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研究生: 李婷愉
Ting-Yu Lee
論文名稱: 以串聯整合式架構設計雙頻吸收型共模抑制濾波器
Design dual-band Absorptive Common-Mode Noise Suppression Filter with Series Unified Matching Network
指導教授: 林丁丙
Ding-Bing Lin
口試委員: 吳宗霖
Tzong-Lin Wu
Chao-Hsiung Tseng
Chien-Ching Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 反射型共模抑制濾波器吸收型共模抑制濾波器信號完整性多層印刷電路板
外文關鍵詞: Reflective-type Common mode suppression filter, Absorptive-type Common mode suppression filter, Signal integrity, Multi-layer Printed Circuit Board
相關次數: 點閱:478下載:0
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現今的數位訊號大部分都是使用差模訊號傳輸,然而差動走線可能會因為訊號走線不等長(Asymmetrical Routing)、轉角(Bending)、信號時序落差(Timing Skew)等等,使得差模訊號傳輸無法維持對稱性,進而產生共模雜訊(Common Mode Noise),共模訊號藉由不理想的回流路徑而產生輻射,進而引發EMI相關問題。

Most of digital signals are using differential-mode signal to transmit nowadays. However, differential routing may cause by asymmetrical-routing, bending, timing- skew….That will make differential-mode signal transmission which cannot maintain symmetry, resulting in common-mode noise. Common-mode noise will produce radiation with poor return path, resulting in problems of EMI.
Therefore, this project proposes to design a dual-band absorptive common-mode noise suppression filter with series unified matching network, expecting to suppress and absorb the common-mode noise caused by the differential transmission line on the actual circuit. At the same time, we keep the differential signal integrity, that is the most important goal in our research. We use the way of series unified matching network and E-type RCMF.After simulation, when the absorption efficiency is set to 90%, the dual-frequency absorption bandwidth fall on 2.17~2.48GHz and 4.69~5.29GHz, and the absorption ratio bandwidth is at f_1. about 12.5%, while the proportional bandwidth at f_2 is about 11.7%. At the same time, that can reduce the area of the common-mode noise suppression filter, besides apply the common-mode noise suppression filter for dual-band, and have good differential signal integrity.

摘要................................i ABSTRACT...........................ii 誌謝................................iv 目錄................................v 圖目錄..............................vii 第一章 緒論.........................1 1.1 研究動機與目的..................1 1.2 文獻探討........................4 1.2.1 單頻吸收型共模雜訊電路........4 1.2.2 雙頻整合式吸收型共模雜訊電路...6 1.3 論文架構........................9 第二章 共模抑制濾波器設計基礎理論.....10 2.1 差動傳輸線簡介..................10 2.2 差動傳輸線......................11 2.3 奇偶模分析......................12 2.3.2 奇模傳輸之特性分析............13 2.3.3 偶模傳輸之特性分析............14 2.4 差動電路特性分析與量測...........16 2.4.1 混合模態散射參數..............16 第三章 雙頻吸收型共模抑制濾波器設計...21 3.1 吸收型共模抑制濾波器概念.........21 3.2 雙頻吸收型共模抑制濾波器架構.....22  3.2.1 RCMF共模反射濾波器設計.......23 3.2.2 匹配網路設計.................24 3.3 吸收型共模抑制濾波器電路分析.....25 3.3.1 差模訊號傳輸分析..............25 3.3.2 共模訊號傳輸分析..............26 3.3.3 吸收型共模抑制濾波器參數分析...27 3.4 吸收端設計.....................28 3.4.1 匹配網路架構分析..............28 3.4.2 集總元件取值設計..............29 第四章 模擬結果討論.................36 4.1 模擬結果.......................36 第五章 結論........................38 參考文獻...........................39 

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[10] https://hdl.handle.net/11296/hc3btf

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