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研究生: 張皓威
論文名稱: 常壓電漿於含黃金溶液之固體金屬還原製程之研究
Development of atmospheric pressure plasma for the valuable metal recovery process of Gold-containing solution
指導教授: 郭俞麟
Yu-Lin Kuo
口試委員: 曾堯宣
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
Yi-Wen Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 常壓輝光放電電漿電解綠色製程技術產業剝金溶液含金 離子溶液常壓電漿噴射束
外文關鍵詞: Atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma, green processing, Gold-containing Solution, industrial gold solution, Atmospheric pressure Plasma Jet
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:0
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本研究以常壓輝光放電電漿電解技術(APGDE),建立綠色製程回收技術,收先評估常壓輝光放電電漿電解技術之不同電極配置系統(Plasma Anode、Plasma Cathode)產生電漿物種,並光學發射光譜儀確認電漿物種,後續進行反應槽溶液進行分析評估,包含了:酸鹼值、臨場過氧化氫濃度、硝酸根離子濃度,最後實際應用於低濃度(20 ppm)四氯金酸三水合物於分別於不同電極配置電漿電解處理,經由ICP-OES降解濃度分析,由操作時間五分鐘結果可以獲得Plasma Anode系統降解效率(99.4%)高於Plasma Cathode系統降解效率(27.0%),並經由UV-VIS、TEM、XRD,進行電解回收金屬之材料微觀分析確認,奠定綠色製程回收機制,後續以APGDE系統操作於反應槽內進行金屬離子溶液之製程參數最佳化,分別探討高濃度(600 ppm)含金離子溶液於不同電流參數下,金屬離子溶液濃度、氯離子濃度變化、pH值變化,奠定不同電流參數下金屬回收產率之電流參數優化評估,藉由感應耦合電漿放射光譜儀(ICP-OES)分析,16mA電流參數效率最佳,操作時間1小時回收率可達95.8%,然而通過電解過發現溶液酸化導致回收效率下降,故後續將APGDE系統實際應用於產業,對於前驅物 "(" 產業剝金液與含金離子溶液)溶液進行酸鹼調值,各別以pH4、pH7、pH11反應槽前驅物濃度為(600ppm)進行常壓輝光放電電漿電解系統處理並進行溶液與材料分析,由ICP-OES結果顯示經過前驅物調質處理,時間為15分鐘回收率為99%接近完全回收之狀態,後續利用反應速率常數運算結果,驗證在鹼性前驅物條件之下,回收效率最佳,呼應ICP-OES分析之結果,同時APGDE系統也超越法拉第定律所預估之回收產量。在材料微觀分析方面,通過SEM顯現出在鹼性前驅物件之下,形成金之金顆粒之粒徑較小,顯示通過前驅物之改質可調控金屬顆粒回收形式,除了能提供於回收產業製程之應用之外,更可以開發功能性奈米材料。綜合前面實驗結果,顯示出常壓輝光放電電漿電解系統之高效率、低汙染、商用潛力等優勢。
最後經多次與產業商討後,最終期望能達到完全乾濕分離,完全無二次廢液之問題以常壓電漿噴射束(Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet) 嘗試進行含金離子溶液(產業剝金液之回收處理,並驗證常壓電漿束確實具回收金金屬顆粒能力,並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析經製程所回收之金屬組成結晶結構與表面形貌與XRD結果可接近純金屬結果且無任何雜訊生成,達到完全乾濕分離之回收方式,完全無二次廢液產生,未來更朝向應用於中低溫固態氧化物燃料電池之電極材料開發。


The study uses atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma electrolysis technology (APGDE) to establish a green process recovery technology. First, the different electrode configuration systems of atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma electrolysis technology were evaluated to generate plasma species. Using an Optical emission spectrometer, the plasma species were confirmed, and then analyzed & evaluated the reaction tank solution, including pH value, on-site hydrogen peroxide concentration, nitrate ion concentration. Finally, low concentration (20 ppm) Gold(III) chloride hydrate is treated with plasma electrolysis on different electrodes. The five-minute operation time degradation concentration analysis of ICP-OES shown that the degradation efficiency of the Plasma Anode system (99.4%) was higher than the degradation efficiency of the Plasma Cathode system (27.0%). Through UV-VIS, TEM, XRD, materials analysis, and confirmation of the electrolytic metal recovery material was carried out, and established a green process recovery mechanism, using the APGDE system to operate in the reaction tank and to optimize the process parameters of the metal ion solution. To discuss the high concentration. (600 ppm) Gold ion solution under different current parameters, such as metal ion solution concentration, chloride ion concentration change, pH value change, the current parameter optimization evaluation of metal recovery yield under different current parameters was established. The inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) analysis showed that the 16mA current parameter efficiency was the best, and the recovery rate could reach 95.8% after 1 hour of operation. However, the acidification of the solution through electrolysis has led to a decrease in recovery efficiency. Therefore, the APGDE system will be applied to the industry in the future to avoid such a problem. The "Precursor" ("Industrial gold stripping solution and gold ion-containing solution) solution was adjusted for the acid-base value of pH4, pH7, and pH11 reaction tank (600ppm) for atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma electrolysis system treatment. From the analysis of solution and materials, the results of ICP-OES shown that after the precursor conditioning treatment, a 99% recovery rate (which was close to the state of complete recovery) was achieved in 15 minute recovery time. The subsequent calculation results of the reaction rate constant were combined to verify the condition of the alkaline precursor. The recovery efficiency which corresponds to the results of ICP-OES analysis was found the best. At the same time, the APGDE system also exceeded the recovery output estimated by Faraday’s law. In terms of material microanalysis, The SEM results show that the size of the gold particles forming the gold was small in the solution under the alkaline precursor objects, ascribing the modification of the precursor can control the metal particle recovery form. In addition to the application of recycling industry processes, functional nanomaterials can also be developed. Based on the experimental results found, the advantages of high efficiency, low pollution, and commercial potential of the atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma electrolysis system is apparent. Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet is used to spray high-concentration normal-pressure plasma beam and to recover gold ion-containing solution (recycling process of industrial gold stripping solution). It also discusses and verifies that the high-concentration constant pressure plasma beam could have the ability to recover gold metal particles. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) used to analyze the metal composition and surface morphology recovered by the manufacturing process. The XRD results were expected to achieve pure metal results without any impurity generation, and it was possible to achieve a completely dry and wet separation recovery method, and no secondary waste liquid was generated. Moreover, this method could be used in the development of electrode materials for medium and low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells.

Keyword:Atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma, green processing, Gold-containing Solution, industrial gold solution, Atmospheric pressure Plasma Jet.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章、緒論 1.1前言 1.2研究目的與動機 第二章、文獻回顧 2.1電子產業廢棄物 2.1.1城市礦產與循環經濟 2.1.2國內外產業發展現況 2.2傳統貴金屬回收方法 2.3.1含金回收處理製程 2.3.3含金液態廢料回收處理製程 2.4電漿之基本介紹 2.4.1電漿原理與反應機制 2.5常壓大氣微電漿技術介紹與應用 2.5.1常壓大氣液相微電漿歷史 2.5.2常壓大氣液相微電漿之產生方式 2.5.3直接接觸式液相電漿系統(Direct contact plasma-liquid systems) 2.5.4間接接觸液相電漿系統(Indirect contact plasma-liquid systems) 2.5.5電漿誘導液相基礎化學反應 2.6常壓大氣輝光放電電漿電解技術APGDE 2.6.1非接觸式輝光放電技術GDE 2.6.2接觸式輝光放電電解 CGDE 2.6.3離子液體輝光放電電解技術 2.7常壓液相微電漿與液相電解質界面相互作用 2.7.1化學反應於電漿與液相電解質界面區域 2.7.2常壓大氣液相微電漿與電解液界面相互作用合成奈米顆粒之電化學機制 2.7.3常壓大氣液相微電漿之奈米顆粒合成 2.7.4貴金屬與奈米材料 2.8常壓大氣液相電漿於電解水化學反應 2.8.1常壓大氣液相微電漿於液相電解質產生反應物種 2.8.2過氧化氫對於合成反應與環境之重要性 2.8.3常壓大氣液相微電漿於廢水於環境處理 2.9常壓大氣電漿技術回收技術 2.9.1金屬標準還原電位與酸鹼值 2.9.2常壓輝光放電電漿電解回收技術 2.9.3常壓大氣電漿噴射束回收技術 第三章、實驗設備與程序 3.1實驗流程與參數 3.1.1常壓輝光放電電漿電解系統 3.1.2常壓大氣電漿噴射束 3.2實驗藥品 3.3電漿實驗濃度調配所需之實驗器皿 3.4濃度調配與標定及滴定 3.5實驗設備與分析儀器 第四章、結果與討論 4.1.1 APGDE技術之電極配置系統與操作環境 4.1.2 APGDE常壓輝光放電電漿電解技術於液相界面之電漿物種分析 4.2評估APGDE系統之不同電極配置系統於不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之OES與特性之分析 4.2.1 APGDE技術於Plasma-Anode系統配置不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之OES結果分析 4.2.2 APGDE技術於Plasma-Cathode系統配置不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之OES結果分析 4.2.3 APGDE之電極配置系統於不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之特性分析 4.2.4 APGDE技術於Plasma-Anode系統配置不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之特性之分析 4.2.5 APGDE技術於Plasma-Cathode系統配置不同電流參數於密閉式操作環境之特性之分析 4.2.6 APGDE技術之不同電極配置系統於密閉操作環境臭之氧含量分析 4.3評估常壓輝光放電電漿電解技術於電極配置系統之低濃度含金離子回收 4.3.1低濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE不同電極配置系統處理ICP-OES濃度分析 4.3.2低濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE不同電極配置還原金奈米顆粒UV-VIS分析 4.3.3低濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE不同電極配置系統還原金奈米顆粒TEM、XRD分析 4.4 APGDE系統電極配置最佳化與回收機制建立 4.5評估常壓輝光放電電漿電解技於之高濃度含金離子回收 4.5.1評估高濃度含金離子溶液經不同電流參數之特性分析 4.5.2評估高濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE系統還原金之金屬SEM、EDS、XRD分析 4.6常壓輝光放電電漿電解技於之調值高濃度含金離子回收 4.6.1高濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE系統於不同pH值操作條件之特性分析 4.6.2高濃度含金離子溶液經APGDE系統於不同pH值操作條件經APGDE系統還原金之金屬SEM、 EDS、 XRD 分析 4-7 實際產業應用:APGDE系統處理調值後產業界剝金溶液 4.7.1業界剝金溶液經APGDE系統於不同pH值操作條件之特性分析 4.7.2業界剝金溶液經APGDE系統於不同pH值操作條件經APGDE系統還原金之金屬SEM、EDS、XRD 分析 4-8 高濃度金屬離子溶液反應速率常數分析 4-9 實際產業應用:APPJ技術處理金屬回收產業界剝金溶液 第五章、結論與未來展望 5.1 結論 5.2未來展望 第六章、參考文獻 附件

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