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研究生: 郭貽文
Yi-Boon Kueh
論文名稱: 以演化式模糊加權金字塔演算樹推論橋梁維修風險評分值
Risk Score Inference for Bridge Maintenance Project Using Genetic Fuzzy Weighted Pyramid Operation Tree (GFWPOT)
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 郭斯傑
Jieh-Haur Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 風險評分模糊理論演算樹金字塔演算樹
外文關鍵詞: Risk assessment, Fuzzy Theory, Operation Tree, Genetic Fuzzy Weighted Pyramid Operation Tree
相關次數: 點閱:228下載:1
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本研究提出以演化式模糊加權金字塔演算樹(GFWPOT)來解決評估橋梁維修風險評分值時的產生的不確定性問題。GFWPOT改良了演化式加權金字塔演算樹(GWPOT),同時考慮基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)與模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)。為了驗證其準確度,分別用GFWPOT與GWPOT來測試相同案例並做比較,分析加入了模糊理論後的差異。結果顯示GFWPOT預測出的結果較後者好。

Bridges are essential infrastructures of the transportation network; thus, it is requisite for the public that bridges are maintained properly and function adequately. In practice, bridge maintenance often consumes a large amount of capital due to high expenses in the tasks of bridge evaluation, damage detection, and corrective activities. Additionally, funding availability for maintenance projects is often limited .Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that remedial activities for bridge structures are conducted in a timely manner.
In bridge maintenance, risk assessment can serve as the basis for prioritization and it should be conducted regularly for the purpose of safety. Nevertheless, the aggregation process used to derive the risk score involves a large number of subjective judgments of bridge experts. The reason is that the inference process of experts are influenced by different types of structural defects, decision criteria for setting maintenance priorities, maintenance practices, data availability, and even political decisions at a national level for resource allocation to maintenance projects. The above reasons is called uncertainty problem.
this study introduces the Genetic Fuzzy Weighted Pyramid Operation Tree (GFWPOT) to build a formula to solve the uncertainty problem. GFWPOT is a new improvement of the genetic operation tree that consists of Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Theory .Model accuracy was compared against GWPOT. Results demonstrate GFWPOT as an efficient approach that performs better than GWPOT.

摘要i ABSTRACTii 目錄v 圖目錄viii 表目錄xi 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的4 1.3 研究範圍與限制5 1.4 研究內容與流程6 1.4.1研究內容6 1.4.2研究流程7 1.5 論文架構9 第二章 文獻回顧10 2.1 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)10 2.1.1 選擇(Selection)10 2.1.2 交配(Crossover)12 2.1.3 突變(Mutation)13 2.2 演算樹(Operation Tree)14 2.3 權重式運算結構(WOS)16 2.4 演化式金字塔演算樹(GWPOT)17 2.5 模糊理論(Fuzzy theory)18 2.5.1模糊集合18 2.5.2模糊集合之運算20 2.5.3隸屬函數類型21 2.6 模糊邏輯推論21 2.6.1模糊化22 2.6.2模糊規則庫23 2.6.3模糊推論引擎23 2.6.4解模糊24 2.7 支持向量機簡介26 2.7.1 支持向量機分類26 2.7.2 支持向量機回歸31 2.8 演化式支持向量機推論模式33 2.8.1 ESIM特性與限制34 2.8.2 ESIM 應用36 第三章 演化式模糊金字塔演算樹38 3.1 GFWPOT架構38 3.2 模糊化過程43 3.3 模擬模式範例45 3.4 修正預測公式51 第四章 案例測試與分析52 4.1 工程案例52 4.2 自訂參數56 4.3 模式績效衡量56 4.4 交叉驗證58 4.5 GFWPOT模式訓練59 4.5.1 GFWPOT 模式訓練-橋梁維修風險評分值62 4.5.2產出預測公式67 4.6案例測試與分析77 4.6.1 案例測試-橋梁維修風險評分值78 4.7 結果與討論82 4.8不同模組之比較84 第五章 結論與建議86 5.1 結論86 5.2 建議87 參考文獻88 附錄91

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