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Author: 方榮智
Jung-Chih Fang
Thesis Title: 台灣雲端產業競爭策略分析-以G公司為例
Competitive Strategy Analysis of Cloud Industry in Taiwan – The Case of G Company
Advisor: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
Committee: 張光第
Guang-Di Chang
Jui-Chuan Chang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Graduation Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Pages: 62
Keywords (in Chinese): AI雲平台雲原生五力分析微服務SWOT/TOWS
Keywords (in other languages): AI Platform, Cloud Native, Porter five forces analysis, Microservices, SOWT/TOWS
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  • 數位轉型驅動IT現代化(IT Modernization)的技術發展,企業在IT的架構,從虛擬主機(Virtual Machine)、容器(Container)、微服務(Microservices)、到雲原生(Cloud Native)的生態系,改變了雲端產業的發展,讓公有雲及私有雲廠商持續提供創新解決方案,以滿足企業的應用現代化需求,例如AI開發平台、CI/CD流程自動化,及應用新架構的雲端服務平台。

    Digital transformation drives the technological development of IT Modernization. The architecture of enterprises in IT ranges from Virtual Machines, Containers, Microservices, to Cloud Native ecosystems. It has changed the development of the cloud industry, allowing public cloud and private cloud vendors to continuously provide innovative solutions to meet the application modernization needs of enterprises, such as AI development platforms, CI/CD process automation, and cloud service platforms applied by new architectures.
    Company G started with a cloud platform of open-source software. After the construction and maintenance experience of the national AI cloud service platform (National Center for High-performance Computing – Taiwania 2), Company G has built profound technical research and development strength. In recent years, the core technology has been transformed from project customization to productization to facilitate sales and marketing. Facing the wave of domestic and foreign cloud industry competition and digital transformation, more industry information and trend observation is critical to cope with the ever-changing cloud market.
    This research uses the information obtained from market research institutions, market research reports of cloud vendors, reports in digital media and magazines, and actual participation in the decision-making and execution of G Company, using the framework of Porter's five forces analysis, SWOT analysis and TOWS, etc. The research method found four main phenomena, including: digital transformation changes enterprise IT structure, cloud strategy for server brand innovation, cloud sales channels need Cloud Native professional partners, and enterprises need Hybrid cloud and Multicloud management platforms. The final conclusions and recommendations, through this research, put forward the strategy and action suggestions for G company, facing external opportunities and threats, use its own advantages to actively compete, and reduce the impact of disadvantages.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 研究目的 2 1.4 研究重要性 2 第二章 研究方法與架構 3 2.1 產業五力分析 3 2.2 SWOT及TOWS分析 4 2.3 研究步驟與架構 5 第三章 產業發展趨勢與分析 7 3.1 產業發展趨勢 7 3.1.1 多雲管理成為重點需求 7 3.1.2 雲原生的發展成為眾多雲端架構選擇 11 3.1.3 AI雲服務滿足AI產業的需求 14 3.2 產業五力分析 21 3.2.1 現有競爭者間的競爭 21 3.2.2 新進者的威脅 29 3.2.3 替代品與互補品的影響因子 31 3.2.4 影響供應商議價能力的因素 34 3.2.5 影響購買者購買力的因素 34 第四章 G公司為例 42 4.1 G公司背景及介紹 42 4.1.1 G公司組織架構 42 4.1.2 G公司主要股東 42 4.1.3 G公司雲平台核心技術 44 4.2 G公司SWOT/TOWS分析 49 4.2.1 G公司之SWOT分析 49 4.2.2 G公司之TOWS分析 52 4.3 研究結果 56 第五章 結論及建議 57 5.1 研究結論及建議 57 5.2 研究限制 59 參考文獻 60 1中文文獻 60 2英文文獻 60 3網路資料 61

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