指出大中華經濟圈的多國籍企業對越南直接投資之權益基礎下的進入模式具顯著性,其中大中華經濟圈包括中國大陸,香港,台灣及新加坡.然而,由交互作用的結果顯示產業因素在直接投資之地理位置與進入模式之間並無存在顯著的中介效果,故越南的地理位置上並無形成特定的產業聚落.本研究所建構的一般化模式,對直接投資地主國與東道國雙方兼具理論與管理觀點上的意含.

    In January 2007, Vietnam became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Vietnam is located in the heart of Asia and has a resource-rich economy, which offers it a significant advantage in attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs). The research focuses on equity-based entry mode choices adopted by multinational corporations (MNCs) in the Greater Chinese Economic Area (GCEA) for entering Vietnam. Based on a survey of companies that have invested in Vietnam, this dissertation analyzes a sample of 929 GCEA firms that have been established in Vietnam between 1992 and 2009 and examines how GCEA’s multinational corporations (MNCs) enter Vietnam, and what determinants GCEA’s MNCs have impacts on each company’s entry mode and performance. The statistical results indicate that equity-based entry modes are significant when FDI firms entering Vietnam originate from the GCEA, which includes Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. However, the interaction results show that industry does not have a moderating effect on the relationship between location and entry mode, whereas industrial cluster is not specific to any one location. The generalized model has implications for the theoretical and managerial perspectives of both the host and home countries.

    Table of Contents Chinese Abstract Abstract Acknowledgments List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Motivations and Objectives 1.3 Organization of Dissertation Chapter 2 Research Design 2.1 Entry Strategy Research 2.2 Performance as a Dependent Variable 2.3 Entry Strategy on Performance Chapter 3 Statistical Methodology 3.1 Data of Entry Strategy 3.2 Variable of Entry Strategy 3.3 Data of Performance 3.4 Variable of Performance 3.5 Performance of GCEA’s FDI in Vietnam Chapter 4 Analytical Results 4.1 Main Effects 4.2 Control Factors 4.3 Interaction Effects 4.4 Influences on Performance 4.5 WOS Generate Outstanding Firm Performance Chapter 5 Discussions and Concluding Remarks 5.1 Entry Strategies of GCEA’s FDI in Vietnam 5.2 The Impacts on Performance 5.3 Further Work References Autobiography Letter of Authority

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