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研究生: 卓群
論文名稱: 智慧型停車場顧客尋車系統之研究
The research on customer car locator system in an intellgent parking lot
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-wu Yu
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Rui-Shan Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 智慧型停車場電腦視覺辨識尋車系統
外文關鍵詞: Intelligent parking lot、Computer vision identif
相關次數: 點閱:219下載:15
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  • 1886年6月世界上第一輛裝置單缸發動機的汽車由德國人卡爾•賓士(Karl Benz)製造誕生,汽車的發明為人類文明的進程創造了無限的加速作用,當然也產生了無數的負面問題,近年來全球暖化氣候遽變的發燒話題就是一例。台灣已經是一個完全的汽車社會,也是現代人生活的共同記憶,如果您住在一個大眾運輸系統不是很便捷的地方,有可能從離開家的那一刻起,就是從家裡的停車場到另一座停車場,再到另一座停車場,一直到下班回到家裡的停車場。停車場也是都市設施的一部份和維持城市順暢的緩衝區,沒有大量停車場的吞吐,道路上將是寸步難行。所有的商業行為也都離不開停車場,沒有便利的停車場,再誘人的商場也會令消費者望之卻步。停車場的便利性也成為一個現代社會重要的課題。但事實上,在現今寸土寸金一位難求的現實環境下,只要有停車位,哪怕是多等幾分鐘,停車位小到只能勉強塞入,購物後心裡唯一想的是自己的車到底停在何處?圍著偌大的停車場找車是多麼難為情和讓人氣結的ㄧ件事,這些不斷上演的戲碼讓消費者已逐漸開始重視停車場的便利性,但是如何才算是一個便利的停車場呢?相關的軟/硬體又能夠提供哪些人性化的服務呢?

    Several engineers were involved in the invention of the first automobile. However, the invention of the first practical car is usually credited to Karl Benz, a German engineer who built his first car in 1886. This invention spells out an unlimited acceleration of human progress. However, this invention has had a negative impact. For instance, the global warming issue is one of the hottest topics in recent years. Also since Taiwan has transformed itself into a mobile society, parking-related problems have become common nightmares for everyone. Imagine yourself living in a community with no convenient mass transportation system. Then you start one day traveling from one parking lot to another and end up at the same parking lot where you started your day. How important is the parking lot! Well, it has been an important public facility of a modern city, which operates as a traffic buffer to keep the city transportation function running smoothly. If there was no efficient parking lot system to serve the city, the city would eventually loose its vitality. All the commercial activities will not survive and even the most gorgeous shopping mall would lose its desirecilility to its customers. Issues of parking management have attracted ongoing attentions everywhere. However, the real situations is, if you can find a parking space you will not likely complain how narrow the parking space is or how long you have been waiting for it. When you finish your shopping, the only thing comes to your mind is “where did I park my car? Just imagine how manytimes you couldn’t find your car in the parking lot. These parking problems have driven people to develop better alternatives. However, should be the criteria for a convenient parking lot? What kinds of services can a convenient parking lot deliver to its costumers? What are the software and hardware requirements of a convenient parking lot?
    Most of the current studies on parking lots are oriented towards business owners. These studies are focused on the administration and management of parking lots. Such as parking lot design, parking lot entrances, how to increase turnover rate, fees collection systems, parking ticket management, parking lots management application on the Internet, and computer vision identification. Apparently, customer oriented studies which focus on the customers’ convenience are outnumbered by the business owner studies. Unfortunately, the percentage of studies on how to improve customer service is still low. The purpose of this thesis is to review existing literature on intelligent parking lot management systems and Vehicle Locator Systems (Seek/Find Locator). So as to further develop the concept of a simple and easy car locator system and create a software prototype for this system. It is hoped that this system can assist drivers to quickly find their cars in the parking lot. It is our belief that we can leverage existing software and hardware technology to developing this system at a minimum cost.
    The parking lot car locator system proposed here does not need to install large amount of hardware as ordinary parking lot car locator systems do. When customers park his car and are ready to leave, all they have to do is to memorize the number of the parking space or the district number. After receiving the parking information keyed in by customers, the car locator system return with a simple map showing relative positions between the car and drivers as well as the shortest routes and approximate distance for the customers to pick up their cars.

    第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 相關研究 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.4 系統流程 3 1.5 論文架構 7 第2章 文獻探討 8 2.1 停車場的種類 11 2.2 傳統停車場管理 14 2.3 停車場管理常見問題 17 2.4 停車場管理考慮因素 19 2.5 智慧型停車場 20 2.5.1 以電腦視覺技術建構之停車場管理 22 2.5.2 網際網路在停車場管理之應用 24 2.5.3 感應偵測技術對停車場管理之現況 27 2.5.4 汽車定位及導引技術 30 2.6 智慧型停車場發展趨勢 32 第3章 研究流程 35 3.1 系統分析 35 3.2 系統設計 36 3.3 最短路徑演算法 37 第4章 軟體開發 41 4.1 系統需求與流程分析 41 4.2 初步設計規劃 42 4.3 測試與驗證 49 第5章 結論與建議 52 5.1 結論 52 5.2 研究貢獻 52 5.3 研究限制與後續研究 53 參考文獻 56 附錄 桃園縣府前公有停車場現場勘查及訪談紀錄 58

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