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Author: 黃茶玲
Hoang - Tra Linh
Thesis Title: 二維服裝造型設計使用樣條曲線
2D-Clothing Shape Design Using Spline Curve
Advisor: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Committee: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Yuan-Cheng Lai
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2015
Graduation Academic Year: 103
Language: 英文
Pages: 51
Keywords (in Chinese): 二維服裝樣條插值曲線
Keywords (in other languages): 2D Clothes, Spline, Interpolation Curve
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  • 時尚的現代外觀設計,反映出變化的社會、經濟、政治和文化。然而,時尚的變化非常快速與獨特,因為這個原因,改善和創造力是不可缺少的。如今有許多的服裝設計軟體應用出現,而這些應用軟體提供設計衣服的工具對衣服的形狀變化有限,其渲染的方式也較為單調。另外,服裝設計軟體Telesia和CAD雖然提供了更多的自由度在衣服形狀的設計上,但是,他們在使用上卻比較複雜。因此,我們提出了提供一個二維的衣服的設計系統,該系統使設計者能夠容易得設計自己的衣服,並藉由輸入圖像來擷取衣服的形狀,以達到半自動式的衣服設計方法。換句話說,我們的系統能夠提供參照形狀的設計,以及讓設計師依照自己的想法創造他/她理想中的衣服,透過整合共同的形狀,甚至直接修改參照形狀來創建一個新的衣服設計。

    Fashion design expresses modernity, reflects changes in a society, economy, politics and culture. As a result, fashion also changes very fast and distinctively, and for that reason the improvement and creativity are indispensable. Nowadays, there is enormous amount of fashion design software. However, they are more about making the clothes software, therefore the provided shape is limited and the way of rendering is stiff since it does not account for the shape of the body. Tools like Telesia Creator Fashion Design CAD software provides more freedom in the way of representing the clothes shape. However, it adopts a quite unintuitive way to change the shape of a curve. Consequently, we come up with the idea of providing a 2D clothes design system which allows a designer not only to manually create clothes but also to semi-automatically create a clothes Spline shape from the input image. In other words, our system is able to provide the reference shape for a designer, as well as lets a designer create his/her work, such as by integrating some provided shape together or even direct modifying the reference shape to create a new one.

    ABSTRACT I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT II TABLE OF CONTENT III LIST OF FIGURES V LIST OF TABLES VII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Contributions 1 1.3 Organization 2 Chapter 2 Related Works 2 2.1 2D Curve Representation 3 2.2 2D Clothes Extraction 4 Chapter 3 Preliminary 6 3.1 Natural Cubic Spline Curve (NCSC) 6 3.2 Simple Interactive Object Extraction (SIOX) 7 3.2.1 The Algorithm 7 3.2.2 SIOX - ImageJ Plugin 8 3.3 Harris Corners Detection 9 3.3.1 Basic Idea 9 3.3.2 Mathematics 10 3.4 Image Thresholding Methods 10 3.5 Morphology Methods 11 3.5.1 Basic Concept 11 3.5.2 Erosion 12 Chapter 4 Proposed System 14 4.1 Overview 14 4.2 User Interface 15 4.3 Curve Representation 19 4.4 Spline Shape Creation 19 4.4.1 Shape Extraction 19 4.4.2 Boundary Extraction 21 4.4.3 Spline-Boundary Retrieval 22 Chapter 5 Experiments & Results 23 5.1 Experiments 24 5.1.1 System Overview 24 5.1.2 Systems Comparison 25 5.1.3 Evaluation of Shape Creation Preciseness 28 5.2 Results 28 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 37 6.1 Conclusions 37 6.2 Limitations & Future Works 37 References 39

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