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研究生: 蔡汶君
Wen-Chun Tsai
論文名稱: 運動彩券銷售關鍵成功因素系統動態學之研究
A System Dynamics Approach of Key Successful Factors for Sales on Sports Lottery
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 謝劍平
Joseph C.P. Shieh
Guang-Di Chang
Jen-Wei Cheng
Chin-Tsai Lin
Wen-Min Lu
Pei-Leen Liu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 運動彩券系統動態學關鍵成功因素創新擴散
外文關鍵詞: Sports lottery, System dynamics, Key successful factors, Innovation diffusion
相關次數: 點閱:485下載:0
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因此,進一步分析影響運動彩券商品銷售收入的因素,以創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovation Theory)的角度,透過系統動態學進行量化分析及模擬,瞭解運動彩券銷售收入受到廣告效果及口碑效果影響。運動彩券公司的銷售金額受到許多因素影響,該因素之間具有環環相扣的特性,且變數彼此間具動態複雜性,因此,本研究透過創新擴散理論為基礎,使用系統動態學,以2018年國際足球總會世界盃(FIFA World Cup)每日銷售金額為樣本進行分析。透過系統動態學建立質化模式,描述變數間的互動,並找出系統的動態結構與行為模式,來建立臺灣運動彩券銷售系統模型,該模型可用以處理複雜的運動彩券銷售創新擴散問題。模型以四個面向:財務效果、廣告效果、創新擴散效果及口碑效果,模擬不同政策對每日累積銷售金額變化的影響。本研究模擬結果顯示,依據對銷售收入影響大小,由大至小依序排列為:每人每天投注金額、口碑效果中的接觸率及採用率、潛在投注者增加率、廣告效果中的廣告費用及廣告成功率,皆對銷售收入產生正面的影響。在世界盃足球賽的期間,廣告效果啟動運動彩券商品擴散,相較廣告效果,口碑效果對銷售收入有較大的力量。在相同情境及資源下,發行機構、臺灣運動彩券公司可優先改變每人每天投注金額及改變口碑效果。本研究模擬結果可作為運動彩券公司及相關利害關係人瞭解影響運動彩券銷售金額因素的參考及建議。

At first, the aim of this study was to identify the factors affecting sports lottery retailers’ sales, in the context of strategic management by system dynamics analysis. The internal management subjective factors, internal management objective factors, and external environment factors were determined from the perspective of strategic management. Taking Taiwan as the subject for a case study, this study employed focus-group interviews and system dynamics to establish the causal relationship of the overall interaction. In response to the topic of payout ratio proposed by the governmental authority, the results showed that a higher payout ratio would stimulate the sales amount of sports lottery tickets; however, such measure might affect the revenue of the issuer or retailers. In terms of the subject of payout ratio, which the governmental authority once discussed, the results showed that a higher payout ratio would have minor increase in sports lottery sales revenue, however, such a measure might affect the profits of the issuer or retailers. This is the first study revealed that the driving force behind supply was formed by the subjective and objective factors of the internal environment, whereas the driving force behind market demand was formed by external environmental factors from the perspectives of strategic management and strategic planning.
Moreover, the sales revenue of Taiwan Sports Lottery is affected by multiple factors. The factors are interlinked and the variables are dynamic and complex. Therefore, this research is based on the diffusion of innovation theory. Use system dynamics to analyze the daily sales amount of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (FIFA World Cup) as a sample. Establish a qualitative model through system dynamics, describe the interaction between variables, and find out the dynamic structure and behavioral model of the system to establish a model of Taiwan's sports lottery sales system, which can be used to deal with the complex innovation and diffusion of sports lottery sales. The model simulates the influence of different policies on the trend of system sales. The model is based on four aspects: financial effect, advertising effect, innovation diffusion effect and word-of-mouth effect, simulating the influence of different policies on the change of daily cumulative sales revenue amount. According to the simulation result of this study, it indicates that all the variables exert positive influence on the sales revenue. The magnitude of influence on sales, from large to small, they are betting among per person per day, reach frequency and adoption rate in word-to-mouth, potential bettors increase rate, advertisement expenditure and advertisement successful rate in the advertisement effects. During the FIFA World Cup 2018, advertising effects initiated the diffusion of sports lottery. Compared to the advertising effects, word-to-mouth effects were bigger. In the same situation and with same resources, Taiwan Sports Lottery, the operator could change the betting among per person per day and change the word-to-mouth advertising with priority. The simulation results of this study can be used as references and suggestions for sports lottery companies and related stakeholders to understand the factors that affect the sales amount of sports lottery tickets.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究流程與論文架構 5 第四節 研究限制 5 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節 銷售成功因素 8 第二節 創新擴散 11 第三節 系統動態學 18 第參章 模型建構 26 第一節 運動彩券經銷商銷售成功因素系統動態分析 26 第二節 運動彩券銷售收入創新擴散關鍵因素 33 第肆章 實證結果分析 41 第一節 運動彩券經銷商銷售成功因素系統動態分析之實證結果 41 第二節 運動彩券銷售收入創新擴散關鍵因素之實證結果 61 第伍章 結論與建議 74 第一節 研究結論 74 第二節 研究建議 76 參考文獻 78 附錄一、臺灣運動彩券經銷商營運與銷售系統動態流程圖變數及方程式清單 87 附錄二、臺灣運動彩券銷售系統創新擴散動態流程圖變數及方程式清單 101 作者介紹 107

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